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Home » Blog » The Collaborative Path to Better Solutions AND Stronger Relationships

Human beings are sociable creatures by nature. And, given that we spend one-third of our lives at work, it’s obvious that having positive relationships with our coworkers makes our employment more enjoyable.

The more at ease coworkers feel with one another, the more secure they will feel when it comes to expressing opinions, brainstorming, and embracing new ideas, for example. This kind of collaboration is critical for embracing change, creating, and innovating. And when workers experience the benefits of collaborative work, group morale and productivity rise.

Additionally, positive professional relationships provide you with independence. Rather than wasting time and energy on unfavourable connections, you can focus on opportunities — from new business to personal development. Additionally, having a strong professional network will assist you in developing your career by unlocking doors that might otherwise be closed to you. 

The Collaborative Path for Better Relationships

The Collaborative Path offers a logical, effective, and blank process that’s easy to apply.

You don’t have to choose. You don’t have to escalate. You can have all three.

1)  Less conflict and tension.

2)  Stronger relationships.

3)  Better solutions for your problems. 

Patrick Alyward puts collaboration in a equation:

Collaboration = Better Solutions (To Problems) + Stronger Relationships

“Collaboration” refers to the process of utilising a problem-solving model in order to arrive at the optimal answer while also improving relationships between issue solvers. Collaboration benefits task-oriented individuals since it satisfies their drive for excellent solutions. Additionally, collaboration benefits those who are relationship-oriented, as it supports their need for greater relationships. This new technique of collaboration is one that anyone can easily pick up and apply anywhere, with no friction. It’s a simple skill that you may undertake with ease and confidence.

This is what we are going to talk about in this article and will answer the question Why should you take The Collaborative Path?

Need of Harmony in Relationships

Perhaps one of the most difficult aspects of life is managing and balancing our numerous relationships successfully and amicably. Because relationships involve two or more individuals, they are prone to clashes or conflicts of ideas, values, beliefs, perceptions, desires, expectations, words, thoughts, behavioural patterns, and habits, among other things.

When two people enter into a relationship, there must be an appropriate amount of give and take, adjustment and acceptance. Most partnerships begin positively, with both sides making conscious attempts to present their best selves, to overlook differences and unique preferences, and to have realistic expectations of the other. With time, as the sheen fades, people revert to their real personalities and begin spreading negativity and expressing sadness or disapproval toward one another.

Each of us is born with our own free will and inner guidance system on this planet. Our first need or desire is liberty. Then other things come into play. In a cage, no bird or animal could be as delighted as it would be in the wild. No man or woman enjoys having their freedom restricted or taken away. And when we attempt to control others, their conduct, their actions, their words, their work or partner, their pastime or friends, we rob that individual of their fundamental freedom. And a person who lacks freedom is an extremely miserable person who is incapable of bringing you happiness. Indeed, such a person will feel hurt, constrained, and furious, which will exacerbate the relationship’s discord and unhappiness.

Harmony in certain relationships almost certainly aided you in achieving balance and thriving. However, what if your relationships aren’t sparkly or warm?

Unsatisfactory relationships with others can seep into every nook and corner of your life. 

This disharmony has an effect on your physical health, energy levels, and emotions. It can manifest itself in several ways, including worry, tension, despair, rage, frustration, and hopelessness. This is something you bring to work, family dinners, the grocery store, and even with your own self.

Maintaining Relationships without Conflict

For maintaining stronger personal or professional relationships, it is essential that there is a smooth flow of emotions, effective communication and mutual respect. 

One of the main parts of leadership communication skills is to learn how to manage conflict. By employing a collaborative leadership approach, one may cultivate an atmosphere of cooperation and collaboration, which normally enables employees to work well in teams. A successful leader swiftly diagnoses difficulties impeding team productivity, takes immediate corrective action to address disagreements, and assists team members in developing the skills necessary to handle conflicts independently of management intervention.

Quoting Patrick from his blog on Moving Past Broken Promise: From Conflict to Collaboration, “The truth about conflict is that the ordinary person’s initial perception that conflict is negative is correct. Conflict is negative and when a person is embroiled in a conflict, they know that – even conflict resolution experts know that conflict is negative when they are that embroiled person. A dispute, an impasse, a conflict is not a prerequisite for using the collaborative problem solving model which is at the heart of the mediation process. Think about this: if we can use the collaborative model after the point when the situation could be described as a conflict, what prevents us from using the collaborative model before that point? The association of conflict with the use of the collaborative model is restrictive and stagnating.  

What had been thought to be the gateway to universal use of the collaborative model has now become the very restriction limiting growth. Some organizations have set a goal to become “conflict competent.”  The idea that we should develop conflict competence is as difficult to sell to the ordinary person as the positive side of conflict.  When we strive for “conflict competence”, we further embed the notion of conflict as a prerequisite for the use of the collaborative model.  To escape that restriction and leverage the full potential of the collaborative model, we need to shift our focus.” 

His book The Collaborative Path emphasises on Why should you take The Collaborative Path for each section of people:-

  • Individuals: have better conversations, less tension in your life.
  • Businesses: achieve increased productivity; enjoy the supportive and engaging workplace you want; experience greater agility throughout change processes.
  • Change Leaders: face less tension and resistance throughout the change process.
  • Groups: see increased unity, more effective meetings, better solutions and planning.
  • Institutions: increase your ability to leverage diversity, drive innovation and avoid stagnation.
  • Conflict Resolution Professionals: expand your opportunities; have more career satisfaction.
  • Unions: experience a more comprehensive and successful model for collective bargaining as well as a conversational tool for supporting members on day-to-day issues.
  • HR Professionals: equip yourself with new ways to lead, with a focus on both solutions and relationships.
  • Consultants: employ this solid approach to succeed when specialists offer differing opinions and seemingly irresolvable perspectives.

Patrick is speaking live at The Coaching Conclave 2021, where we are trying to bring humanity towards collective awareness. Let’s be aware of our expressions, connections and how we can contribute this september. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How can the collaborative path be used for making stronger relationships?

Collaboration is equal to better solutions plus from the relationship. It is beneficial to task-oriented people because it satisfies their need for exceptional results. This new method of collaboration is simple enough for anyone to pick up and use anywhere they want. It’s a simple technique that you can learn quickly and confidently.

What are the essentials of strong professional relationships?

A smooth flow of emotions, excellent communication, and mutual respect are all necessary for maintaining stronger personal or professional relationships. Learning how to manage disagreement is one of the most important aspects of leadership communication skills.

What is the need for harmony in relationships?

Managing and balancing our multiple connections successfully and pleasantly is maybe one of the most difficult elements of life. There must be an acceptable amount of give and take, adjustment, and acceptance when two people engage in a relationship. Harmony in certain relationships almost certainly aid you in achieving balance and thriving.

What is the main aspect of leadership communication skills?

Learning how to manage disagreement is one of the most important aspects of leadership communication skills. A collaborative leadership strategy can be used to foster a culture of cooperation and collaboration, which allows employees to work well in groups.

Why has the usage of the collaborative model become very restrictive?

The collaborative concept has now become a stumbling block to growth. Some businesses have made a goal to become “conflict-aware.” The concept of developing conflict competency is as difficult to sell to the average individual as the positive aspects of the conflict are.