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Home » Blog » 5 Ways Book Reading Can Impact Your Life Purpose And Goals

5 Ways Book Reading Can Impact Your Life Purpose And Goals

“I was raised by books first, and then by my parents.”

According to business magnate Elon Musk, book reading formed a major fraction of his imagination and vision. In a conversation with Rolling Stone reporter Neil Strauss for the magazine’s latest article, Musk claimed the official word on what and who raised him. 

In the same interview, he revealed that he read the entire Encyclopaedia Britannica at the age of nine, and that he would read science fiction novels for more than ten hours a day.

Musk’s connection with books goes beyond his latest successes.

The rest of us are in the same boat. Book reading used to be part of our curriculum, but as we got older, it was reduced to coursebooks, and now very few people consider books to be a source of success. Let us read about the impact of books, why leaders are readers and how to develop a book reading habit. 

How Book Reading Impacts Your Brain

When you can see Harry Potter in three hours or listen to it on audiotape, why bother working through the 500-page novel? 

Why bother reading the newspaper when you can watch CNN instead? Why struggle with a manual if you can watch the instructions on YouTube?

Everyone knows that a book is usually preferable to a movie, but is there any genuine benefit of reading a book for information?

Yes, according to neuroscience, the brain, like all muscles, benefits from regular exercise. 

Reading is more neurobiologically demanding than image or speech processing. A sentence is a shortened form of a lot of information that the brain must deduce. In general, your intelligence is piqued, as is your ability to concentrate. While reading a book, we are pushed to construct, produce narrative, and imagine.

According to Maryanne Wolf, director of Tufts University’s Centre for Reading and Language Research and author of Proust and the Squid: The Story and Science of the Reading Brain, “When you read, you usually have more time to think. Reading provides you with a one-of-a-kind pause button for understanding and insight. In most cases, when watching a movie or listening to a tape, you don’t hit pause.”

In simpler terms, to understand the benefit of reading a book, it can be equated as a workout for your brain. Let’s learn about 5 ways books help an individual build a purposeful life.

Book Reading Improves Concentration

The brain is currently being swamped with information, which is one of the most important challenges. Our attention span has shrunk to just eight seconds or less as a result of our shift to getting information that is more visual than ever before. Advertisements, site visuals, and even work-related graphs and presentations, to name a few, all vie for our attention, not to mention the devices in our pockets.

Reading a book, thankfully, is one thing that can help you take control of your attention and concentration. Because the brain functions similarly to a muscle, the more it is exercised, the better it functions. You’ll be able to sustain your focus for longer lengths of time when you read books, even if you’re reading a book at work.

Book Reading Reduces Stress Levels

Working too much can have a negative impact on your physical health, mental health, and general happiness. Then there are personal issues that might drag us down. However, most of these side effects are most likely caused by stress, which causes the body to release stress hormones like cortisol.

What role does reading a book have in these situations? Reading books, according to the study, works because it pushes you to shift your focus and immerses you in the text, thus unwinding you. What’s the best part? It only takes 6 minutes of silent reading every day to see a reduction in stress.

 Book Reading Makes One Emotionally Receptive

It’s crucial to be able to navigate social settings, especially at work. How you question something and how you reply to what’s said to you can make a difference in whether or not you irritate someone.

Such abilities are helpful while dealing with your supervisor and coworkers. These abilities will come in handy when you get home and have to deal with even more people—friends, family, and neighbours, to mention a few.

According to statistics, fiction readers are more likely than non-readers to demonstrate high levels of empathy and emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is a significant influence in how pleasant you are to others.

Furthermore, according to another APA study, hiring managers prefer personable candidates over those who are highly self-promotional.

That is why we offer another compelling reason for you to read a book, either after work or during the day.

Book Reading Helps You Sleep Better

Even though many already know this, oftentimes they have so much work that they are anxious, so when they go to bed they want to check their work-related emails. However, such a brain stimulus will keep one up at night. That’s why you want to turn to reading a real book instead of your phone.

As we mentioned previously, the benefit of reading a book reduces stress, which should put you to sleep faster as it relaxes you.

Book Reading Enhances Your Imagination And Creativity

When you first start reading a book, you usually don’t have an image in your head. However, by the time you’ve finished the book, you’ll have a good idea of the entire world and the characters that populate it. The stimulation of the brain that reading provides is the sole reason for reading books. Heavy readers will understand what it’s like to get lost in a novel’s world. It’s a great experience.

The imagination is a strong tool that may be applied to almost any situation. Though it isn’t generally addressed, our imagination is what permits us to empathise with others. Empathy can be beneficial at work or at home. Researchers recommend letting go of the desire for cognitive closure if you want to improve your decision-making speed.

All Leader Are Readers: The Book Reading Habits of Ultra Successful People

To paraphrase Warren Buffet, “Knowledge builds up,  like compound interest.” 

Buffett used to read 800 pages a day, not 500, at the start of his career. He still reads for roughly 8 hours every day. How does he manage to do it? Easy. He prioritises reading in his life. What’s more, you know what? He’s not the only one who thinks this way.

Bill Gates stated in an interview with The New York Times that he reads roughly 50 books per year. Gates will actually take two-week reading vacations at a time.

Reading has been described by Oprah Winfrey as her “road to personal freedom.” She’s even created her own reading club to discuss her favourite books.

And what’s more remarkable is that these aren’t just exceptions. When it comes to CEOs around the world, the average person reads one book every week. That’s more than 50 books a year! Consider how different your life would be if you read one book per week for the next ten years.

  1. Leaders read for Enlightenment

Books can be a wonderful source of knowledge, insight, and inspiration. It’s incredible to have the distilled brains and experience of the world’s greatest leaders, inventors, businessmen and women at your fingertips – in the shape of a book.

  1. Leaders read for Experiences

Reading is one of the most effective strategies to become excellent leaders because it allows you to get insight into other people’s lives and perspectives, broadening your capacity to see beyond your own. To make well-informed, intelligent decisions and lead a diverse group of people, one must be able to see things from many perspectives. Learning about other people’s experiences could also lead you to a new approach of accomplishing something you hadn’t considered before.

  1. Leaders read for Enrichment 

Would you be interested in sitting down one-on-one with the world’s best thinkers and having them mentor you? If you read their books, you can. Because every book a leader reads declares, “I am still a learner.” A leader who reads reveals that they are teachable.

A book allows a leader to sit under the guidance of someone they may never meet in person.

  1. Leaders Read for Empowerment 

Reading aids in the introduction of additional abilities, the expansion of knowledge, and the transformation of one’s perspective. “Formal education will make you a living, but self-education will make you a fortune,” asserts John Ron. Developing a reading habit can allow a leader to continue to grow and develop, making them more relevant and allowing you to achieve your goals.

In your pursuit to become a stronger leader,don’t forget this basic habit – leaders are readers.

You can’t help but be healthier, happier, and more financially successful as a result of simply reading more if you read the right books. All extremely successful people understand that if they can get the appropriate book in their hands, the rest will automatically flow in their direction.

Why? Because successful people regard books as a means of gaining information. As a result, individuals are more likely to read books that will help them expand their minds and enhance their lives.

This is critical because, let’s face it, how can you expect your life to change if you’re not learning anything useful?

Unfortunately, you can’t expect to improve your life by maintaining your current level of knowledge. Whatever you desire to do in life, there are a plethora of books available to teach and guide you on how to do it. Go ahead and read them.

Why Book Reading is on a Decline in Present Times

Reading books is an internationally acknowledged intellectual and cultural habit that keeps the brain healthy and active, yet the book reading culture is undergoing a transformation.

Variety abounds in this era of content, which has been dubbed the “golden age of content.” YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok have made it easier than ever to create and consume entertainment. The internet has produced a content pool that is continuously being stirred up with new entries every second.

Readership is considered to be on the decline as a result of its ubiquity. Almost every statistics data claims that the number of readers is steadily decreasing, and that less time is allocated to reading each year.

Although book reading has decreased in recent years, it is unlikely that the reading habit has been damaged in the same way. People read newspapers, magazines, blogs, and other forms of media. You search the internet instead of going to the library whenever you need knowledge on any subject, from Einstein’s theory of relativity to Ashoka’s Kalinga war.

Without a doubt, the internet has altered reading culture, particularly book reading culture. The issue here is not one of content quality or trustworthiness. The question is whether or not people are reading. It is important to remember that books were not the sole or even the earliest source of knowledge and information. Before the invention of books, information was passed down through the generations by the spoken word. So, how many people read books? Yes, although to a lesser extent. Are they even reading? Yes, of course. Do they have access to information? Yes, absolutely. Now we’ll look at the topic of book reading.

Of course, the invention of the internet is a substantial reason for the decline in reading habits, as all books and magazines are readily available for free with just one click of the computer keyboards. However, the worst aspect of electronic reading material is not only that all types of reading material, including material that is harmful to the minds of the young and immature, is readily available, but long sitting in front of computers also negatively affects the eyesight.

Pop culture has been more widely accessible thanks to the internet, which, when combined with content creation, has resulted in a substantial chunk of social reading – a phenomena spawned by sites such as Wattpad, Tumblr, Archive of Our Own, and others. Consumers of pop culture develop fan fiction on their favourite celebrities and other popular stories, which are typically published after receiving comments from other fans. In this sense, literature has become more engaging than ever before.

All of this demonstrates that readership has not become outdated, but has merely altered in nature.

How To Develop A Book Reading Habit: 5 Practical Tips To Read a Book a Week

Reading a book a week, like Bill Gates or Warren Buffett, is by far the most valuable habit you can develop. But don’t be concerned if this appears to be impossible. A week’s worth of reading isn’t a huge accomplishment. Anyone, in fact, can learn how to do it.

Here are 5 simple tips you can use to read one book a week:

1. Try Reading 30 Pages a Day

First and foremost, if you want to read a book a week, you must read a book a week. This is why you should read at least 30 pages per day from your book.

When you sit down to read, most people can read 30 pages in 45 minutes if they are not distracted by anything. 30 pages may seem insignificant, yet 30 pages a day add up to a book in a week.

Regardless of what else is going on in your life, aim to read at least 30 pages per day. You’ll be astonished at how quickly that adds up. Week after week, after week. Month after month, year after year.

2. Only Read Books You Really Love

Always keep in mind that reading is supposed to be a pleasurable experience.

As a result, if you’re not enjoying the book you’re reading, put it down right away.

Don’t feel obligated to finish each and every book you begin. It’s always preferable to read novels that truly pique your interest rather than wasting weeks trying to force yourself to finish a book just because you feel obligated to.

You’re not doing yourself any favors if reading feels like work.

3. Read Across Multiple Mediums

If you set a goal of reading a book per week, you can’t be fussy about the reading mediums you utilize.

Read books on paper. On your phone, read books. Audiobooks should be listened to.

Audiobooks, in particular, are extremely valuable. If you find it difficult to read more books, I strongly advise you to listen to more audiobooks. In reality, auditory learners account for roughly 30% of the population.

You may easily get through one book every week by listening to audiobooks during your commute to work, school, or the gym.

4. Design Your Space Accordingly

Would you have junk food lying around the house if you were attempting to quit eating it? Obviously not. You’d toss it in the trash.

On the other hand, don’t you think it would be sensible of you to keep some apples or bananas on the kitchen counter for quick consumption if you wanted to eat more fruits? Yes, absolutely.

The objective is to create an environment that encourages good behavior while discouraging poor behavior.

So, if you want to read a book a week, make sure you:

(1) remove all diversions from your surroundings that are stopping you from reading more, such as your phone, laptop, noise, and so on, and 

(2) make your books as accessible as possible by leaving them around the house or carrying them with you wherever you go.

5. Avoid Reading in Bed! Never Do That!

Our brains have a hard time distinguishing between labour and rest as humans.

If you’re working on your bed, for example, you may find it difficult to concentrate and become tired. Since your brain has learnt to link your bed with sleep rather than work, this is the case.

This is why you should have different surroundings for different jobs. So, if you want to read a book a week, don’t do it while lying in bed. Instead, create a space dedicated solely to reading. If you live in an apartment building, go to a coffee shop, get a reading chair, or go to the roof.

If you try to read in bed all the time, you’ll soon find yourself drowsy, unable to concentrate, and unable to recall any critical knowledge.

“A man who is unable to read good books has no advantage over a man who can.”

The information you’ll gain from reading books is more important than anything else in terms of living the life you want to live.

“Those who read seven or more books per year are more than 122 percent more likely to be millionaires than those who never read or just read one to three books,” socio-economist Randall Bell writes in his book Me We Do Be: The Four Cornerstones of Success

A Hundred and Twenty Two—122%!

That’s not all, though. Reading has also been linked to enhanced creativity, improved memory, less stress, and higher happiness.

So, if you want to live the life of your dreams in terms of health, love, work, happiness, and so on, follow in the footsteps of the world’s most successful people and pick up a book.

10 Best Books On Finding Your Passion And Purpose

  1. Know Your Why by Ken Costa
  2. The War of Art by Steven Pressfield
  3. The Art of Work by Jeff Goins
  4. The Icarus Deception by Seth Godin
  5. Dream Year by Ben Arment
  6. Finding Your Element by Ken Robinson
  7. You Only Live Once by Noor Hibbert
  8. The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren
  9. The Bravest You by Adam Kirk Smith
  10. It Starts With Passion by Keith Abraham

 Happy Reading! 

Frequently Asked Questions

How to develop a book reading habit?

Here are 5 simple tips you can use to read one book a week:

  1. Try Reading 30 Pages a Day
  2. Only Read Books You Really Love
  3. Read Across Multiple Mediums
  4. Design Your Space Accordingly
  5. Avoid Reading in Bed! Never Do That!

Why book reading is on a decline in present times?

The culture of book reading is undergoing a shift. This era of content termed the “golden age of content,” is characterised by a wide range of options. YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok have made creating and consuming entertainment easier than ever before. The internet has created a reservoir of content that is constantly being replenished with fresh entries every second.

What happens when you start reading a book?

You normally don’t have an image in your head when you first start reading a book. However, by the end of the novel, you’ll have a strong understanding of the universe and the individuals who inhabit it. Reading books is solely for the stimulation of the brain that they bring.

What is the benefit of reading a book?

Book Reading Improves Concentration

Book Reading Reduces Stress Levels

Book Reading Makes One Emotionally Receptive

Book Reading Helps You Sleep Better

Book Reading Enhances Your Imagination And Creativity.

Give some best books on finding your passion and purpose?

  1. Know Your Why by Ken Costa
  2. The War of Art by Steven Pressfield
  3. The Art of Work by Jeff Goins
  4. The Icarus Deception by Seth Godin
  5. Dream Year by Ben Arment