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Trust Your Transition Phase

How lucky are all of us to not be stuck in a rut?

Consider an individual who is actually stagnant. They may believe they are secure and certain, but such assurance is unfounded. This momentum, this way of life, is an excellent way to live our lives. What is the reason for this? Since the environment is constantly changing, progressing, and providing opportunities for development. We are not shielded from change. Change is inevitable. 

Welcome The New You: Embracing Change

Change is an unavoidable aspect of life. Life changes can uproot your world in ways you aren’t prepared for, whether it’s starting a new career, moving to a new place, or starting a family. Even positive changes, such as raising a baby or graduating, can cause stress. Getting out of your comfort zone and into something new isn’t always easy. You’re not alone if you’re going through a transition and trying to figure out how to be happy.

Why don’t you like it yet, despite the fact that it’s a positive change? 

Since you haven’t yet established yourself in your new setting. You’re in the midst of a transition. Consider transformation to be a location in and of itself. You’re not completely lost and confused; you’re simply switching contexts. 

The transition you’ve undergone is sudden, whether it’s a new school year, a new relationship. On the other hand, our adjustment takes longer. Transitions can be divided into stages. Regardless of the particulars know which one you’re on. Knowing which one you’re in will help you feel less disoriented.

The Metamorphosis of Transition

  1. Loss – The loss of something significant in our lives is always what triggers a change in our lives. It’s normal and natural to feel bereft and mourn the loss of something you no longer have. Allow yourself to experience the pain that comes with losing a loved one. It’s a normal part of the recovery process.
  2. Uncertainty – After the initial wave of grief has passed, we enter the realm of uncertainty. What would our lives be like from here on out? What would possibly fill the hole left in our lives by the loss? What are our options for the future? The majority of life is unpredictable, and while it is unpleasant, allowing yourself to encounter uncertainty is an important part of the process that leads us to the answers we seek.
  3. Discomfort – We experience discomfort when we are faced with confusion. Humans are curious about what will happen next. When we don’t know what to do next or where to turn, we feel unsettled and nervous. It’s a natural part of the transitioning phase that ensures we don’t get stuck in a self-defeating stage for too long.
  4. Insight – At long last, the sun begins to burst through the clouds. Perhaps we will realise that what we have missed can be replaced with something better. Now that we’ve made through the worst of it, we can make new decisions that will bring us to a better existence than we had before.
  5. Understanding – What began as a ray of hope has developed into a full-fledged understanding of how our lives can improve. We begin to make plans and set goals to help us get to the new life that awaits us. We may also begin to see that the loss we suffered could have turned out to be one of the greatest things that could have happened to us.
  6. Integration – In the final stage, we start to incorporate our ideas and plans into our daily lives. We begin to feel more alive and enthusiastic about the new experiences that await us. We start taking the steps necessary to get us to where we feel we want to go.

How to Have Trust in Your Transitional Period

Transitions can be frightening or thrilling, exhilarating, and even educational. It’s just a matter of how we see them. There are certain ways to move into and through any change, you might be facing right now, including embracing it.

Value the Transition

Any life change, whether it’s relocating to a new location, going through a divorce, benefits from being acknowledged as a part of our journey.

The move from a home where we feel secure or found great peace has been found to be one of the most difficult changes in nearly everyone’s life. Pay homage in your own special way during such times of change to provide closure as well as to enjoy the time you spent and the memories that will last a lifetime.

Recognize and Remember

Everyone goes through transitions at some point in their life, and several of them. If we take a moment to think about it, we’ve probably breezed through some transformations because we didn’t give it a second thought or try to combat it. On the other hand, there are now definitely transformations that we can recall clearly – during puberty, changing careers, changing relationships, changing lifestyles.

Focus on those transformations that went well for you when you go through the one you’re in right now or will be in the near future. And if they were difficult, consider why they were difficult and how you can boost the next transition of your life by doing what you can.

Assess how much authority you’re handing over to the transition.

Psychology teaches us that there is no one-size-fits-all type of transition. We grant the transformation the power to be either challenging or simple to navigate. In other words, how we handle the changes we are going through is heavily influenced by our minds.

If we want to see the transformation as an opportunity or a purpose for which we have worked long and hard, we can be enthusiastic about it; but, if it is forced upon us, we can drag our feet and make it much more daunting by resisting what is unavoidable.

Last but not least, you are the focus of this transformation. Don’t Forget to Include Yourself in the Process.

You may feel helpless in the face of change, but you’re also a part of it. How did all of the previous improvements come to be? You can be certain that you played a role (or many roles) in that. You have access to all of the tools and expertise you bring to the table.

Helpful tips for walking through transitions

1. Be present at the moment.

The transition from one stage of life to the next can be intimidating. It’s unlikely that you’ll make the decision to pivot your career overnight. When you consider all of the steps you’ll need to take, it’s easy to fall back into your old habits. Instead, concentrate on the present moment and what’s right in front of you.

2. Accept that change is unavoidable and that it might be beyond your control.

Although some life changes are anticipated, others can occur unexpectedly. No one expects to lose a loved one or lose their employment, but these occurrences are unavoidable. Here are some things you can do if you find yourself worried about things you can’t control:

Concentrate on what you have power over. You may not be able to alter the world around you, but you do have control of how you react to it. Turn your apprehension into something more useful. When you’re worried, remind yourself of something optimistic and inspiring.

3. Find Healthier Ways To Deal With Your Emotions

It may be all you can think about when you are anticipating a significant change. Instead of sitting idle with your mind, put your resources into something more useful.

Take a break and relax if you’re feeling stressed by life’s changes. Setting aside a few minutes to concentrate on your breathing will help you slow down your mind and return your attention to the present moment.

4. Get a Different Point Of View

If you’re looking for the secret to happiness, it’s all about perspective. Life does not always go as expected, from job changes to new relationships. Although losses are inevitable, if you look for them, there is always a silver lining.

It’s natural to be frustrated or upset when things don’t go as expected, but remember that you have the opportunity to see the positive in any situation.

Have we said so many words? How about a small video that strikes the chord right?

The world isn’t going to tell us how things will turn out. No, that’s where your confidence in yourself, your trust in your intuition about what’s best for you, and what you’re willing to put in the effort to achieve come into play.

Transitions are opportunities for growth. If we change our perspective to understand this, the path through them becomes much easier to handle and even enjoyable at times.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is transition necessary in life?

Change is a part of life that cannot be avoided. Starting a new job, moving to a new place, or starting a family are all examples of life changes that can uproot the world in unexpected ways. However, Transition is necessary,  since it helps to avoid stagnation in one’s existence.

What is the Metamorphosis of Transition?

The Metamorphosis of Transition 

Loss – A change in our lives is often triggered by the loss of something important in our lives. It’s normal to feel bereft and lament the lack of anything you no longer possess.

Uncertainty – We reach the world of uncertainty after the initial wave of sorrow has passed. What will the rest of our lives be like? What could possibly fill the void left by the loss of our lives?

Discomfort-When we are confronted with ambiguity, we feel uncomfortable. Humans are intrigued by what will occur next. We feel unsettled and anxious when we don’t know what to do next or where to turn.

Insight – The sun is now breaking through the clouds. Maybe we’ll see that what we’ve been missing can be replaced with something better. Now that we’ve been through the worst of it, we can make new choices that will lead to a happier life than before.

Understanding – What started as a ray of hope has developed into a full-fledged understanding of how we can change our lives.

Integration – We begin to integrate our ideas and strategies into our everyday lives in the final stage. We begin to feel more alive and excited about the new adventures that lie ahead. We begin to take the necessary steps to get us to where we believe we want to go.

What are some tips to go through the transition phase?

Transitions can be difficult to navigate, so here are some helpful hints.

  • Be present in the moment.

It can be frightening to move from one stage of life to the next. It’s doubtful that you’ll decide to change careers on the spur of the moment.

  • Accept the fact that change is inevitable and could be out of your control.

While some life changes are planned, others can happen without warning. Nobody plans on losing a loved one or losing their job. If you find yourself worrying about things you can’t manage, try the following:

Concentrate on the things over which you have control. You may not be able to change the world around you, but you can change how you react to it.

  • Learn to Deal With Your Emotions in a More Healthy Way

When you are expecting a big shift, that can be all you can think about. Put your money into something more valuable instead of sitting idle in your mind.

  • Acquire a Unique Perspective

It’s all about perspective if you’re searching for the key to happiness. From career changes to new relationships, life does not always go as planned. Although losses are unavoidable, there is still a silver lining if you search for it.

How can one manage or embrace change?

While it is difficult to predict the future, knowing what to expect can give you a better understanding of how to deal with the uncertainties that change brings.

What is a transition period?

A transitional period can be defined as a process in which  things change from one state to another.