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Home » Blog » How to beat the unknown? Webinar By Pedja Jovanović, MCC – 5th May 2020, ICW2020

The world is currently reeling under crisis! Covid 19 has not only taken a toll on human lives and world economy, but to an extent, it has also brought in a sea-change in our behavioural patterns and thought processes. However, no matter what befalls, it is important, to repose faith in our ecosystem, even if the world around us is falling apart! While there’s a section of the masses, who have already given up hope, the others, on the flipside, are making the most of this buffer time, by restructuring the way, they have been approaching personal and professional growth. This phase is the true test of one’s character.

This Whilst the world is looking for motivation, to get through these tough times, several leading organisations and individuals have been successful in crafting programs, that would help the masses, to battle Covid-19. The International Coaching Week, 2020, is one such platform, that is bringing together, a plethora of world-class coaches and leaders. Starting from the 4 th until the 10 th of May, these coaches will bring to you the importance of mental health, psychological safety, structuring ways to gain an edge in your professional lives and identifying steps to battle the crisis. One such speaker, who will be key to this seminar, is Mr. Pedja Jovanovic.

An ICF Master Certified Coach (MCC), international trainer and a global consultant, Pedja Jovanovic, has been an integral part of Erickson team, since 2009. A master trainer and an NLP Practitioner, Pedja has been the first individual to bring Erickson’s ICF Accredited Coach Training Program; The Art & Science of Coaching to Serbia. Pedja has been instrumental in leading several change management projects globally apart from delivering a large number of coach training programs. When not working, you will find Pedja spending time with his family. Infact, he loves carrying his son on his shoulders. Talking about his success Mantra, Pedja believes that his technical background gives him structure, persistence and flexibility, which tend to lay a foundation of his day-through-day work.

The three key aspects that Pedja will be dwelling upon, during his session are:

1) Stepping out and having a systematic approach, towards the crisis we are facing.
2) Choosing the right kind of leadership, during these torrid times.
3) Approaching your team members and proceeding with your projects in times of crisis.

The role of coaching and leadership isn’t only limited to working professionals. The ICW 2020, is for anyone, who wishes to take the initiative to spread cheer and happiness, during these times!

For instance, an act as simple as distributing food amongst the needy, checking on your friends and family or learning a new form of art is a great sign of leadership in itself. IT is time when age-old precepts like “When the going gets tough, the tough gets going” will tend hold more value, than anything.

These times, would either make a prisoner or a warrior out of you. This isn’t the time, to put down your swords, but to sharpen it. Covid 19 is a litmus test of your mental strength and character and it is exactly here, that platforms like ICW 2020, will be rendering yeoman’s service, in shaping up the future of several individuals, across the globe! Come, be a part of one of the greatest coaching and leadership programs, as we set out to rewrite history, together, yet again!

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