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Home » Blog » Leveraging Your Leadership, Making a Reactive – Creative Mindset Shift – Live Webinar By Sarah Cornally – 6th May 2020, ICW2020

“The human spirit possesses a deep desire for greatness. The desire, when harnessed by organisations, is a potent force to produce.” It is this very desire, that coerces human beings into doing things beyond their capacity and achieve greatness, beyond belief! The key though, to make all of it possible, is making a cultural shift from a reactive to a creative mindset.

As effective as it might appear to be, the reactive mindset will produce results, but not for long! The effect of a reactive mindset on a business organisation is almost zilch, after a period of time. To curb this tendency, it is important that reactive leaders switch from being self-protective and over-aggressive to a more creative mindset, that is led by vision, courage and integrity. Highly different from the above two, is a leader’s unique operating system (one that’s based on internal assumptions) that further translates into a productive or an unproductive style of leadership. This not only heightens the inner awareness of a leader but also has utmost influence on the ecosystem around him.

To talk about this changing landscape in our thought patterns, we have someone, who has challenged leaders across the globe, to bring the best out of themselves, by making them realize all that they are capable of achieving. At the ICW 2020, it gives us immense pleasure to join hands with Sarah Cornally, one of Australia’s executive associate and a leadership advisor.
Talking about her journey, Sarah has 25 years of experience as a leadership advisor. She specializes in developing leaders to create cultures that enable organizations to thrive. As an Executive Associate of Full Circle Group & Faculty of The Leadership Circle Asia Pacific, she delights in the opportunity to work together to evolve leaders and transform organizations!

Often in her interactions and interviews, Sarah emphasises on how important it is to work with the leaders and create conditions, that would help them to explore the paradox, be open to several perspectives and accept the outcomes and results, that were never expected. We think it is her cohesive approach towards failure and success and the ability to embrace the radical challenges, that will eventually lead towards the path of growth, for every organization.

Sarah deploys a range of verified measures, to help creative leaders, to complete the task at hand and achieve desirable results. A few of her result-driven practices have been listed below:

Culture Transformation – shifting from reactive to creative mindsets, enabling agility in the presence of pace and complexity

Leadership Growth – expanding the ability to lead through complexity

Organisational Effectiveness
– creating sustainable productivity in the face of increasing complexity

Intractable/Complex Issues Resolution – listening to the system, looking with new eyes, expanding perspectives using complex issues as an optimal development opportunity

Board/CEO Dynamics and Board Development – optimising the board’s role in culture, creating a collaborative partnership with clear boundaries that serve governance and leadership.

In a nutshell, Sarah looks at every leader, as a catalyst, who is capable of bringing in the much-needed changes within an organisation, by infusing a fresh lease of creativity, in their ideas and notions.

Thus, to explore all the possibilities and scope of coaching and leadership development, we invite you to the ICW 2020, beginning from the 4 th -10 th May. In an otherwise clutter-laden world, let’s walk through this journey together, to seek, what suits your business, the best.

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