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Home » Blog » Living By The Law of Pure Potentiality

“People who don’t know the power of their mind shall only have power without power.”

― Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

Your power lies in knowing your worth! 

As cliche as it may sound, we all struggle at actualising our worth and reaching our potential. Knowing your worth is no easy feat. You do not wake up one day to realise your potential.

From the start, society forces you to associate your worth with the possessions you have: education, marriage, business, financial worth, appearance, social circle, and accomplishments. It’s no surprise that we’d be entirely lost in a fog of self-pity and misery making it hard to even hard to the thought of reaching potential.

When you’re evaluated on these scales repeatedly, the judgement embeds itself in your mind about knowing your worth. It changes how you feel about yourself. You quickly begin to perceive yourself through these same lenses, believing that you are not good enough, that you are a low performer, you are undeserving, you are unqualified, and so on.

But what matters right now is that you are ready to jarr yourself of judgements, shackles of self-doubt and wish to build the conviction that “I am bigger than my failures.”

We will talk about one of the significant 7 Laws of Success penned by Deepak Chopra — The Law of Pure Potentiality. Additionally we will also lay out how to live by that law and attune with your true self-worth. 

What is the Law of Pure Potentiality?

The Law of Pure Potentiality states that at the core of being, we are pure awareness. The realm of pure awareness is the domain of all possibilities. It underlies creativity in all its forms.

Pure potentiality is pure consciousness; it is the field of all possibilities and infinite creativity. The mantra for The Law of Pure Potentiality is “Om Bhavam Namah” which translates to “I am absolute existence.” 

Read here how Reality conflicts with Consciousness: The Stringent Relationship Between Consciousness and Reality – xMonks

Knowing your worth empowers one to achieve any goal one sets for themselves. We vibrate in the same field that nature uses to build a forest, a galaxy, or a human body can also be used to fulfil our objectives. The field of pure potentiality is the source of all power, intelligence, and unlimited organisational capacity, anything is possible.

As a result, knowing who we truly are is critical to our success in life. It’s only feasible if we know our worth.

When you are honest to yourself, you are impervious to criticism, and your soul realises that everyone else is the same Self in different guises at its fundamental level. Meditation, spending more time in nature, practising non-judgment of yourself and others, listening more carefully, and silence are all ways to observe this law.

Know Your Worth by Reaching Potential

It is so easy to assume that the outside world we are experiencing is all there is as we go through life. Each event is recorded in our time capsule, and subtitles are added beneath the stories on our timeline. The substance of our experience becomes a reference point for our past. The actions we’ve made take shape without stop, and we begin to identify with the script as our definition.

We are not the characters we play or the events that have occurred in the past. Our “narrative” should not determine who we are since it is continually changing; it is constantly being rewritten.

Our body, mind, and energy are gifts that have meaning well beyond their original purpose. We struggle with our appearance, wishing it were different; we believe we see “our self” when we look in the mirror.

Can this self-sabotage be our definition? 

We carried ourselves as a child, a teenager, and an adult—constantly altering and evolving into a new form—can this inconsistency be our definition?

Isn’t it true that defining ourselves by our physical shape does us a grave injustice? 

With these presumed self doubts, knowing your worth or reaching potential can seem almost non existent.

Our mind and intellect process the specifics of our life every second in order to determine which experiences caused pain, happiness, bewilderment, or ecstasy.

We are not the thoughts in our mind; we are the one who listens. Hence, to realise your worth, you have to choose what you are listening to.

How do you measure your potential? What are the factors that help you know your worth? What is your internal reference point? Is it ego or is it consciousness?

We feel cut off from our roots when our internal reference point is the ego or self-image, and the uncertainty of events produces worry and doubt. The ego is impacted by ideas, people, and events that are not part of the Self. Ego lives on other people’s approval. It wants to be in charge because it is scared.

The ego, on the other hand, is not who we truly are. Our ego serves as a social mask; it is the character we are portraying.

Fear is at the root of the demand for approval, control, and external power. This isn’t the kind of power that comes from pure potentiality, the Self, or true power.

Consciousness attracts the things we desire. It attracts people, events, and things to help us achieve our goals. This state of grace is supported by natural laws. When we live in harmony with nature, we form a connection between our own desires and the ability to make them a reality.

We are more than the bones and flesh that keep us alive on this planet. There’s so much more to our existence than the infinite stories and thoughts.

Remember that pure consciousness, pure awareness, and pure spirit are what truly define us. We begin to connect from a place of truth when we allow ourselves the opportunity to step away from the tumults of life.

When we let go of prejudices about who we are, it becomes easier to lean into our passions. We get closer to reaching potential and knowing who we truly are as we accept our basic nature, and in that awareness, we build the power to realise our genuine potential and accomplish our dreams.

A goal becomes more attainable if we learn how to visualise it. Empower yourself with the The Power of Visualisation in Coaching – xMonks

The Main Ingredient is to Release Judgment

We continuously find ourselves analysing all of our experiences as right or wrong, good or bad, classifying and labelling so much of what we experience as we go about our day in judgement. We often pass severe judgement on ourselves, giving ourselves endless reasons that limit our ability to get out of our own way. We find ourselves evaluating others as well, including individuals we love, strangers, friends, and coworkers.

This constant tendency to identify and judge causes undue instability in our world, and, more crucially, in our own minds. Where there should be expansion and a good flow of energy, it generates confinement and negativity. The practice of non-judgment will help you free yourself from the knots of your endless labeling.

Maximise Your Leadership Potential

Not everyone leads in the same way. 

People frequently assume that leadership is very situational. That it is possible to predict whether someone would be a good or bad leader, and that anyone can be a leader. In actuality, certain people have a significantly higher chance of becoming leaders than others, independent of circumstance, and this probability can be objectively quantified using specialised psychological methods.

Personality plays a big role in leadership style. But how far ahead of time can we predict someone’s leadership potential?

Any prediction is an estimate of the possibility or likelihood of something happening. Because scientifically speaking leadership is largely determined by heredity and early childhood experiences, it is reasonable to anticipate it at a young age. It’s a different question to ask if doing so is ethical.

Most commonly used indicators of leadership potential, such as scholastic achievement, emotional intelligence, ambition, and IQ, can be anticipated from a young age, therefore treating them as more flexible would be ludicrous.

Remember there is no mould for an ideal leader. Any one who is aware enough can expand their field of leadership potential and bear the fruits of their creativity and genius.

If you want to reap the benefits of the field of pure potentiality, if you want to fully utilise the innate creativity of pure consciousness, you must first come in direct contact with it.

The truth is your team is ready for you.

They are looking up to you. 

Using the Law of Pure Potentiality, develop your leadership potential by equipping yourself with these qualities:

  1. Increase your leadership credibility by increasing your self-awareness and recognising shortcomings and areas for competency growth. Recognise the steps you’ll need to take to progress from top performer to an emerging leader.
  2. Inspire and influence others, and engage followers, by demonstrating honesty, integrity, and accountability.
  3. Demonstrate good interpersonal communication and authentic conversation.
  4. Use tested human relations strategies to inspire and empower your staff.
  5. Be willing to lead through change, take on new initiatives, and help your team members develop into top achievers.
  6. Make effective use of authority and influence to attain corporate goals and objectives.

How Can Pure Potential Bring Transformation

The gift of pure potentiality can be found in the midst of uncertainty. It entails realising your whole creative potential. Your potential to develop something that is absolutely independent of your current life systems. Possibilities are never-ending. However, we tend to overlook this and instead focus on attempting to fit into the situation at hand. We are prisoners of the comfort of the way things are mentally deep down.

There have always been two paths: the path of obedience and the path of creativity. The predictability of the conformed path had hitherto been the most appealing. However, as the familiar situations subside, the only certainty will come from within. Knowing who you are, believing in your inherent potential, and confidently positioning and offering your distinct value are all steps in the right direction. Only then will the pathway of inspiration unfold.

We’ll be stuck within the limitations of the known as long as we’re attached to its illusory comfort. The secret is to believe in your own creative abilities. And be bold enough to completely change the paradigm.

You can identify your unique strengths as a leader and develop extra competencies with the help of a transformation coach, which will help you attain the skills and qualities that will propel you to the next level of success as a leader in your organisation. A coach will guide you towards becoming a transformational leader and this can be passed on as you set an example for your team. 

The takeaway is that:- The concept of pure potential can only come to life if you give it enough room. You will meet your true nature in this space, and you will receive unfiltered, creative inspiration as a result.

Are you ready to explore the world of pure potentiality? 

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is knowing your worth tough?

From the start, society forces you to associate your worth with the possessions you have: education, marriage, business, financial worth, appearance, social circle, and accomplishments. Due to this we all struggle at knowing our worth and reaching our potential. Knowing your worth is no easy feat. 

What is the Law of Pure Potentiality?

The Law of Pure Potentiality states that at the core of being, we are pure awareness. The realm of pure awareness is the domain of all possibilities.

How can we define pure potentiality?

Pure potentiality is pure consciousness; it is the field of all possibilities and infinite creativity.

How can a leader expand his leadership potential?

Any one who is aware enough can expand their field of leadership potential and bear the fruits of their creativity and genius.Using the Law of Pure Potentiality, a leader can reach leadership potential.

What factors can help anyone in reaching potential?

One needs to free themselves from presumed self doubts and judgements. This is essential for reaching potential.