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Philosophy is integrated in almost everything. We all have philosophies in which our reasons and what we do with our days are centred. Everyone has a philosophy of life that is their own; every organisation has a philosophy. There is a philosophy for either a president, another philosophy for a business owner, a philosophy for your next-door neighbour… but for most of us, those philosophies are unexamined and more or less unconscious and primal.

Philosophy has existed as the practise of questioning the automatic reasons of instincts and say, is this wise? Is the quest for the meaning of life important or is it just an endless effort, like why do we have to be born? Is it coherent here?

Philosophy, as obscure as it can sound, refers to daily practical life and not only deals with existential problems. The importance of philosophies to life can be seen in many ways, from our general daily comprehension, to the problems of right and wrong, and even to the entire system of society itself.

In order to help you coach, we are implying that you decide how a coach should act based on your background, expertise, principles, opinions and beliefs. The meaning of this particular theory is embedded into your brain subconsciously. This question is – do you know yourself well enough to understand what your core values, coaching strategies, and personal beliefs are?

What is Coaching Philosophy?

A coaching philosophy describes the principles you abide by while coaching and how you will approach the coaching role. It discusses everything from how you will handle coachee’s growth to why you will set out to work for improving. Your coaching philosophy is composed of the main objectives that you want to accomplish, as well as the ideals and principles that you adhere to when setting those goals.

The philosophy of coaching guides how you behave as a coach and how your people communicate with you. It should express your true self and the person you want to become. It is based on the information you have, your experience, your expertise and your opinions. The differences in your beliefs could be a big explanation for the differences in your coaching philosophy, as it is a statement about what is important to you.

Coaching is a dynamic problem that involves ethical decision-making. By having a strong vision, you are more in tune with intention and making better decisions. A significant attribute for a coach is to be consistent; a strong coaching philosophy helps you make consistent decisions and remain firm in the face of external pressures.

The essence of coaching and the values and principles that the coach embraces to accomplish their objectives are clarified by all good philosophies, regardless of their duration. To give you an idea of how they might look, below is an example of coaching philosophy as .

1. I will maintain noticeable commitment to support the individual.

2. My coaching relationships are built upon truth, openness and trust.

3. The coachee is responsible for the results they are creating.

4. The coachee is capable of much better results than they are currently achieving.

5. I maintain a focus on what the coachee thinks and experiences.

6. I know that coachees can generate perfect solutions.

7. My coaching conversations are based on equality.

When you decide to become a less directive, collaborative mentor, you are also opting to follow a certain set of values and ideals to ensure consistent expectations and positive results. This is because there are many viewpoints and ideologies that advocate team work. Doing this doesn’t mean that your particular personality or style is giving up.

Keep looking for this space as we talk next on How to develop your own Coaching Philosophy.