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Home » Blog » 6 Benefits of Mind Mapping- An Effective Coaching Tool

Mind Mapping is a valuable topic that is often taught during various life coaching lessons. Tony Buzan- a consultant and author came up with the concept of mind maps after becoming frustrated with the traditional concept of note-taking. In case you are wondering how a mind map looks, this is it-

Basically, it is a two-dimensional way of noting things, instead of the usual listing style. Since it is illustrated, our minds can easily visualise and compartmentalise the things to be done. The concept of mind maps helps us to create associations and generate new concepts far more easily. Adding new information also becomes a relatively simpler task as does breaking large chunks of information into manageable ones. This way, you can plan effectively without forgetting important points and without getting overwhelmed.

From the point of view of the coaching partnership, mind maps are extremely useful for generating summaries, analysing complex problems, or grouping information.

How to use a Mind Map

Step 1. Write the title or main subject of your brainstorming or problem that you are exploring in the center.

Step 2. With a pencil (this is important), draw out from this central topic by thinking or noting subheadings of the issue or essential facts about the subject.

Step 3. Explore deeper into the topic to discover the next level of related information. You branch out from your subtopics

Step 4. Repeat step 3 and keep erasing ideas or plots that seem redundant to you (now you see why the pencil was important) and voila you have a Mind Map ready!

Now that you know how to build one, I will provide you with some motivation to make it a habit! The benefits of mind mapping are research-backed, with some proven ones being learning, productivity, and creativity. Let us take a gander at 6 of the benefits of mind mapping.

The 6 Wonders of Mind Mapping

  • It is an essential tool for meaningful learning- Meaningful learning is when people acquire new knowledge and associate it with the knowledge that they already have, thus they are able to create a link between the two, integrating new material with the pre-existing knowledge structure. This link or connection is what leads to the growth of the individual and is often referred to as ‘applied learning’. This is completely different to rote or hurried learning where people just cram some knowledge but are unable to create a link with what they already know.
  • It aids in memorization and retention- While rote learning is never advocated, it doesn’t help if you do not retain what you just learnt. Tools like sticky notes, phones, or computers weren’t always around. Back in the olden days Romans and Greeks used visualization techniques to remember information to great effect, thereby constructing great speeches or political rallies with the help of images held in their minds. Mind mapping does just that, and we do have one tool that we didn’t have previously- research, which shows just that. Mind mapping helps retention of data by 10-15%.
  • It helps you to stay engaged in your learning- Plain text can get boring to remember as well. Everybody has experienced this. While reviewing and developing mind maps, people can brainstorm, generate ideas, and connect concepts much more clearly than they do while reading text blocks. For example, this image just below this pointer will help you to retain the benefits of mind mapping far more clearly than these pointers will. Strategic planning, city planning, major projects- mind maps can do it all. In life coach training, coaches are trained to dichotomize various social situations to pinpoint core problems that can help coachees realize what they have to do.
  • It improves productivity- That just follows from all of the above points, doesn’t it? If you are engaged in meaningful learning and are having no trouble with retaining new concepts, then it just follows that you will be able to put those new concepts to good use while solving problems in your daily life or at your workplace. On average, mind mapping software helps busy executives in increasing their productivity by 20-30%. This finding, according to researchers, has been consistent for eight years.
  • It ignites your creativity- Mind maps? Check. Out-of-the-box ideas? Check. People have responded to surveys saying that they saw a 50% increase in their imagination powers after applying the concept of mind maps. The most important point to be noted here is that as a creator of a map, you are able to get your ideas transferred from your brain to the paper ASAP. Jot them down, just scribble them on the map somewhere for you can always see how they fit in or rearrange them later but it is most vital to ‘empty your head as inspiration strikes’. Most ideas are lost because we cannot get them out into the real world and the mind map will prevent this from happening.
  • It improves your writing skills- Writing is honestly an underrated skill. Not only does it help us to remember the piece of information, but the way we have written it also helps us to recollect the mental state we were in when we wrote it. We can remember exactly what it is that we were thinking about when we wrote that little nugget. Writing is a beneficial skill not only for our careers and professions but also for our personal development. A mind map helps you to put the dots in the picture and your writing will help you connect those dots, giving it a well-rounded look.

You have just seen the six wonders of the mind map and truth be told; mind maps are a wonder by themselves. With the help of a simple tool, so much has become easier for people from all walks of life, especially coaches and their clients. Tony Buzan, you have our respect.

Try a mind map for that next work idea floating through your head!

Blog you later.