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The Inner Game

A shout out to coaches to find your inner compass


This training program provides
you with a total of

37.5 hrs

in Continuing Coach Education
(CCE) units

Today’s Special Price

$2495 $850

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    Introducing the Course

    A masterclass for Leadership Professionals who want to discover the answers to getting unstuck, and showing up and leading in greater alignment with where they want to go and who they want to be.You’re invited into the depth of work, application assignments, and tools our team of coaches use every day with corporate leaders to transform their mindset, grow and improve.

    Course Structure

    We create ample space for honest and deep practice with the tools and exercises as you take a hands-on approach to your own vertical development.

    • A 10-week, cohort-based online program
    • Combined with innovative opportunities for learning and connection.
    • Over 23 hours of live interaction.
    • Over 17 hours engaging with and working the pathway of transformation together.
    • A total of 6 hours as part of a smaller group


    pathway, tools and application assignments

    Reflect rigorous field-testing and feedback with hundreds of corporate leaders, including CEOs and their executive teams

    Integrate thought leadership from some of the best minds in Vertical Development.

    Offer a jargon-free approach to do the complex work of adult development and personal transformation.

    Request a Call Back


    ’m blown away by the results clients get with MINDSHIFT. It goes right to the heart of the matter by inviting people into the depth of work it takes to really transform vertically.”

    -Bob Anderson, Founder, The Leadership Circle

    Program Takeaways

    Create a goal for improvement that is deeply meaningful, informed through assessments and/or 360-degree feedback, and is worded such that it creates momentum for change.

    Arrive at an honest self-assessment of how you may be getting in your own way, self-sabotaging and otherwise blocking yourself from living in alignment with where you want to go and who you want to be.

    Understand the options for continued development – learning to disrupt the default neural networks that have been driving the old performance patterns or habits – and what it takes to “upgrade” to a new set of leadership habits.

    Establish Creative Tension as a powerful framework for your development path, and how to leverage it for growth.

    Reveal the conditions that trigger the Reactive Tendencies, Patterns of Thought and Habits of Mind.

    Produce a clearly documented Map of the mindset (Mental Models) underlying the limiting behaviors and Reactive Tendencies that are compromising performance.

    Learning System

    Introducing the Instructor

    About the Alex Wray

    Alex founded his firm in 1993 to grow leadership capacity, transform culture, and achieve extraordinary business results. Over the past 25+ years, Alex has served a broad range of clients from small entrepreneurial start-ups in California’s Silicon Valley to the CEO offices of both Motorola and Ford Motor Company.

    His experience is broad with a particular depth in energy, financial, pharmaceutical, manufacturing, and professional services. His client’s challenge is change. Alex believes an organization won’t change until the leaders in it change. He aligns the development of leaders to the results that matter most. As an innovator and implementer, Alex thrives in the practical, “where the rubber meets the road.”

    Since 2010, Alex’s focus has been on accelerating the rate at which leadership capacity can be scaled in organizations. It has resulted in corporate leadership programs that bring an innovative blend of business/strategy consulting, executive coaching and team facilitation. At the core of these programs are the principles of Structural/ Systems Thinking and ground-breaking insights from Harvard University Professors Bob Kegan and Lisa Lahey. Alex has worked directly with Kegan and Lahey in serving one of the world’s largest wealth managers in their multi-year journey of transformation.


    Get prompt responses from a friendly, professional and knowledgable support team.

    Who are the core team members of xMonks?

    The xMonks core team is made up of certified coaches, consultants, facilitators, HR professionals, educators, and practitioners with backgrounds ranging from organizational development, psychology, finance, operations, business, etc. xMonks is known for its’ standout support system unlike any other in our industry.

    Where are we launching these webinars? What are the charges for these webinars?

    All the webinars will be conducted via the Zoom webinar platform and will be offered free of cost to all the registered participants.

    Are you recording these sessions and can we access the copy of the same later?

    Yes, we will be recording the webinar sessions. The slide deck and a recording of the webinar will be made available to the participants at <> and will also be emailed to their registered email ID.

    Whom to contact if I have any questions/query?

    Please send us your queries at support@xmonks.com and we will be happy to assist you.

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