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Home » Blog » Why you should partner with Erickson Coaching International in your ICF PCC journey

An elite behemoth in the industry of coaching, Erickson Coaching International started its journey in
1980 in Canada, giving true meaning to the phrase ‘it takes time for the fruits of labour to ripen’.
With over 40 years of experience, a footprint in over 40 countries, and over 50,000 graduates,
Erickson is one of the prominent leaders in the field of coaching. This year, as they celebrate their
20 th year of accreditation with the International Coaching Federation, they look to inspire more
and more coaches on the journey of transformation. Yes, you read it right! TWO DECADES with the
ICF- the premier global federation in the world of coaching, makes their coaches stand out amongst
their peers like none other! Establishing a pedigree of this calibre did require substantial effort. Their
founder- Marilyn Atkinson, is the creator of the internationally acclaimed Solution-focused coaching
model, The Art & Science of Coaching.

Reading into Marilyn’s professional past, it makes sense as to why she forayed into this industry. She
was a clinical psychologist to begin with and was greatly influenced by the work of Milton Erickson,
even giving his name to her enterprise. As a clinical psychologist, she was able to understand the
intricate workings of the human psyche and make sense of why we do what we do, especially in
workplaces. Inspired by the techniques of Erickson and certain neuroscientific principles, she
travelled around the world creating programs that would help coaches create profound and ever-
lasting impact. As of today, Marilyn remains an enthusiastic trainer and leader with the zest to
inspire the new generation of coaches coming through. She continues to give wings to the ideal that
helps Erickson Coaching International take flight: Human transformation- one conversation at a

So, why should you, as a coach, come to us at xMonks?

Because we collaborated with Erickson Coaching International! Read more to find out…

With a working experience of over 40 years and having assisted several Fortune 500 companies,
Erickson have come up with quite a few elegant business solutions tailormade for client-specific
needs. For coaching, while creating solutions for coaches all around the world, they decided to
answer basic questions that would help coaches choose the course they would like to apply for. Here
is what they came up with-

  • The Essentials Course Part 1- Inspiration: The solution answers the question “What do you
    want?” It covers the essential coach mindset and shifts the emphasis of a coach from
    ‘problem-oriented’ to ‘solution-oriented’.
  •  The Essentials Course Part 2- Implementation: This course focuses on “How might you
    accomplish it?” and covers the implementation strategy to realise the expected outcome.
  •  The Advanced Course Part 1- Integration: Here they start to focus on deeper questions like
    “Why is that important to you?” and seek to uncover the motivational structure of a coach
    while holding them accountable to their value systems and thus, ensuring commitment.
  •  The Advanced Course Part 2- Completion: The core essential question for this course is
    “How would you know you’ve achieved it?” Evaluating outcomes and learning to see
    success via different prisms are the hallmarks of this final course. Upon completion, the coach learns to fit into the bigger picture of Solution-Focused Coaching- which is Erickson’s goal as an enterprise!

As a testimonial to Erickson’s longevity in this industry, upon completing the Essentials, the
Advanced course and the Level 2 Mentor Bundle, a coach becomes eligible to get the Professional
Certified Coach (PCC) credential from the International Coaching Federation (ICF). This is a truly
once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that no coach should squander! The Erickson coaching network is
global and will definitely enhance a coach’s international reputation. For starters, a coach can always
look to complete just the Essentials course and the Level 1 Mentor Bundle as that will make the
coach eligible for the Associate Certified Coach (ACC) credential from ICF.

A step-by-step credentialing not only supplements the professional career but also increases one’s
skill level, learning, and confidence. As working professionals, all of us are guilty of being swept away
by the flow of work and inevitably falling prey to the routine that is generated by stable income.
However, we must make time for added learning on the job and certifications as they boost our
pedigree in the industry and also break the monotony of the daily job. It is essential to understand
that post the certification, a coach’s responsibilities widen and he/she embarks upon a new curve in
the field of coaching. Not to forget, a PCC credential is only one step away from the Master Certified
Coach (MCC) credential and serves as the perfect midpoint in a coach’s career.

Why Erickson Coaching International?

Short answer- They are the best in the business amongst coaching institutes.

Long answer- Not only have they been accredited by the ICF for the past 20 years (which makes
them stand out as the flag-bearer in the coaching industry), but they also attract top-drawer
companies and clientele with a variety of opportunities for coaches to choose from. As a coach, you
get to tap into their extensive global network as well and build rapport with other like-minded
coaches around the world. Your profile stands out from amongst other coaches due to your
affiliation with Erickson.

What do we, at xMonks, offer?

Due to our collaboration with Erickson Coaching International, you get the benefit of upgrading your
coaching career with The Art & Science of Coaching (TASC) Advanced Course. Apply now to get the
following unique benefits-

  • Sixteen LIVE video sessions covering 68+ Hours of coach-specific training

  • Three Complimentary webinars dedicated to the batch

  • Open invitation to Monthly webinars dedicated to Erickson India Community

Join our ICF-accredited program TASC Module III & IV to:

  • Develop a strong foundation in the theory and practice of Solution-Focused Coaching.

  • Discover how to help others to realise their highest potential and to take action that aligns
    with their vision.

  • Gain awareness of what underlies all great transformations

  • Accumulate experience applying coaching methodologies on multiple levels.

The gist is that there is a golden chance to upgrade your coaching credentials on the table.
Remember, when Fortune 500 companies look for coaches, they look at ONLY the top coaches in the
business and when coaches look to become top coaches, they look to Erickson Coaching
International. As a coach, you have a passion for helping others to realise their potential and
overcome their obstacles, that drives you.
Let us help you! Apply now to reap the full benefits of our modules. Join us on your journey of
transformation and help change even more lives.

Click here to register for TASC Module III & IV and begin your journey of transformation today!