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Home » Blog » What is a Vision Board? | The Ultimate Guide to Creating Your Own Personal Vision Board!




           – LORD BUDDHA

It begins with a New Year’s resolution, then to next Monday and then it vanishes. 

Yes, that is how we lose the existence of a vision or a goal. 

Everyone has personal or professional goals they want to achieve, whether they write them down or not.

Setting an achievable goal is a process. It is the path you travel on, but you also clear the way as you go. A journey cannot be led without a vision.

What matters is how you manifest them. “Energy flows where attention goes,” according to Tony Robbins, so if you have large goals you want to attain this year or in the next five years, taking a bigger picture perspective and seeing your future self there is crucial. To do so, you must first clarify your objectives and understand how to create a vision board.

In the article, we will lay down the foundation of setting a vision using a vision board to how to create a vision board and use them for your goals.

Using Vision Board For Goal Setting

What are you doing to make this life exciting? What distinguishes your future self from you now? 

Consider a life that you find perfect and balanced. Focus on the positive aspects of your job, your relationships, and your hobbies. Feel the satisfaction of your accomplishment. These will serve as the foundation for your vision board concepts.

This technique of drawing a picture of everything we aim for is called visioning. This entails using our right brain to stimulate creativity and imagination. It’s a strategy of getting to the heart of what we want, what we value, and then prompting us to take action from a place of aliveness and alignment.

Visioning can boost your drive and confidence while also preparing you for success in a variety of areas.

Creating vision boards, which are representations of our aims and desires, is one way to make visioning more tangible. These boards are essentially a mosaic of images, words, and phrases that reflect your future vision. The goal of this dream board is to make you feel ecstatic while also motivating you to stay focused and take action.

What is a Vision Board?

A vision board is typically a collage of images that illustrate one’s hopes and aspirations in life. Cutouts from magazines and words that encourage you to actualize your aspirations and get where you want to go can be included in this.

Despite the widespread use of vision boards, little is known about their efficacy. So far, it appears to offer some promise for making our objectives a little bit closer. This may be related to the fact that vision boards help us become more self-aware and self-reflective.

We can also use vision boards to envision a brighter future for ourselves. Positivity and optimism can be boosted by imagining a bright future. Opportunities and achievements are often created by pleasant feelings.

The research does not directly evaluate the benefits of building a vision board, but it suggests that many of the components of vision boards have potential benefits for human well-being and success. It’s important to keep in mind that vision boards are not magical. For one thing, they can assist you to figure out what you want to manifest.

This excellent visual aid is used by a plethora of well-known business and thought leaders. When it comes to manifesting your dreams, Oprah Winfrey is a firm believer in the power of the vision board. Goal lists and vision boards are a yearly ritual for most business leaders. It’s easy to see why people use vision boards once you understand how they work.

Check out this video:Oprah gives master class on Manifestation and Vision Boards – A Wrinkle in Time

So, are you prepared to discover how to create a vision board for your dream life? Let’s continue by discussing everything you need to know about vision boards. It is time to gain clarity and actualize the life you desire.

The Science Behind Why Vision Board Goal Setting Is Important

Before we go into the step-by-step process of creating a vision board, it is pretty obvious that one should be aware of the efficacy of this endeavor. 

There are times when we are inspired and driven to make changes in our lives, and times when we question who we are and what we desire. The purpose of our vision board is to remind us of the lives we ultimately wish to lead.

Our minds are incapable of distinguishing between the truth of what we see daily and what we imagine. Vision boards are effective because they are visual reminders of our dreams, and when we are connected with those goals, we are more likely to take the necessary action steps to bring them to life.

According to the information on the website How Stuff Works, Manifestation and Visualization are related approaches. A vision board would not be effective without these approaches, as it assists in visualising, feeling, and manifesting your desires. 

Creative visualisation is a potent technique that utilises the power of mind and imagination to generate mental images, while the law of attraction provides the manifestation necessary to make aspirations and objectives a reality.

In layman’s terms, a vision board is a mechanism behind how you feel, the visualisation of your dreams, and the application of the law of attraction in order to attain your desired destination. This is a means of paving your authentic path.

A vision board is typically positioned in a spot where you will see it daily. It is a reminder and reflection of things that are essential to you, as well as an exercise in prioritising your objectives. The subconscious mind is drawn to the images that you continually observe on these boards. This rehearsing of mental images on a regular basis enables the brain to alter attitudes, behaviours, and habits. It assists the brain in recognising resources that were immediately accessible but were overlooked owing to a lack of concentration.

Thoughts that are well-focused tend to come true. Without a strong sense of direction, it is easy to lose concentration and become preoccupied with insignificant matters. This continuous play of mental images brings you into contact with the things, people, and situations you have pictured attracting into your life.

Thoughts are potent. They have the potential to make or ruin your life, and they attract the things you focus on. If they are strong enough, others can use them as leverage to help them achieve their objectives. Here, vision boards facilitate the alignment of thoughts and behaviours. It assists in overcoming limiting thinking and broadening your attention.

Imagination is another crucial component that contributes to the success of vision boards. It is essential for imaginative vision. Imagination allows the mind to create nonexistent conditions, scenes, and events. Repeatedly envisioning the mental images will draw them into your life. It presents numerous fresh and intriguing possibilities.

“What we focus on expands and becomes our reality. Where intention goes, energy flows”

Dr. Neil Farber writes in Psychology Today that according to several number of research, persons who envisage a great outcome are less likely to take actionable activities to achieve their goals. Nonetheless, some studies revealed that visualising the work required to achieve a goal such as training for a sport or studying for a test was more likely to motivate the participants to do the difficult tasks (i.e. study for the test) than imagining the result, such as receiving an ‘A’ on a test.

The concept of defining a goal via a vision board is founded on the universal Law of Attraction, which states that our minds are powerful instruments that may manifest our goals.

Following up we have ways to make a vision board that actually works. 

How To Make A Vision Board That Actually Works

The method of creating a vision board is intuitive and affordable, requiring only a piece of poster board, numerous magazines, drawings, inspirational text printouts, and, of course, glue.

Vision boards can serve various purposes. They can be goal-oriented (e.g., to earn more money), theme-related (e.g., a travel destination), or intuitive (you’re unsure of what you want, so instead of tearing out photographs that fit a theme or goal, you simply tear out pictures that appeal to you). Before beginning the creative process, you may like to spend a few minutes meditating and analyzing your intention.

1.Give Yourself  Clarity Before Putting Ideas 

Where are you currently, and where do you intend to be? Even if you believe you have a firm grasp on this domain, go through these exercises to identify any blind spots, abilities, or interests you have overlooked.

Having this clarity will be of great assistance when you sit down to develop a vision board online, on paper, on a corkboard, or in any other way you want.

Identify exactly where you are. A personal assessment wheel is an efficient and straightforward coaching tool (also called a wheel of life or balance wheel). The wheel is divided into eight major sections. Your objective is to indicate your current level of satisfaction in each category. This will provide a powerful visual representation of what is working and what is not. It will reveal your strengths, on which you may develop and lean for support, as well as areas where you need to improve and be kind to yourself. 

People frequently ask how to create an effective vision board, and self-compassion is a major component of my response. We must acknowledge the areas in which we need to improve, and we must do it with compassion and love, in order to get to where we want to be.

2.Connect With Your Beliefs and Intuitions 

Many of our beliefs about who or what we “should” become from external sources. It could be family, friends, teachers, coaches, the media, or the larger society. There is nothing wrong with holding these views if they resonate with your heart. Where they get problematic is when they do not suit you.

(Read Neuroscience of Beliefs – xMonks for more information)

Constantly seeking external validation – acceptance, praise, recognition, etc. – places your energies in the hands of others, regardless of how much you may desire to achieve approval, live up to an ideal, fit in, or be accepted. This resource cannot be regulated or replenished. When you connect with what feels good to you, you become the source of your own energy and validation.

In terms of how to begin a vision board, you must first determine what is best for you. This involves recognizing the values and goals that motivate you and practising decision-making in accordance with these aspects of yourself.

Use Dr. Dain Heer’s Access Consciousness’s excellent Light Method to get started with this practise. Visualize a future want you to believe you “should” have. Become aware of how your body and mind feel when visualising. Does it feel like a burden? 

If it weighs you down, ask yourself, “From where does this belief originate? “Is it genuinely mine, or does someone else possess it?”

When a belief is truly yours, it will typically feel light in your body and heart — that is, it will be perfect for you! It is acceptable to feel unclear about how to make it happen. First and foremost, what matters is what you honestly believe and want for yourself. How to get there follows afterward.

Ask yourself, “What would my assessment wheel look like if each section was at 100 percent?” What would I make possible if I possessed a magic wand? It is important to cultivate an “everything is possible” mentality because limiting ourselves is so ingrained. Remove any limitations from your thoughts and allow yourself to imagine everything.

3.Now Decide What You Want To Put On Your Vision Board

This is when the fun starts. Once you have a clear understanding of your objectives and desired outcomes, you should set your intention, then discover images that symbolise your vision and begin adding them to your vision board. Your vision board should include images, words, and phrases that describe precisely what you wish to accomplish, attract, and embody.

Consider the following when determining whether to use a physical or digital board:

Adaptability – Visions shift. Choose a board type that is easily modifiable to prepare for this eventuality. Typically, digital ones are the simpler to adapt. If you want a practical option, a corkboard or magnetic board is an excellent option. Create one in a picture frame in which the images are not glued or taped, but are instead kept in place by the glass.

Visibility – Your vision board should be displayed in a place where you will see it every day. A physical board has the advantage of being able to be hung or placed in a conspicuous location, such as on a closet door, next to your bathroom mirror, on your desk or nightstand, etc. With a digital board, you must either set it as the wallpaper on your phone or computer, or be purposeful and rigorous about viewing it frequently. Alternatively, you may print up and hang a digital board.

After selecting the finest option for you, it is time to begin developing. So… what should a vision board contain? Find images, words, and designs that represent what you want to create, the emotions you want to feel, and the values that are important to you.

Therefore, conduct a thorough search of your Pinterest boards, Google photos, and publications, and begin cutting, printing, and pasting images into your board. Don’t overthink the creative placement; the most important thing is that all of the pictures that correspond with your concept are on the board, so simply have fun with it and go with the flow!

What To Put On Your Vision Board

A vision board is, as stated, an inspirational collage. Your vision board will serve as a visual picture of your future. A physical depiction or concept of the destination. Vision boards depict your ideal life, aspirations, and objectives. Creating a vision board is a creative way to set your future goals. This vision may be to a specific event in your near future or a broader path you wish to pursue in the coming years. A vision board will provide you with clarity over the direction of your life.

Utilize the following resources to create an effective and persuasive vision board.


Words are an excellent starting point for brainstorming vision board concepts. When utilised correctly, words have a mysterious way of affecting us and making us feel wonderful. Whether the words express emotions or echo states of being, they always invoke past or desired experiences.


Quotes are good in expressing a concept or experience in its fullness and serve as excellent inspiration for vision boards. Regardless of the original context in which the words were spoken, the impact of a good quotation is ageless.


Self-affirmations differ from quotations in that they are written by the individual for themselves. They try to alter one’s worldview and eliminate restrictive ideas.

Art or Drawings

Art and doodling are fantastic ways to reinforce your desired states when you’re brainstorming vision board ideas. Since you are the one conveying your vision visually, there is no better way to take ownership of it.


Depending on the vision you are attempting to realise with your vision board, you might include photographs of successful individuals and images that elicit emotions you wish to experience.


As sources of inspiration, souvenirs are quite potent. They can act as reminders of your qualities, individuality, accomplishments, successful relationships, and positive associations.

Goals and Intentions

Our visions are founded on our intentions and goals.

Creatively display the aims and intents associated with your vision. The roots of an intention tree might represent the vision, the bark can represent your strengths, and the leaves can represent all the intents you have to fulfil the goal.

How To Use A Vision Board Daily 

It’s natural to get caught up in the “doing”. It feels more like taking action, which gives a little rush of accomplishment.

That’s great if it motivates you. 

However, success is driven primarily by mental effort; the inner “doing” of utilising a vision board. It can be difficult to view mental exercises as productive but consider this: while you sleep, your body continues to heal tissue, process food, create brain pathways, etc. Rest is beneficial. Meditation is beneficial. Visualization is beneficial. Your hands need not be moving in order for you to produce anything of value.

Regarding how and why vision boards function, there are two primary schools of thought. One or both may feel right to you!

  1. When you visualise, you send out a tremendous frequency into the universe that attracts into your life the chances, people, and circumstances that you desire.
  2. When you visualise, you place yourself in a state of mind that allows you to recognise consciously and, over time, automatically opportunities as they arise and options you might not have otherwise considered.

Here’s how to use your vision board to create shifts in your life:

Daily: Spend at least 90 seconds with your vision board, tuning into its energy. It is usual for a habit to take some time to become second nature. Daily, deliberate practise will assist in rewiring your brain to form a new habit. Ideal would be at least 90 seconds every day, but even 2 seconds is better than nothing.

Weekly: Aim to spend a few minutes with your vision board once a week to assume that energy and contemplate the steps you can do over the week to move you closer to that reality. Consider incorporating this into your weekly planning practise, ensuring that at least one step towards your vision is planned. Step-by-step, week after week, real and lasting change occurs, and dreams become a reality.

Vision boards are effective decision-making aids. When faced with a difficult decision, whether large or small, consult your vision board. Consider this energy and inquire, “What decision would Future Me make?

Which choice would be consistent with my values and goals?”

If you’re having problems in a relationship, if you’re feeling overwhelmed, if you’re worried, if you’re off course… if you’re experiencing any very human struggle… Take a few minutes to connect with yourself and your vision board in order to identify solutions.

Quarterly: Atleast four times every year, revisit your own assessment wheel to determine what has changed. Celebrate your achievements and investigate any areas that have deteriorated or remained unchanged. 

Consider, “What has been happening in my life or heart?” 

Sit with your vision board and ask yourself, “Does this vision still resonate with me? Is it congruent with my values? Does it inspire the leader within me? Is there anything that I feel does not belong here or is missing?”

Every goal entails a myriad of elements that are necessary to ascertain and observe. However, as humans, we have a tendency to be easily distracted. Therefore, a vision board is ideal for goal-setting, as it provides several opportunities to focus on your goals and vision. Each time, your vision and goal-setting will get more refined.

Therefore, practise visualising daily. Make it a regular habit. You will become significantly more driven to pursue your goals. You will see that your vision board invigorates your internal motivation and that you will do something unexpectedly different than usual. You suddenly find yourself speaking up in meetings, assuming greater responsibility, taking greater chances, and reaping greater rewards.

In addition, a vision board allows you to track growth which frequently leads to new insights that you can use to refine your vision and goal-setting

Frequently Asked Questions 

What is a Vision Board?

A vision board or dream board is typically a collage of images that illustrate one’s hopes and aspirations in life.

Why does a vision board work?

A vision board works on the Law of Attraction. Manifestation and Visualisation go hand-in-hand.

How to make a vision board that actually works?

A vision board made with clarity and true intent works magically.

What is a coaching assessment wheel?

A personal assessment wheel is an efficient and straightforward coaching tool (also called a wheel of life or balance wheel). The wheel is divided into eight major sections. This provides a powerful visual representation of what is working and what is not. It reveals your strengths, on which you may develop and lean for support, as well as areas where you need to improve and be kind to yourself.

Why vision board goal setting is important?

With the help of the vision board goal setting one feels boosted and driven with confidence while also preparing for success in a variety of areas of life.