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Home » Blog » ICF International Coaching Week 2022: Reimagine The Future

Now that the world is returning to some kind of normalcy, certain things have shifted irreversibly – some for the better.

However, what does the future of coaching in a post-pandemic world look like?

That’s exactly what you’ll discover from the top thought leaders and coaches in the space when you attend the International Coaching Week 2022. 

The History of International Coaching Week

International Coaching Week (ICW), founded in 1999, is a week-long global celebration of the coaching profession. It is one of the world’s major coaching events, having a profound effect on our community, profession, and society.

ICW returns this year to “Reimagine the Future.” With xMonks, you can widen your horizons of knowledge and experiences. From May 16 – 22, 2022, join the global coaching community in celebrating the power and impact of professional coaching.

xMonks will organise a variety of ICW events, including webinars, conferences, educational seminars, panel discussions, public coaching demonstrations, and pro bono sessions, in a variety of languages and regions.

Do not wait and register today to join ICF in celebrating International Coaching Week and to benefit from a life-changing coaching experience!

Reimagining The Future of Leadership

If the past year has compelled us to do anything, it has been to call on our innermost resources – and on one another – to reinvent how we live and work in the world. 

Many of us – leaders, therapists, coaches, consultants, realise that it’s not always easy to move past our own fears, resistance, and blind-spots in order to look at what is, what else might be possible, and help others move forward on their own journeys.

Following COVID-19, it is becoming increasingly clear that many of us have grasped the strategic and emotional dimensions of organisational growth.

We are still figuring out how to transition away from the established norms governing how business operates today and toward one that reflects this new reality. It’s not helping that there appears to be no playbook from which to derive lessons. It does, however, provide an opportunity for people to interact and learn from one another. While this convergence can occur in a variety of settings, one of the most effective is through the coaching relationship. As we face several obstacles and learn new ways of doing things, coaches’ ability to bring out the best in us is critical to our progress.

ICF says that coaching is “partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that encourages them to reach their personal and professional goals.” A pandemic-aware world where possibilities is now becoming clouded for many people, professional coaching is a way to look into the future, change your life, and make your dreams come true.

The coach is an important part of this process of striving for excellence in the client. They help the client figure out and articulate their purpose. Many people have talked about how important having a compass is when things aren’t always clear to you.

Identifying your purpose is what will help you break out of the narrow mindset of only measuring success by how much money you make. People who lead can start making a difference in the world if they have the right skills. It will also be our guide in a world where we aren’t sure what will happen for a long time.

To figure out what you want to do, you need to have a certain amount of clarity of thought. I think it’s very unlikely that you will be able to reach this level of clarity unless some of your beliefs are changed. We all have certain beliefs and assumptions that we hold on to. Coaches use a process of inquiry that can be very powerful in breaking through these beliefs and giving the leader the space to truly explore their purpose and bring it to life. To break free from your limiting beliefs, you need to be willing to change your mind. It also shows us that many of the things that stop us from being successful are inside of us, not outside of us, as we are always quick to point out.

A major shift seem to be hard, and this one is no different. When self-regulation works, it’s great. But in reality, it doesn’t work very often. The leader needs to be accountable, and it’s not always effortless. Professionally trained and certified coaches can play a big role in making sure the leader is honest and accountable. 

International Coaching Week 2022 With xMonks 

We as the individuals in our community have to do reimagining of our own. 

How can we build on the breeding ground our founders set and help today’s learners bring more meaning and competence to their own lives and the lives of those they touch in the same way? How can we make sure that everyone has a chance? And, in response to these concerns, we have are ready to launch ICW 2022.

This year, xMonks invites you to be a part of rethinking our future and expanding on what we’ve learned so that we can become even better than we are now.

During this week-long celebration of coaching, the ICF (International Coach Federation) wants people and organisations around the world to understand, explore, test, and find out what coaching can do.

Join us on the occasion of International Coaching Week where you can be part of webinars, and panel discussions and other activities organized by us on the ICF guidelines.