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Home » Blog » The New Normal in Leadership Today

It has been approximately one year since we have been trying to accommodate ourselves to the New Normal. If 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that leadership in today’s world requires a wide range of soft skills. 

Leadership has never been more important, and it has never been more challenging. In such an uncertain environment, leaders in all aspects of the organisation need new models and new capabilities in order to succeed and achieve long-term success. The pendulum has swung and it won’t be cut any more by generic approaches.

How well they find, grow and leverage top talent will be a key mark of the leaders who thrive in this challenging new setting. Strategy integration and coordination has become more crucial.

Today, being an effective leader, and particularly when navigating our “new normal,” is about integrity, plain and simple. It means being truthful about the organization’s status in your day-to-day dealings, honest about the way you do business, and honest. These are not easy times to tackle, as many leaders discovered back in March—but being open and honest with your team is key to long-term success.

We agree that the coronavirus crisis will forever change the way individuals think about leadership.

Effective New Normal Leadership Skills

1. Accepting the change in norms

Transformational leadership is also where the standard shares and reacts to change, opening up, closing in, moving all the time, centred throughout. Decision makers follow the organisation, react and question it, turning it from static to dynamic. 

One then feels better, morale grows, lines become shorter, and it becomes a daily activity rather than an annual exercise to prepare and respond to challenges. In other words, the opportunity to have ecosystem and network entrepreneurship is a large part of leadership for change. 

For the new-normal leaders, one step forward will be to consider and determine to what degree change as the standard implies that leaders and organisations they lead should all be normative, e.g. they should have people and world as their target, not just fast-speed greed-led shares and profit.

2. Have clear and open conversation on perspectives

The most important evolutionary step you and your team will take towards new normal leadership is re-establishing perspective. Aligned foresight alters what an agency sees as possible and almost inevitably exerts itself in many ways. It will be felt first by the work that it inspires in the policy, communications, and leadership growth activities. In adapting to an enterprise capable of continuous change, both experience and observation suggest that these are three essential levers.

What these three high-leverage fields have in common is that they harness leaders as sensemakers: policy, communications, and leadership development. By reorganising the leadership in each of these regions, the company grows over time.

3. Creating an environment where employees feel sense of belonging

Employees want to work with authentic leaders and superiors. The team feels disempowered when dealing with people who lack a rational degree of social and emotional intelligence. Partners, distributors, and customers prefer to be associated with organisations that are open and truthful about their activities.

about how their businesses work, and the masses only want companies that represent their specified mission statements.

No one finds satisfaction in their work unless they realise they are cared for as human beings, not just as scholars. As a leader, your role is to build an atmosphere in which your workers feel they belong and that their work supports the overall purpose of the organisation.

4. Focusing on future without sugarcoating the present circumstances

Resetting your and your team’s outlook is the most powerful and dramatic move you can make towards new normal leadership. Shifting perspective develops depth of sight and even greater peripheral vision.

If a business is just getting started, though, the dream doesn’t last. Your team needs the unit. Your coaches and captains need it. Everyone around you needs to be motivated so that they think they are moving closer to seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, like you are.

That being said, optimism must be distinguished from illusion. Being positive does not mean that you would mislead others or yourself. The best way to say it is to be brutally frank about both the good and the poor, the lessons learned, and the progress it can bring.

5. Communicate in fact Over Communicate

In particular, every leader should be over-communicating with their teams right now.

On one hand, this means ensuring that people access the data they need when they need it. This can enable you to do more regular check-ins with employees when working remotely, or to set reminders to submit status updates on contact media to key decision-makers every day.

Good communication on the flipside, however, often means making space for others to speak up. Digitally, it is important to build space for this kind of serendipity—and ask leaders to pause and not be so fast to just finish the Zoom meeting and move on to the next thing.