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4th-10th May 2020

International Coaching Week 2020 – Online

World’s top coaches and leaders coming together on a common platform, for the International Coaching Week, starting 4 th – 10 th May, 2020.
7 Days
1000+ Attendees
15+ Sessions
World’s Top Coaches

Connect and Learn from The Best Coaches Across the Globe

With the top coaches and leaders coming together to walk you through these difficult times, the ICW 2020, is going to be bigger and better, than ever before!

Learn From Top experts

Gear up, as you begin your journey as a coach!

Network with Influencers

Time to rub shoulders with 18 influential coaches and leaders from different parts of the world!

Share your Ideas

Garner all the information you need to kick-start your career as a coach and a leader!


The best in the business are coming together, to walk along with you!

Amit Chawla


Dr. Aneeta Madhok

Web resuPredrag Jovanovic


Anupam Arun

Country Head & SVP at Cvent

Brian Lenahan

Digital Coach

Gaurav Arora


Harveen Singh Bedi


Jules Goddard


Nadezhda Mihaylova, PCC


Neeraj Juneja


Nitin Sisodia


Pedja Jovanović, MCC

High Performance Coach

Rajeev Dubey

Principal Advisor, Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd.

Sarah Cornally

TLC Faculty and Executive Associate

Surbhee Singh, ACC

Co-founder, xmonks

Krishna Gopal

Global Head – Enterprise Business Solutions, Tech Mahindra

Anup Vikal

CFO, Head of Legal & CSR at Nayara Energy LTD

Amy Davis

PCC (ICF), Lead Faculty, Erickson Coaching International

4th May – Day 1

Move from confusion to clarity!
Amit Chawla,
Clarity Coach
Clarity is the fuel that motors your business growth. The world’s famous artists, start up founders, entrepreneurs, doctors or/ and professional singers and actors credit their success to their clarity of thought, intent and action. Clarity is power. Learn to gain razor-sharp clarity in all areas of your life from Amit Chawla, India’s Top-Clarity-Coach.
The Secret Sauce to land your Dream job
Harveen Singh Bedi, Career Coach
Who is better equipped at guiding you from your job to a dream career, a Recruiter or a Career Coach?  If you need that secret sauce to land your Dream Career, this webinar is for you. With a mission to make careers and lives of people more meaningful and fulfilling, we bring to you Harveen Singh Bedi, Leadership Career Coach.
How to Build a Coaching Culture?
Neeraj Juneja,
Performance Coach
How do organizations create an environment that is conducive to sustainable high performance and fosters team work? Understand the process of combining coaching, facilitation and planning, to provide a new leadership approach to build a coaching culture in the organisation, where people connect, inspire and achieve their best performance.

5th May – Day 2

Create balance and peace at home
Nadezhda Mihaylova, PCC
Learn to develop Solution-Focused Coaching approach to Parenting that is vital for the survival and wellbeing of families in the current global situation.  Understand a simple yet powerful way to switch from problems-provoking communication to meaningful  and inspiring conversations.Learn the art of intent driven parenting.

How to beat the unknown?
Pedja Jovanović, MCC 
Are YOU dealing with any kind of panic in your leadership role? Do you find it nerve wracking to deal with these uncertain times? Learn to step out and have a systemic approach to any situation that you are facing. Choose the right leadership style, based on the complexity of the situation you are experiencing.

6th May – Day 3

Leveraging your Leadership, Making a Reactive – Creative mindset shift.

Sarah Cornally, MCC
“The future is demanding that we grow beyond our current capacity – do you want to meet this challenge?”
Join us for an exclusive webinar with Ms. Sarah Cornally, one of Australia’s well-respected Leadership advisors to understand how to Leverage your leadership to focus primarily on the shift from reactive to creative mindset—the shift most leaders are challenged to make!
Dealing with assumptions
Gaurav Arora, MCC
Discover & identify your assumptions & patterns which are not supporting you and keeping you away from living a happy & fulfilling life. Find ways to crack the code to be the leader you want to be.

7th May – Day 4

Leveraging 4D approach in Coaching
Jules Goddard,
Fellow, LBS
Learn the 4D approach of Coaching and  the role of Destiny, Deliberation, Development & Drama, to understand what you really care for in your life. Take small steps to develop yourself.
An Era of Artificial Intelligence & Coaching
Brian T. Lenahan,
Digital Coach
Five steps to generate a Unique Coaching offering by using Artificial Intelligence in Coaching. Examples of practical application of AI being Used in Coaching today.
Thriving in the New Normal by leveraging Design thinking and Coaching
Nitin Sisodia,
Founder, Sohum Innovation Lab
Originally developed at Stanford University’s d.school, this human-centered method helps teams find innovative solutions to existing problems. Design Thinking is used not only as methodology to work on innovation, but as catalyst for real cultural change towards more creativity and agility. Join us for an insightful conversation with Nitin Sisodia, a 2010 Stanford India Biodesign fellow. He is a National Awardee from the President of India for Innovation and technology. Nitin is the founder & CEO of Sohum Innovation Lab, a social enterprise to develop novel solutions to improve health income of people living in underserved regions.

8th May – Day 5

Live Coaching Session
Anupam Arun,
Country Head & SVP, Cvent
Experience live Coaching by one of the business leaders. Understand how coaching can be used to deal with challenges at the leadership level.
Live Coaching Session
Rajeev Dubey,
President-HR, Mahindra & Mahindra
The old ‘command and control’ method of leadership will be a disaster in today’s world, says Rajeev Dubey, Group President (HR & Corporate Services) at the prestigious Mahindra and Mahindra group.He is a celebrated name in the realms of developing the best in human capital of an organization. His wisdom and compassion have been the bedrock for various Human Resources initiatives. Join us for a LIVE Coaching Demo with Rajeev Dubey and witness a non-rehearsed coaching session in which a Coaches brings in a question that is alive in that moment!
Live Coaching Session
Aneeta Madhok, PCC
A great opportunity to listen to a Professional Certified Coach and a demonstration of all the core competencies at the initial level, to deal with life issues.

9th May – Day 6

Findings of the Leadership Survey-Whitepaper release
Gaurav Arora, MCC
A recent and well researched paper by hundreds of leaders from the startup, corporates & social sector to understand the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on leadership, organisation & business.

10th May – Day 7

Surbhee Singh, ACC
Cracking The ICF Coach Knowledge Assesment

Coaching has turned into a $2 billion a year industry. The International Coach Federation (ICF) is the largest coaching association in the world with more than 34,000 members in 145 countries. A study by the ICF shows that over 52 percent of all clients will not hire a coach with no relevant credentials.
The Coach Knowledge Assessment (CKA) assesses coaches on their understanding of the body of knowledge that includes the ICF definition of coaching, the ICF Core Competencies, and ICF Code of Ethics.
Join us for a LIVE webinar with Surbhee Singh, ACC, a professional with close to two decades of corporate experience as a Business Leader, Facilitator, Coach and Speaker. She will share a few best practices to prepare for and pass the ICF Coach Knowledge Assessment.


Our Partners

Shout out, to all our partners, that have been there with us, to bring ICW 2020, before you! Drum rolls!

Where ?

Online From Your Home!

Need Help ?

Email us at
if you have any questions.

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India holds the potential to be the coaching capital of the world. The onus lies with the coaches in India to bridge the demand-supply gap by creating an ecosystem, through a change in behavior, perception and  operational process.

Secretary General, FICCI


Get prompt responses from a friendly, professional and knowledgable support team.

Who are the core team members of xMonks?

The xMonks core team is made up of certified coaches, consultants, facilitators, HR professionals, educators, and practitioners with backgrounds ranging from organizational development, psychology, finance, operations, business, etc. xMonks is known for its’ standout support system unlike any other in our industry.

Where are we launching these webinars? What are the charges for these webinars?

All the webinars will be conducted via the Zoom webinar platform and will be offered free of cost to all the registered participants.

Are you recording these sessions and can we access the copy of the same later?

Yes, we will be recording the webinar sessions. The slide deck and a recording of the webinar will be made available to the participants at <<LINK, pls add>> and will also be emailed to their registered email ID.

Whom to contact if I have any questions/query?

Please send us your queries at support@xmonks.com and we will be happy to assist you.

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