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Home » Blog » Definition of Passion: What is the Meaning of Passion in Life?

PASSION is a powerful force in life. It has the power to change you from someone who is merely existing to someone who is captivated with life. It has the same effect as putting on sunglasses on a sunny day, changing your view on everything. 

Finding your life’s passion is akin to returning home after being a stranger in a new nation. You’re at ease, content, and completely involved. 

Life challenges and obstacles do not vanish as soon as you discover and live your passion; but, they do transform the way you perceive and deal with them. When something exciting is going on in one aspect of your life, the challenges in other areas don’t appear as daunting. 

To deal with them, you have the greater emotional energy and creative resources. And you want to get rid of them as soon as possible so you can get back to doing what you enjoy. But how do we attain this passion? Is it in born or does it eventually come with time? Let’s find out.

The goal of this blog is to assist you in transforming yourself and your life so that, in some time from today, you will be well on your way to living a passionate new life—however you define it. You’ll acquire a lot more clarity about who you are, what you want out of life, and what’s holding you back as you go along. You’ll also simplify and balance your life so you have the time and energy to pursue and completely appreciate your life passion.

Definition of Passion: What is the Meaning of Passion in Life?

Who is a passionate person?

I’m certain that you’ve crossed paths with passionate people in your life. They radiate a positive and energising energy. They are focused and committed to their work. In the classic sense, they may not be affluent or successful (although wealth and success may be by-products of their passion). However, they appear to be content. 

No, they are more than content—they are captivated by their present situation. They aren’t much luckier, smarter, or more inventive than you. The only difference between you and these enthusiastic individuals is that they have identified their passion and taken steps to make it a significant part of their lives. However, you still have time to catch up.

So coming back to the question what is passion?

Most people use the word “passion” to describe powerful feelings that show extreme desire or unbounded enthusiasm (at least that’s how I’ve always heard it used). Passion in life, according to me, is defined as the willingness to suffer for what you love. So if you have passion the dedication you put in becomes threefold.

Living your life with passion has a way of transforming every aspect of

your life. It adds life to your work. So the point here isn’t how smart you are, but how smart you are in relation to your life passion. What cognitive abilities do you have naturally, and how can you make the most of them? You create fertile ground for enthusiastic living when you play to your strengths rather than straining against endeavours that aren’t natural for you.

Passionate Leadership Qualities: What is Passionate Leadership Really About?

Typically, across much of the media, passionate leaders are portrayed as ‘superheroes’ who can leap tall buildings and can flatter us with their charisma. The perception is that these people are superhuman or god-like pictures in some way and, as a result, are set apart from the rest of us. This perception is both startling and in stark contrast to our reality.

They are warmly humans with unquestionably charismatic, but clearly are subject to, and experience, the same roller-coaster of excitement, worries, doubts, and joys that the rest of us do. 

But what sets them apart? What I mean is that if they are not superhero, if they are not god-like beings, then what sets them apart from the rest of us? Here are a few reasons:

  1. Passionate leaders have a clear vision. Leadership entails bringing a person’s vision to the highest level possible. It is the process of extending one’s personality beyond its regular bounds. Passionate leaders establish a management and processing system that aids in the formation of a vision that aids in the development of the talents they discover.
  2. Passionate leaders show gratitude. Gandhi once said, “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” Passionate leaders encourage participation, positive interactions, and resistance. Furthermore, thankfulness allows you to recognise your achievements.
  3. Passionate leaders are good at communicating and listening. How can you enthuse others and interact with them if you can’t build a vision of the future that they can believe in? People benefit from the irrepressible leader’s vision because he communicates it to them, transfers his belief in it, and convinces stakeholders to buy into it and followers to serve it.
  4. Passionate leaders are passionate motivators. Leadership is not about forming a group of robots and giving them directions or controlling them to act. A leader must acknowledge this power of choice and assist people to use it successfully, rather than abusing it.
  5. Passionate leaders have the ability to involve others in their passion. If you’re proud of something, tell others about it and celebrate your accomplishment. If you’re enthusiastic about the future of your company, make sure your employees are, too, by involving them. It all comes down to your ability to connect and interact with your audience — if you’re passionate about something, you need to articulate that passion in a way that motivates others to achieve their goals.
  6. Passionate leaders have a strong purpose in life. Have you ever heard the phrase “passion can’t be taught; it either comes naturally or is caught”? Passionate leaders inspire people with their love of life, their willingness to try new things, take risks, be motivated, have a sense of urgency, and reinvent themselves. These arises only through purpose. They are well aware of what they are doing and why they are doing it.
  7. Passionate leaders make a difference. Leaders who inspire others are dedicated to making a meaningful difference. This power is focused on effecting change, making a difference, and making things happen. There is this extraordinary power to motivate others with an inspiring attitude that fosters perseverance and determination. You’ll need an aspirin of inspiration to keep you upbeat at all times if you want to be a passionate leader.
  8. Passionate leaders leave a legacy behind them. They become a person of influence. They have the ability to stair the world with their actions and gifts.
  9. Passionate leaders are blessed with the ability to see opportunity in adversity. Passionate leaders are those who seek opportunity in suffering or adversity. Thomas Edison refused to accept the status quo in the field of energy transmission. The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell, who advanced communications beyond the Morse code’s discovery. Every modern convenience device or invention is the result of man’s ambition to expand the possibilities available to him.
  10. Passionate leaders possess the quality of self-awareness. They know themselves, their gift, abilities, potential, and what they can achieve. They use this to the best of their ability to create magic in this world.

5 Passionate Leadership Examples – Tips To Motivate Your Team

Mahatma Gandhi

SUFFERING is the main definition of passion. The first example of the word passion is the story of Mahatma Gandhi’s life. He was called “Great Soul” (Mahatma) and “Little Father” (Bapu). He was born on October 2, 1869, in Porbandar and died in an assassination in Delhi on January 30, 1948.

Not only did Mahatma Gandhi empower the Indians on a salt march to corrupt the British economic system, but he was also an inspiring leader. Since he was the founder of Satyagraha, he motivated all Indians to understand and learn resistance through non-violent civil disobedience. His initial priority was to assist poor farmers and laborers in their efforts to resist high taxes and discrimination. He also contributed to the abolition of poverty and caste inequality in society.

The key to Gandhi’s inner temple of suffering is found in his passion. He suffered joyously, preserving his hope of one day restoring Mother India to the epic “Golden Age” of goodness and truth. Gandhi’s tragic weakness is shown as the flip side of his solitary strength via the complex prism of his passion, helping to account for his eventual inability to gain that for which he battled hardest and suffered the most.

Mother Teresa

Mother Teresa was an inspirational, uncommon, and unique person whose higher purpose was to care for the poor, sick, and disadvantaged all across the world. She was able to help the lowest of the poor regardless of religion, caste, skin colour, or place of birth. To others, she may have appeared to be a worker for the underprivileged. She is, in my opinion, the epitome of passionate leadership, a role model for helping people aspire to and achieve high levels of personal and organisational performance.

Mother Teresa was a charismatic leader in her own way. She motivated people all across the world to help those in need regardless of their social level or race. She was well-liked and confident, possessed exemplary qualities, possessed a strong sense of purpose, articulated the goals and ideas for which her followers were psychologically prepared, secured her followers’ unwavering cognitive and emotional commitment, and possessed extraordinary moral inspiration, attraction, and influence over her followers.

Henry Ford

Another notable example of a “passionate leader” is Henry Ford, who persevered despite commercial failure (the Ford Motor Company was his third effort to launch an automobile manufacturing company) and others’ dismissal of his ideas. Half of the automobiles on the road in the United States were Model Ts fifteen years after Ford began producing the Model T, his ideal of a car that was moderately priced, reliable, and efficient.

Among all of Ford’s leadership characteristics, arguably the most outstanding was his ability to connect with others. Ford used his leadership abilities to be inclusive and inspire collaboration, even if he wasn’t flawless. When things didn’t go as planned, he learned from his mistakes. Others looked up to him because of his leadership characteristics, and they wanted to follow in his footsteps. It is one of the reasons why Ford Motor Company is still the market leader in the automobile industry today.

Nelson Mandela

Mandela is known for his ability to be a hero, to inspire others, and to lead a country. Mandela’s dreams inspired him to struggle for a better world, where he imagined an Africa where apartheid was abolished and men were equal and free in his early years. This vision compelled him to accomplish what he was supposed to do and convinced him that there was still hope for him even in the darkest days of his confinement.

As a leader, South African President Nelson Mandela exhibited exceptional qualities such as advocacy for peace, a powerful presence that deterred enemies with his smile, a high level of forgiveness, positive thinking, a focus on goals and missions bigger than himself, remarkable endurance, grit and determination, humility, hopefulness, and patience.

Maya Angelou

Maya Angelou was an author, poet, historian, songwriter, dramatist, dancer, stage and film producer, director, performer, singer, and civil rights activist. Maya’s youth was marred by catastrophes and adversity. She incorporated her emotions into her work in order to create powerful pieces of art. she was a strong advocate for abolishing racial and gender discriminatory practices. Angelou desired to make the world a better place, and she inspired many people with her insightful and passionate remarks.

Angelou was a firm believer in being compassionate and doing the right thing. She adored the world around her, even if it didn’t always treat her well. Angelou was and will continue to be the rainbow in our clouds for many of us. Maya Angelou is regarded as a remarkable woman due to her uncanny ability to inspire others.

Oprah Winfrey once said “Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you.”  So,why not add passion in our lives.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the definition of passion?

“Passion” is used to express strong sentiments of tremendous desire or boundless enthusiasm. Passion in life, in my opinion, is characterised by the willingness to suffer for something you care about. So, if you’re passionate about something, you’ll put in three times the effort.

Who are passionate leaders?

They are warmly human and undeniably captivating, yet they plainly go through the same roller-coaster of excitement, fears, doubts, and joys as the rest of us.

How does living a life of passion help an individual?

Finding your life’s calling is analogous to coming home after being a stranger in a strange land. You’re relaxed, content, and fully engaged. Living a life of passion has the ability to transform all aspects of your life. It breathes new life into your work.

What are the most popular passionate leadership qualities?

  1. Passionate leaders have a clear vision.
  2. Passionate leaders are full of gratitude.
  3. Passionate leaders are good at communicating and listening.
  4. Passionate leaders are compassionate.

Who are the most popular passionate leadership example?

  • Mahatma Gandhi
  • Mother Teresa
  • Henry Ford
  • Nelson Mandela
  • Maya Angelou