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Magic of Coaching Conversation  Ebook

A coaching conversation is a transition from telling, addressing problems, and giving advice to empowering the other person to own their problems and take responsibility for their actions.

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The Book Will Draw Your Attention To

  • What is a Coaching Conversation?

  • Three notions of a Coaching Conversation

  • How to have a Coaching Conversation

  • Essentials of a Coaching Conversation

  • The GROW Model of Coaching Conversation

  • Why Having A Conversation is an important Leadership Skill

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Discover how a Coaching Conversation Brings your A-game

A conversation is like free-flowing water. It moves with its pace, up and down, and if you try to control it, it overflows.

The same is a coaching conversation. It is the transition from telling, addressing problems, and giving advice to empowering the other person to own their problems and take responsibility for their actions.

The introspective nature of coaching conversations enables us to develop and strengthen new neural pathways in the brain.

Both parties leave coaching conversations feeling competent and confident in themselves and appreciative of the other person’s support. Read this ebook to know more about coaching conversations.

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