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What is a Coaching Model

A depiction of a system that incorporates a process is called a model. It’s a simile or analogy that’s used to describe and visualise the journey. Models are used to depict or describe a process that cannot be seen directly. A model is more than just what you’re looking at, to put it another way.

A coaching model depicts what occurs (or will occur) during a coaching conversation (micro) as well as the broader coaching intervention or journey (macro). A coaching model is a strategy for guiding a person through a process from where they are now to where they want to be. Usually, it consists of a series of actions that are stated in an easy-to-remember acronym.

The goal of a coaching model is to develop a framework for leading someone else through the processes below.

  • Identifying the desired outcome
  • Recognizing where they are
  • They’re looking into other options for where they want to go.
  • Identifying potential roadblocks
  • Putting together a strategy

Types of Coaching Models

There are numerous types of coaching models. Each of these types of coaching models helps the coach establish strong coaching grounds. But what are Coaching models? And what are the different types of coaching models? Are all the types of coaching models the same? Let us explore.

Coaching models help us understand the coaching intervention from a systems perspective, as well as the importance of “structure” in the coach-client relationship. As coaches, they help us acquire flexibility. They give the coaching discourse and the overall coaching process structure and direction. Although models provide a framework for coaches and clients to cooperate, it’s vital that they don’t come across as rigid or prescriptive. Let us now explore so of the most popular coching models.

STEPPPA Coaching Model

The STEPPPA model of coaching was developed by Angus McLeod. It’s a method for using the context and emotions of a situation or issue to create and act on new objectives. When there are difficult emotions at play, STEPPPA is primarily used as a tool to conquer them.

  • Subject: This is the starting point to understand the subject and the context of the discussion in a coaching session.
  • Target objective: The coach determines whether the target established by the individual being coached is realistic.
  • Emotional context: Emotion of an acid hindrance in achieving a goal thus at this stage the coaches make sure that emotions act as a motivator instead of a blocker.
  • Perspective: The coach seeks to broaden the individual’s conscious view of their challenges and goals through perception and target re-evaluation.
  • Plan: This is a time for both the individual and the coach to reflect on the interventions and assess what has worked well and what needs to be changed.
  • Pace: This is where the individual and coach assess whether things are progressing as planned or if the achievement timeframe needs to be adjusted.
  • Adapt or act: Before committing to action, both parties should assess the strategy and make any required revisions and reviews.

CLEAR Coaching Model

CLEAR Coaching model originated in early 1980 by Peter Hawkins who was a professor of leadership. These are the five-step model that is designed to help individuals achieve a transformational change that is based on their values, behaviors, and beliefs.

The CLEAR model can be summarised as follows:

  • Contracting: This is when the coach outlines the scope of the coaching and the ground rules for working together, as well as what results an individual wishes to achieve from the coaching.
  • Listening: At this stage of coaching the coach looks for clarity and details to understand both what the coachee thinks and what he feels.
  • Exploration: The main goal of the state is to provide the employees a platform to develop an emotional connection to their behavioural patterns and changes.
  • Action: This is where the coach assists the person being coached in determining the best course of action.
  • Review: And the last stage the coach asked the client to review the session and reflect on the contrast objective and the progress of the coaching sessions.

FUEL Model of Coaching

The fuel coaching model was developed by Kathleen Stinnett and John Zenger in their book ” The extraordinary coach: How the best leaders help others grow”. In this model, the coach directs and asks leading questions to guide the individual to what the coach believes to be the best solution.

FUEL Coaching Model

Here is what FUEL means:

  • Frame the conversation: In framing the conversation the purpose the process and the desired outcome of the conversation are agreed upon with the individuals.
  • Understanding the current state: In this stage of coaching, you need to understand the viewpoint of the individual in the current situation. It is necessary to see through their viewpoint.
  • Explore the desired state: This is the stage when individuals describe the desired destination. It is the place they see when they look at success. This step provides a vision and an understanding of what an individual considered to be the desired state.
  • Layout success: In the last stage the individual needs to take out a plan of action to achieve their goal they need to create a detailed plan with an established timeline until when they want to achieve their goal.

OSCAR Model of Coaching

The OSCAR Model of Coaching was developed by Karen Whittleworth and Andrew Gilbert in the year 2002. This model is to bring out the client’s existing skills and capacities, and control of the process will be shifted from the coach to the client. They believe that their strategy is designed to find out what works effectively and reproduce it, rather than continuing to do what doesn’t. The aim was to develop a model that replicates what’s working the best.

Here is what OSCAR Model means:

  • Outcome: The coach will determine the individual’s desired outcome and also identify the long-term goals of the individuals, in this section.
  • Situation: This is when the coach clarifies the existing situation of the individual.
  • Choice: This is where the coach and the individual talk about the many possibilities and the repercussions of making certain decisions.
  • Action: The coach encourages the client to take charge of their own action plan in this section.
  • Review: This is a time for both the individual and the coach to reflect on the interventions thus far and assess what has worked well and what needs to be changed.

GROW Model for Coaching

The GROW Model for Coaching concept owes a lot to authors Alan Fine and Graham Alexander, as well as John Whitmore, who worked on it largely in the 1980s and 1990s. Whitmore emphasises the necessity of the coach not assuming authority over the other person’s situation or attempting to fix their difficulties for them. The ultimate job of the coach in GROW Model for Coaching, according to him, is that of a facilitator who assists the person in selecting the best possibilities. Here is what GROW Model for Coaching means:

  • Goal: In the GROW Model for Coaching the coach examines the behaviour of the coachee he wishes to modify and articulate it in terms of the desired outcome.
  • Reality: Encourage the coachee to think about where they are now before attempting to address difficulties.
  • Options: Turn the person’s attention to determining what is conceivable after they have explored reality.
  • Will: Now at the end of the GROW Model for Coaching, the possibilities are obvious and encourage the person to commit to particular actions in order to progress toward their objective.

This is how the GROW Model for Coaching emphasizes learning via experience, including introspection, insight, decision-making, and action. Know more about GROW Coaching Model .

GROW Model for Coaching

PRACTICE Coaching Model

Using the problem-solving paradigm Palmer (2007) created the PRACTICE coaching paradigm, which is based on Wasik’s (1984) seven-step process. The PRACTICE framework contains solution-seeking and implementation approaches based on solution-focused practice (Jackson and McKergow, 2007; O’Connell and Palmer, 2007).

This model of coaching simply identifies the problem, sets relevant goals, provides an alternative solution, gives the solution a targeted approach through a chosen solution, and ultimately leads to the evaluation of the whole process. Learn more about the solution-focused PRACTICE Model of Coaching

Use of different Coaching Styles in a Coaching Process

Now that we have the different coaching models, one needs to first understand how do these coaching models help us in the coaching process? Do they even help us?

Every coach has a different coaching process that follows a unique coaching model. No two coaches have the same coaching style or the same coaching model. They use their coaching style to coach the client depending upon the needs of the coachee. This means that if a client needs a more soultioned approach to coaching, the coaching style of the coach is majorly GROW Model for Coaching. If in case, on the other hand, another client of the same coach requires a different coaching process, the coaching style adjusts to the needs of the coach. Thus, we can say that the coaching process is not universal but rather multidimensional which changes its form according to the needs of the environment.

So now, the question is- As a coach which coaching style do you follow? Do you follow the same coaching process? Do you feel that you adjust your coaching style to meet the needs of the client? And which Coaching Model suits you the best? Introspect and do let us know. Also, if you want to read more about the different coaching models, download our ebook and enjoy.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the different types of coaching Models?

There are many types of coaching Models. Some of these are as follows:

  • GROW Model
  • PRACTICE Model
  • STEPPPA Model
  • CLEAR Model
  • FUEL Model

What is a Coaching Model?

A coaching model is a technique for moving someone from where they are now to where they want to go in a process. It usually consists of a series of acts that are described in an acronym that is easy to remember.

What does GROW Model for Coaching mean?

Grow: The coach evaluates the coachee’s behaviour that he wants to change and expresses it in terms of the intended outcome.

Reality: Encourages people to consider where they are currently before attempting to solve problems.
Options: After they’ve investigated reality, they should focus on figuring out what’s possible.

Will: When opportunities are visible and the person is encouraged to commit to specific actions in order to get toward their goal.

Does a coach follow the same Coaching Style?

No, every coach follows a different coaching model and has a different coaching style. There are no two coaches who have the same coaching style or model. They coach the client using their coaching style, which is tailored to the coachee’s needs.

How is the coaching process affected by the coaching style?

Every coach follows a different coaching model and has a different coaching method. There are no two coaches who have the same coaching style or model. The coaching process is not one-size-fits-all, but rather multifaceted and adapts to the needs of the situation.