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Looking for ICF Coach Certification?
You just got lucky!

Become a Certified ICF Coach

    Join our ICF accredited program

    • To become an ICF Certified Coach

    • Grow in your career

    • To be an effective leader

    • To become self aware

    • Learn to draw your boundaries

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    Upcoming Program Dates:

    Graduates Worldwide
    Global Partners
    Years of Training
    with the ICF

    Why choose us?

    Erickson Coaching International (ECI) is one of the oldest and largest coach training institutes that provides ICF accredited ‘The Art and Science of Coaching’. With the vision of changing the world one conversation at a time, ECI has a robust presence in more than 85 countries spread across four continents. Erickson India focuses on instilling the primary technical aspects of coach training to all its participants.

    With its headquarters in Vancouver, Canada, Erickson is a globally recognized Coach training institute. xMonks, the India partner, spreads the knowledge of Coaching while taking forward ‘Solution-Focused Coaching’ that is a wellresearched approach designed by Erickson Coaching International. The pedagogy and curriculum coming from Erickson Coaching International is an evolved amalgamation of the best coming from NLP, counselling, and other fundamental human development programs.

    Our clients


    “It’s been a true inspiration for me to attend the coach certification program. It has been a very exhilarating journey.”

    Dr. Aneeta Madhok

    “I would recommend any HR professional, Business leader to take the first step as I did and join this course.”

    Rohit Thakur

    “I wish I can take this journey forward by implementing ahatever I have learnt in these 8 days and contribute to the larger goal of personal and professional lives in days to come”

    Sukhjit Singh Pasricha
    VP, HR-IndiGo

    “This journey has opened up a huge new avenue, and I have had an experience that I probably never anticipated ever before. It’s way beyond I ever expected. I really thank Inspire Coaching Systems and Erickson Coaching International to organise this workshop.”

    Rarindam Lahiri
    General Manager ,HR – Samsung

    Program Outline

    You will learn the basics of coach position and will be able to conduct a full coaching session by the end of this module. The focus of Module I is on inspiration and the central question we will explore is, “What do I want to achieve?”


    You will learn the basics of coach position and will be able to conduct a full coaching session by the end of this module. The focus of Module I is on inspiration and the central question we will explore is, “What do I want to achieve?”

    Module I Online comprises:
    8 live online Zoom sessions each lasting 3.50 hours with an expectation of approximately 45 minutes of outside class time work per online session.


    Module II will provide you with an expansive set of tools to delve into your client’s question, “How shall I achieve it?”. You will learn time-bound, actionable and rigorously tested strategies to achieve a productive coaching relationship with your client.

    Module II Online consists of 8 live online Zoom sessions each lasting 3.50 hours with an expectation of approximately 45 minutes of outside class time work per online session.

    Your ICF Accreditation Journey Simplified:


    Professional Certified Coach

    125+ Hours

    Training to apply

    10 Hours


    500+ Hours

    Coaching Experience


    Associate Certified Coach

    60+ Hours

    Training to apply

    10 Hours


    100+ Hours

    Coaching Experience


    Master Certified Coach

    200+ Hours

    Training to apply

    10 Hours


    2500+ Hours

    Coaching Experience


    Click Here

    Frequently Asked Questions

    1. Is the coaching training program accredited to ICF?

    The program is accredited to ICF. It covers all the core competencies recommended by ICF to start your coaching practice formally or professionally.

    2. Will I be an ICF certified coach?

    Yes, you will be an ICF certified coach after the completion of this program.

    3. Will I become ACC after completing your programme?

    This program is the first step for your ACC credentials. After completion of modules   1 & 2 you will be an ICF accredited coach wherein you can start your coaching practice globally and it will also help you in building your profile for the ACC credentials from ICF.

    4. How important is it to have a certification to become a coach?

    The certification will help you to understand the structure and framework of coaching and the skills required to engage the coachee in a meaningful and impactful conversations. The certification gives you enough visibility in the market and opportunity to connect with reputed organisations for coaching assignments.

    5. How to choose the best institution for getting an ICF coach certification?

    That would require some research at your end for understanding the program content and offerings. For example: Does the course meet the necessary criteria specified by ICF, the mode of training, duration of the program, facilitators profile, what kind of post program support you can expect, what arrangements are there to support your coach journey and your learning journey towards ICF etc. You may also find it helpful to connect with some references or Erickson graduates in your network to get better clarity.

    6. Who is the Coach Certification Programme for?

    Coaching is for anyone and everyone. You could be looking to set up a coaching practice, become  a better manager or make a career shift.The program is highly recommended for those looking to get an ICF accreditation and looking to build a strong base and foundation for a thriving coaching career.

    7. If I want to specialise in a niche upon completing the coach certification from Erickson, do I further need to pursue a certification?

    No, you would not feel the need of pursuing another certification to specialise in the chosen niche. However, it completely depends on the choices you make for yourself, our foundation program in coaching which is also accredited by ICF “The Art & Science of Coaching” provides you with extensive 8 days classroom training model which covers all the necessary tools and techniques and provides you enough depth to have powerful and tough conversations with your coaches irrespective of their industry and profession. Therefore, after the completion of the certification of the program you can pick and choose any niche in coaching based on your interest.

    8. What are the other programs apart from Module I & II “The Art & Science of Coaching” you offer in India?

    Our parent company Xmonks is an ecosystem and we do a lot of work in the leadership development space offering some personal transformation courses. We are exclusive partners of Erickson coaching International headquartered in Vancouver Canada and we also have a tie up with a 35-year-old US based 360-degree assessment firm i.e. The Leadership Circle. We are also India partners to Clutterbuck Coaching & Mentoring International,the leading coaching and mentoring network in the world

    Coming back to the Erickson’s coach certification program there are total of four Modules of “The Art & Science of Coaching” the first two modules helps you to attain the required 60 hours of coach specific training towards your ICF journey and prepares you for the ACC level, Module III & IV are the advanced level in coaching which deep dives into the eleven core competencies of ICF and prepares you for the PCC level.

    9. What is the duration of the program?

    The program which Erickson offers in India is “The Art & Science of Coaching” which is very intensive, hands-on, and is considered Gold Standard in the Coaching Space. It is an 8 days training program divided into two Modules of 4 days each which also includes 4 webinars to support the learning and coaching practice of Erickson graduates.

    10. Is it necessary to pursue ICF accreditations for becoming a coach? What If I do not intend to pursue it?

    Coaching is entirely unregulated as of now, it is completely your choice to pursue the accreditations, however when you boost your profile with ICF credential you become recognized by corporates, businesses and individuals.

    11. Will I get the post program support after the completion of the coach certification program, If I choose not to register for ICF?

    Yes, post program support is provided to all the Erickson graduates irrespective of their ICF journey.

    12. What support can I expect from xMonks for generating business leads?

    We are an L&D company working in the space of leadership development and personal transformation; however, we can support you in two ways. Firstly, by sharing your profile with our existing clientele and secondly, you can associate with us on our social initiative platform called iOwn where  we work closely with NGO’s. This will help you to complete your coaching practice hours, gain more confidence and provide you the opportunity to network in the social space.

    13. What kind of financial returns/ROI one can expect after the completion of the coach certification?

    The answer completely depends on the value you are able to add to your coachees life and by creating the space for yourself as a practising coach. However, each session can range anywhere between 10,000 -25,000 for a coaching session of minimum 45 minutes with a client after attaining the ICF accreditation.

    14.How long does it take to build a coaching practice?

    No business is profitable on day one. So, it completely depends on how quickly you learn the skills you need to become a successful coach and establish your own coaching practice.

    Choosing a coaching niche and creating possibilities through hard work, networking and developing a client base will also contribute to the success of building your coaching practice. Moreover your success depends a lot on you as an individual. Most of the working professionals who have already completed the certification are engaged in a transitional process and take one to two years to build a relatively busy coaching practice.

    15. What difference does the certification make?

    If you are already a practising coach or planning to take it up, the coach certification will help you with the following benefits:

    1. It will provide you more credibility among potential clients and new clients.
    2. You will be equipped with the necessary tools and techniques to coach clients effectively and you enjoy your professional development journey as the certification provides you more visibility in the market and among reputed organisations.


    16. What kind of people enrol for the coach certification program?

    We have participants taking up this certification from all spheres of life but mostly individuals who are at the people management roles like HR, L&D heads, HOD’s, Director’s, CEO’s or those in the mid of their careers with sufficient industry exposure and are associated with reputed organisations. We also have participants in our program who are working as freelancers in behavioural, soft skills and leadership level training and are into consulting practices.

    17. What is ICF? How are Erickson and ICF connected?

    ICF (International Coach Federation) is the self-regulatory body which gives accreditation to individuals and all the coaching institutes worldwide. Erickson is among the top institutes worldwide and is accredited to ICF.


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