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Home » Blog » The Drivers of Employee Engagement

The Modern Shift in Workplace Environment

With the employment market becoming particularly volatile, businesses are realising that finding workers who are happy just to have a job is a thing of the past. It is now a top priority to motivate, engage, and attract talent. The tricky part is that, as the workplace’s demographics shift, the reasons that drive engagement have shifted as well.

Technological advancements, demographic shifts, and the resulting shift in social norms have transformed today’s workplace dramatically from what it was even a few years ago. Employee engagement and experience are two areas where these developments have had a significant effect.

While non-monetary benefits have become more important, agile work environments are gaining popularity. Employees today want to feel a sense of common purpose that binds them to the business. Employee engagement is now guided by learning and growth programmes.

With so many changes taking place in the workplace, one thing is certain: employee engagement is now all about empowering employees and ensuring that they are activated at work.

What Brings A Revolution in Employee Engagement

“The best creative work is never done when one is unhappy,” said Albert Einstein decades ago, and these words still ring true in today’s organizational settings.

You need to rethink if you consider cafeteria tables and gaming rooms as means of increasing the engagement and energy at the workplace. These cool handouts quickly become normal, and employees wait for the next new thing to bring pleasure. Just like the perceptual treadmill model. It’s the same as a relationship that thrives only when rewards are given. Since this practice is neither flexible nor realistic, when the rewards end, the relationship falls apart.

Employee engagement initiatives fail largely as a result of this mindset, which focuses on employee engagement through a narrow-minded lens.

Given the above mentioned dynamics, businesses must concentrate their employee engagement efforts on unique audiences, such as first-time managers, women leaders, and internal sales representatives.

In today’s world of dwindling employee engagement, it’s critical for businesses to recognise that the rules of engagement that apply to a new recruit, for example, can vary significantly from those that apply to a long-term employee. Long-term employee engagement may also involve keeping all staff on board with organisational and strategic improvements.

Women’s leadership engagement, for example, would be more effective if it focused on offering mentoring opportunities, recognising and removing particular workplace barriers, and developing a more welcoming, empathetic, and learning environment.

Understanding what workers want and demand from their workplace is a good place to start the investigation. The agendas of today’s workers cover a wide range of topics and are not restricted to their jobs. Diversity and inclusion, work-life balance, leadership development, and anger management are all topics that today’s employees will be concerned about.

It’s high time for companies to rethink their employee engagement plans and concentrate on having constructive conversations at work about issues that affect both work and employees.

It all comes down to developing a workforce that is passionate about what they do and has a strong bond with their employer. For obvious reasons, increasing workplace involvement is now a strategic priority. It’s past time for us to take a more strategic approach.

Employee engagement has become a hot topic in debates about the Future of Work, according to a new Gallup study titled “Building a High-Development Culture Through Your Employee Engagement Strategy.” 

This study demonstrates how today’s workers are concerned about more than just a paycheck.

They want to do work that has meaning and is purposeful. Their motivations are changing, and most employees now want to advance their careers rather than just concentrate on a job.

This survey also revealed some very intriguing statistics. This survey looked at the performance of engaged and actively disengaged business units and teams across 230 organisations in 73 countries, with over 82,000 teams and over 1.8 million employees.

Research now proves that the overall productivity of engaged employees is higher by 20-25%. This happiness quotient also impacts their interactions and leads to happier and more satisfied employees.

The Drivers of Employee Engagement in the Workplace

Employee engagement practises must now shift away from the short-term focus of the past and toward a long-term strategy. Each employee is motivated differently, and their levels of engagement at work are influenced by a variety of factors. It’s about creating opportunities for employees to maximise their potential.

The days of an organisation rolling out a single engagement model across the board are over. Millennials and Gen Z, two of the largest growing demographics in the modern workplace, are motivated by the concept of ‘value’ and want this theme to pervade all aspects of the organisation, including employee engagement.

Today’s employees expect their employers to invest in their careers and professional well-being.

These generations expect information to be readily available and to receive responses in real-time. While we must prioritise internal processes that facilitate this, we must also consider the big picture – the role of information and self-service in their career progression. These generations require more rapid responses and increased self-sufficiency. And it is becoming increasingly clear that organisations seeking to engage these generations must:

1. Engage in Skill Development Sessions

Organizations must carefully examine their learning and development programmes. They must now place a premium on the development of power skills within the industry, in addition to technical skills.

Communication, a growth mindset, self-management, and interpersonal skills are all critical components of a company’s health. Improved team relationships can be achieved through effective decision-making, collaboration, and problem-solving skill training. By incorporating these skills into employee engagement programmes, employers can help employees form more meaningful relationships at work, resulting in increased engagement and a stronger bottom line.

According to a study conducted by MIT Sloan, training in specific power skills generates a 250 per cent return on investment after only eight months.

2. Enhance opportunities for learning and development

Identifying employees’ learning and development needs and providing them with curated, personalised, highly relevant, and contextual training is critical for engagement. There is no room for guesswork anymore, even when determining training requirements.

Employees want to know whether their employers are invested in their professional development. Identifying high-potential employees through assessments such as the 16 Personality Factors or behavioural skills assessments, in addition to the annual performance review, contributes to the development of your leadership pipeline. Additionally, it serves as an employee engagement tool.

3. Start focusing on the objectives

‘Purpose-driven engagement’ is the success buzzword for today’s employees. Businesses must assist their employees in growing and transitioning from one stage of their careers to the next. Assess their development needs, the importance of those needs to them on a personal and professional level, and provide them with the tools necessary to achieve their goals.

4. More Career Development Plans

94 per cent of employees will consider extending their tenure with a company that invests in their career development. It becomes critical to make a strategic shift in the way you approach employee growth plans. These strategies are predicated on identifying and nurturing high-potential employees, as well as cultivating a nurturing work environment. Using data to identify gaps and areas for improvement trumps the age-old gut feeling approach that frequently relies solely on the year-end review. By utilising behavioural skill levels, in-depth analytical reports on all users within the organisation can assist in bridging this divide and assisting employees in developing their career paths.

5. Utilize mentoring to increase employee engagement

Mentoring is the optimal method for providing continuous and structured feedback to employees. This is something they require in order to develop their competencies and advance their career goals.

It is critical to connect them with the right mentors. Keep these sessions private but highly impactful. Be proactive with feedback to assist them in navigating their challenges and optimising growth opportunities.

Better workplaces with better employees

As Josh Bersin notes, “employee engagement is not a programme; it is a strategy.” And we couldn’t be more in agreement.

Employee engagement can help in resolving workplace challenges. Due to its ability to address some of today’s most pressing workplace issues organisations should pay close attention to their strategies for improving this feature.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a workplace environment?

Simply put, the workplace environment is the place where employees do their work.

What is the significance of Employee Engagement?

When workers are engaged, they are more likely to invest in their jobs, resulting in higher quality work. The organisation will be able to maximise efficiency, job satisfaction, and attract top talent by investing in employee engagement.

What are the advantages of having employee engagement?

Employee engagement has several advantages, including:

  1. Enhanced employee protection
  2. Improved employee health
  3. Employees who really are happier
  4. Improved employee satisfaction

What are some Employee engagement Strategies?

Following are some Employee engagement Strategies that organisations can use: 

  • Take an active part in Skill Development Sessions

Organizations must conduct a thorough review of their learning and development programmes. In addition to technological skills, they must also prioritise the growth of power skills within the industry.

  • Enhance learning and growth opportunities.

It is important for employee engagement to identify their learning and development needs and provide them with curated, personalised, highly applicable, and contextual training. And when assessing training criteria, there is no space for guesswork any longer.

  • Start by concentrating on the goals.

The success buzzword for today’s workers is “purpose-driven commitment.” Businesses must help their workers develop and progress from one point of their careers to the next.

  •   Plans for Professional Development

94% of workers are willing to prolong their stay with an organisation that invests in their professional growth.

  • Mentoring can be used to improve employee engagement.

Mentoring is the most effective way to provide workers with consistent and organised guidance. This is what they need in order to improve their skills and progress their careers.

How to explain Employee engagement meaning?

Employee engagement is the degree to which employees are enthusiastic about their work, dedicated to the company, and willing to go above and beyond in their work.