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International Coaching Week 2021

What does it take to be Masterful in Coaching by Mel Leow

Have you ever wondered what it takes to be Masterful in Coaching? As a part of the International Coaching Week 2021, we present to you a model that will help you gain mastery in the coaching practice.

Too often coaches get caught up in the rigour of structure and models, whilst others focus on the practice of powerful questions. And yet some say it’s all about co-creating action steps and solutions. What is really true?

In this session, you will be exposed to simple truths to help you take steps toward your Coaching “paradigm shift”.

Here are just 3 key areas of discovery:

  1. The Coaching Mindset
  2. The Layers of Perspective
  3. The Pillars of Mastery

There will also be a short time to practice “Being Masterful”.

About Mel Leow

Mel Leow is a believer of learning and growth, and had the privilege to glean from greats like John C. Maxwell and the late Sir John Whitmore, and is certified as a Stakeholder Centred Coach with Marshall Goldsmith, Master NLP Practitioner with Dr. Richard Bandler, and psychometric assessments like The Leadership Circle, Hogan, iWAM, LAB and VSQ.

He brings 4500+ hours of Executive and Team Coaching experience. He is a co-author of three books “Bring Out Their Best”, “ Coach Wisdom” ( Volume II), “ The Calling” and an author of the upcoming book “ Engage– How To Stop Living In Default and Start Living the Life You Desire”.

In August 2020, Mel launched his first Podcast Interview show #100MASTERCOACHES which features Master Coaches around the world.

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