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ICW 2020 Webinars

Those who missed ICW2020 Live Webinars, can enjoy the webinars which we had in ICW 2020 on this page.

Move From Confusion To Clarity by Amit Chawla

Amit Chawla is a clarity coach who talks about the journey of transition from a corporate career to a clarity coach. Citing instances from his own life, he believes that it is important that one should keep trying, despite the failures, one comes across. However, the biggest problem that we are yet to address is, “Who are you?” To understand that, it is important that we engage in the process of learning & unlearning, connect the dots and interact with young minds to bring in a flavor of freshness, to our thoughts and actions.

To understand that, it is important that we engage in the process of learning & unlearning, connect the dots and interact with young minds to bring in a flavor of freshness, to our thoughts and actions. What eludes us from fulfilling our objectives is the fact that we often keep waiting too long for the right moment; thereby failing to take the chances, that come our way.

The secret though, to navigate through life joyfully along with accelerating our growth, lies in factors like building a relationship, displaying absolute ownership, time, connecting the dots, and the choices that we make, through the course of our journey!

Classrooms to Cubicles by Harveen Singh Bedi

The session revolves around key factors like maintaining a work-life balance and understanding the term ‘Dream Job’ in its truest sense. Whilst the job prospects might not look bright, given the crisis, the aspirant must stay focused, stop looking for negative news, and above all, seek inner-fulfillment. Given the crisis around, it’s easier for individuals to get bogged down. As a result, most of them start applying to every job comes that comes along their way, which can be perceived as a major flaw. Presenting solutions through his ARAP model, Mr. Bedi emphasizes how important it is to focus on awareness, audience, research, and pitching.

All of these factors be practiced under the supervision of a Coach, who is an expert, non-judgmental, and the one, who highlights your strengths. The secret though lies in pitching yourself as a problem-solver and not as a job-seeker. As the bonus segment of the ARAP model rightfully mentions, “A fulfilling career can only be made if you commit yourself to your career by implementing the skills you’ve learned.”

How to Build a Coaching Culture by Neeraj Juneja

The session by Mr. Neeraj Juneja revolves around building a coaching culture, in business organizations. It also entails a few key business functions like changing the mindset, getting buy-in from people, and measuring success.
Coaching is no more a choice. It has become a ‘Must’ for every business organization.  The business organizations are now building a culture around a few important functions like operating via a command and control style of management, investing in employees, and customizing solutions, for the clients.

To build a coaching culture, it is important that we start living coaching on a daily basis. To initiate this, it is important to comprehend the mistaken policy, focus on mechanism feedbacks, find ways to handle conflicts, and learn the usage of ICF tools. Least to say, following a few basic, will not only help business organizations to make way for a great coaching culture, but it will also make the organization, a great place to work at!

Create balance and peace at home by Nadezhda, PCC

The session focuses on establishing the importance of having meaningful conversations, which are simple, yet powerful. It also talks about techniques that empower an individual to build a strong, respectful, and loving connection with their family members. As parents though, we ought to keep a few things in mind, while we are coaching the younger members of our family. For instance, it is important that we analyze the purpose behind them and always allow them to express themselves. It is to be remembered that we are parents first and a coach, later.

Since the pandemic has put us in doldrums, it is important that we drive away the fear lurking around, through a few simple steps. To begin with, we need to analyze our focus and our purpose behind doing things. Besides, in times such as these, it is important that we are present for our family members and keep expressing our love and concern for them, whenever we can.

How to beat the unknown? by Pedja Jovanovic, MCC

The session by Mr. Pedja Jovanovic dwells upon the aspect of uncertainty, that is looming over us after we’ve been hit hard by the pandemic. To combat the crisis, Pedja talks about the Cynefin framework, where our identity becomes a place of multiple belonging. Citing real-life examples, Pedja says that, a person can be a father, teacher, sportsperson, coach and so many other things, at the same time. However, the definition of the term ‘Cynefin’ basically means a place, where a human being or an animal, feels right to belong.

He further goes on to explain the relationship between cause and effect, which can be perceived through ordered, complex, and chaotic systems. Depending on where we are poised right now in our lives, we can adapt different styles of leadership, to give our lives the direction, it requires. To summarize his webinar, Pedja mentions that regardless of where we are at the moment in our lives, it is important that we “Keep calm and take massive actions daily.”

Leveraging your Leadership by Sarah Cornally, MCC

The session by Sarah Cornally deals with leveraging the art of coaching by switching from a reactive mindset to a creative mindset. The first step towards it is through evolving the conscious practice of leadership and creating outcomes that matter. Differentiating between the two mindsets, Sarah emphasizes how factors like fear, challenges, status quo, inspiration, behavior and energy play an important role, in generating different outcomes.

The world though now, is reeling under a crisis. To put things in perspective, it is only virtues like community concern, purpose, vision, collaboration and individual learning, that will bail us, out of this pandemic. To summarize the webinar, Sarah mentions that irrespective of the mindset that we carry along, it is to be remembered that, “We are better, when we are together.”

Dealing with assumptions by Gaurav Arora, MCC

The session by Gaurav Arora, talks about assumptions and how they tend to impact our lives, in ways, more than one. However, before we get into the details of the term, it is important, we know, what assumptions, actually are! A thing that is accepted as true or as certain to happen, without any proof, is what we term as assumptions.

While some of us might let are thinking process be impacted by assumptions, there are others, who might consider these assumptions, to be the only truth. There’s a fine line between assumptions and assertions and understanding that, will make our lives a lot simpler.  Individuals tend to get too critical of themselves, when things don’t go their way. In such situations, factors like our awareness, acceptance and actions, help us reinvent ourselves. The crux of the matter though being, since assumptions are mostly not under control, it is better that we begin to enjoy and experience life as it is and learn to acknowledge and be grateful for all that we have!

Leveraging 4D approach in Coaching by Jules Goddard

The session by Jules Goddard is about leveraging the 4D approach in coaching. To put things into perspective, he talks about a very traditional model of coaching. This model requires an individual to refrain from judgment, forego giving advice, ask open, non-leading questions, listen, grown and display an attitude of unconditional positive regard.

Jules further explains how a sense of identity, meaning, and belonging will help us find ourselves at work. Putting things into perspective, Jules introduces his 4D Model of Leveraging Coaching. These 4Ds include, destiny, drama, deliberation and development, and how each one is crucial to the aspect of coaching. A few key values deduced from the webinar will certainly add a lot of value to your personal and professional life and will help you become the person, you were always meant to be!

An Era of AI & Coaching by Brian T. Lenahan

The session by Brian, talks about the implementation of AI practices in coaching. To give you a basic understanding of the technology, we provide you with a simple three-step process on how AI functions. To begin with, it is the Input (data) which is fed in the system, which is further processed (algorithm) to provide you with an output (result). While people tend to compare AI with human coaching, it is to be understood at the very outset that AI can never replace human coaching. Instead, it is only meant to use the tools effectively, at its disposal. For instance, human coaching is highly instrumental, when it comes to judgement, creativity, intimacy and emotions.

The need of the hour right now, is that the AI system and the Coaching Industry, must peacefully co-exist. It is only then, that together, will they be able to create maximum impact, for business organizations, in years to come!

Thriving in the New Normal by Nitin Sisodia

The session by Mr. Nitin Sisodia is about the innovative process of Design Thinking and how it can be implemented in the coaching industry. The process of Design Thinking and Coaching aren’t very different from each other. However, each of them has to fulfill a few prerequisites, to make maximum impact. While Design Thinking relies more on empathy, design mindset and brainstorming, the Coaching segment is more about rapport, questioning, listening, and respect.

When in sync with each other, design thinking and coaching can create a wholistic and a complimentary package, for business leaders to excel. In addition, both the verticals can be used by coaches to showcase and realize their true potential. Since Design Thinking mostly deals with a lot of experimentation, it is obvious that you might fail several times, before you finally succeed. However, coaches classify these experiments in Design Thinking as: “Million great ideas, One Right Idea; Million Great Needs, One Right Need”.

Live Coaching Session by Anupam Arun

The session by Anupam Arun is about a one-on-one session with his coachee. To understand his coachee better, Anupam asks about the problems that the coachee has been dealing with, that probably has become the barrier between her and all that she wants to achieve. To these questions, the coachee mentions that it is her will-power, that was preventing her to achieve, all that she wants to. Had she been able to regulate her will-power, she’d be able to gain a lot more self-control, self-love, and discipline.

To simplify things for the coachee, the coach facilitates the journey of his coachee to create awareness on how over-thinking about things in life, can prevent us from doing what we are meant to do. Often, it is over-thinking and executing, that is the biggest challenge, that lies within. To overcome that, coachee realized and came up with the solution herself that it is important that we keep surging ahead, without thinking as to what the others would think about it. Remember, Coaching is a journey and not a destination!

Live Coaching Session by Rajeev Dubey

The session by Rajeev Dubey is more of a beautiful interaction between a coach and coachee. Rajeev Dubey, as a coach tries to simplify the life of her coachee, where she longs to be her former self; carefree & confident. The coachee, through this interaction, expresses her concern for the ecosystem around, where she’s unable to contribute as much as she would have liked to, because of the pandemic looming large on our society.

To put things in perspective, the coach then facilitates the coachee to create awareness in knowing that we as humans cannot do anything about things that are not under our control. However, through the process of self-evaluation, one can add a lot of clarity to their thoughts, thereby, creating solutions, that would make a large impact on the ecosystem around! The coach then ends the session, by quoting a piece from one of the Vedas, which says: “There’s only one eternal truth but there a million paths that lead to it.”

Live Coaching Session by Aneeta Madhok

The session by Aneeta Madhok deals with a one-on-one session with her coachee. She helps her, attain clarity on her goals, and emphasizes a few facts that can certainly help an individual realize his/her dreams. Expectations from self and others and assertiveness are a few things, that Aneeta believes can transform the life of an individual.

Throughout the session, we notice how skillfully Aneeta manages to navigate through the areas of concerns of the coachee and then provides her words of wisdom on the same. The session helps us understand how important it is to be a good listener, in order to find solutions to the problems. Aneeta does not impose solutions, on her coachee. Instead, through the art of visualization and through a sheer expression of freedom, Aneeta let her coachee, seamlessly navigate through her journey, and experience the joy of attaining all that she wants to.

Findings of the Leadership Survey by Gaurav Arora

The session on the white paper discussion talks about our leadership survey. The data was garnered from around 800 people, from across India. However, before we list out the data for our readers, we would like to send out our heartfelt condolences to the family members of those, that lost their lives, fighting this pandemic. May God provide them enough strength, to get through this hour of grief.

Our findings were divided into five major categories namely business continuity, communication with information sharing, leadership, personal impact, and remote working. A statistical representation of the survey implied that more than 70% percent of businesses  have been impacted by the pandemic, while more than 60% of leaders are still trying to figure out ways to evolve their business. The good part though is that more than 72% of people still repose faith in their organization, during this pandemic. While travel, retail, automobile, and manufacturing are a few industries that are facing the heat of this pandemic, a few industries like the telecom sector, pharmaceuticals, and insurance companies are all set to witness a surge in their business. Regardless of who handles this pandemic better, it is to be remembered, that we are all in this, together!

Cracking The ICF CKA by Surbhee Singh, ACC

The session by Surbhee Singh is all about the Coaching Knowledge Assessment, also known as CKA. However, before getting into the technical intricacies of the assessment, it is important to know, what exactly is CKA. Often referred to as an exam, CKA is used to measure a coach’s understanding of the knowledge and skills important in the practice of coaching. The body of knowledge for this assessment majorly comprises sections like the code of ethics, ICF definition of coaching, and core competencies.

Before the aspirants start applying for their credentials, it is important to ensure that they’ve fulfilled certain prerequisites such as completing 60 hours of coaching and initiating their mentoring process. While the candidates might spend hours training and prepare for the Coaching Knowledge Assessment, the most important thing, to ace the test, is to ‘Believe in Yourself’ and in the skills you’ve acquired, over a passage of time!


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