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Home » Blog » Fostering the Spirit of a Coaching Culture at The ICW 2020 – Live Webinar By Neeraj Juneja – 4th May 2020

Business organizations that have tasted success in the past, were more likely motivated by the spirit of forming a culture. It is within this framework, that these organizations saw every challenge as an opportunity and every setback, as a new learning curve. With the passage of time, the culture soon becomes infectious. It not only dictates your day-to-day activities but also become an ecosystem that pervades your organizational life. Such is the air about a coaching culture.

A strong coaching culture is a feature of an exceptional organization. Organizations with strong coaching cultures value and invest in professional coach practitioners and managers and leaders who use coaching skills, encouraging them to support employees at all levels in order to grow their skills, enhance their value and reach their professional goals.

In the benchmark 2014 research conducted by the Human Capital Institute (HCI) and the International Coach Federation (ICF), they classified 13% of respondents’ organizations as having strong coaching cultures and found these organizations were more likely to have high rates of employee engagement and strong revenue growth. The 2014 study also found that in most organizations with strong coaching cultures, managers and leaders use coaching knowledge, approaches and skills with subordinates to create awareness and support behavior change. This practice is expected to expand, as 81% report they plan to increase the scope of their managers and leaders using coaching skills in the next five years.

The ICW 2020, that commences on the 4th until 10th May, will be harboring fostering a spirit of a coaching culture amidst business professionals and students. To empower this spirit, we shall be having Mr. Neeraj Juneja, a pioneer in the field of business operations and global delivery set ups.

Recalling his journey, Mr. Neeraj Juneja, Vice President – Performance Consultant at Royal Bank of Scotland, has gone through a combination of coaching, training and planning, to provide his people with the new leadership skills to bring about a corporate coaching culture, where people connect, inspire each other and perform to the best of their ability.
Having worked with well-known organizations (American Express, Axis Bank Ltd and RBS) in diverse roles, has given Neeraj, a well-rounded experience, with specialization in working in the leadership processes, policies and culture in the corporate world.

Neeraj’s diversity in the organizational structure has enabled him to create a conducive infrastructure and culture for his clients, that promotes sustainable high performance. It is this very culture, that has been so fondly branded as a coaching culture. As we get used to it, it no more remains as a way of doing things. In fact, it becomes a way of life.

Least to say, it is time to make the bold move and shift to a culture that promotes harmony, psychological well-being and happiness within the work-culture. Through a free webinar, at ICW 2020, in association with Mr. Neeraj Juneja, we promise to bring you the best of this coaching culture, so as to bring out the best within you!

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