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Home » Blog » The Age of A.I. with Brian

This week at xMonks Drive Podcast, the guest is Brian Lenahan. The session was technologically enriching. For people like us who fear that AI might be the calling of doom, Brian cleared many misconceptions and demystified AI related some unpopular beliefs. 

AI As Your Health Buddy

The discussion around innovation in healthcare has progressed rapidly. One strong ally is deep tech. Artificial intelligence helps accelerate the modernization of healthcare. As Brian talked about the subject of his next book titled Deep Health. He elbows out how tracking health with AI has become feasible. 

Talking about the subject he says and we quote, 

“In the next 10 years, computers will reach a sort of human level intelligence, which is quite daunting if people believe that, you know, artificial general intelligence, effectively computers are exceeding human intelligence in the next 30 years. What we need to do as a global community, is to be looking at how artificial intelligence is being developed, you know, try to put the appropriate controls in place and You know, make sure that we are thinking about the future all the time. Well, I’m going to turn that around a bit, your initial question was, you know, how can AI help the average person. So this is very much the subject matter of my fourth book, which is called Deep Health. You know, living longer, living healthier, taking control of your life through artificial intelligence.”

The Goodness Conflict with AI

Consciously and unconsciously, we are using artificial intelligence in our day to day life. 

The topic of privacy in the digital era has been thoroughly researched and written about, and businesses are increasingly focusing on assuaging their customers’ concerns. People are understandably concerned about what automation systems are learning about them and how their personal information may be used because AI is based on data. According to a new survey, consumers chose less-preferred alternatives when they thought their future preferences could be predicted based on their past choices. To put it another way, consumers went against their own desires in order to reclaim their sense of individuality by refusing to make predictable choices.

“The whole idea for artificial intelligence is not an end in itself. How can you use the tools? So to your point, people who are thinking about their future and why they want to or what they want to do, what their purpose is, AI is really sort of a tool to help them get there. So they’re thinking about their skills. You know, look at non traditional paths first, so that you are making an investment, much smaller investment to understand where your passions might lie, because quite often, that’s in a place you may not expect, you know, my next area of pursuit is quantum computing. You know, I believe the convergence of 5G and artificial intelligence and quantum computing are all going to change us, you know, once again, in a leap format, but I never would expect it a year ago that that would have been my path”, explains Brian

AI supports life, but the choice to be dependent on it is often resisted by people. Though AI is a global economy giant as present, people need to realise  that they have the bigger guns. Consumer autonomy is the force that runs the market. AI implementation doesn’t mean the human workforce to be replaced with machines.

Ease of using tech with AI

Today, AI is used to recommend what you should purchase next on the internet, to understand what you say to virtual assistants like Amazon’s Alexa and Apple’s Siri, to recognize who and what is in a picture, to detect spam, and to identify credit card fraud. 

“I can relate with artificial intelligence. Otherwise, you know, people have a lot of at least I had a lot of resistance. So every time I think of artificial intelligence, things that come to my mind that I’m really not good at our technology. I’m not good at coding this and that, but what I’m really comfortable with is using my smartwatch. I’m very comfortable with using this camera and having the conversation with somebody.”

That is the major advantage of having AIs in daily life. A command to the voice assistants and you have everything you need to know. AI can be beneficial to society if it is applied responsibly. 

However, as with any new technology, there is a significant risk that commercial and government usage could have a negative effect on human rights. Large quantities of data, both about individual and collective actions, are frequently generated, collected, processed, and shared in applications of these technologies. This information can be used to profile people and predict their future behaviour. Although some of these applications can seem innocuous, such as spam filters or recommended products for online shopping, others may have far-reaching consequences and even pose unparalleled challenges to the right to privacy and the right to freedom of speech and knowledge. AI will also have an on the exercise of other rights, such as the right to an effective remedy, the right to a fair hearing, and the right to be free of discrimination.

About The Speaker: Brain Lehanan

MIT-trained speaker, author, consultant and mentor in the field of Artificial Intelligence, Brian has authored four books on AI including”Artificial Intelligence: Foundations for Business Leaders and Consultants”, releasing his new book in September 2020 titled “Deep Health: Using Artificial Intelligence to Live Longer and Healthier. The new book illustrates the power of AI in analyzing vast amounts of data about one person: you.

He was recently named AI Advisor at Halton Regional Innovation Center in Burlington, Ontario and at Hamilton’s Innovation Factory. Brian is also an AI Instructor with McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario.

Brian’s fifth book, Quantum Boost, offers insights into the world of quantum computing and its myriad applications. Quantum Computing Applications is due out in early 2021.

Learn more about Taking Control of Your Life with Technology with Brian at our xMonks podcast.