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Competency, Consciousness and Coaching

Coaching needs a set of taught abilities. Coaching is a service based on competency.

Coach training both imparts the competencies and facilitates application of the abilities.

Coach-specific training builds on past education and experience with an emphasis on information applied to coaching. Competencies in coaching are developed by hands-on learning, conversation, research, and coaching with feedback.

Professional coaches develop competency in the eight areas defined by the ICF and live the Code of Ethics. If coaching is done without competency through training and experience, the chance of injury is raised. In an uncontrolled profession, the awareness of appropriate abilities and the ongoing effort of professionals to increase these skills assist both the profession and clients. 

Awareness is the “high-touch competency” of consciousness and transformation. As coaches aim to support leadership, we employ the power of awareness, to attend to existing issues as well as emerging possibilities in a leadership. And this awareness is the basis of Conscious Leadership.

What is Human Consciousness?

Human Consciousness is the process of becoming aware of our own meaning-making system, which processes our experiences in the world and develops conclusions in order to make sense of it all. As a result, we are entirely responsible for how we see the world, how our own stories and thoughts affect us, and how we behave as a result of our own meaning-making process. That is never determined by an event or circumstance. 

This astounding finding implies that if we cultivate our own self-awareness and human consciousness, we have the ability to select how we perceive and experience the world. If we can carve out some time to pause and focus on the thoughts and feelings that arise as a result of our meaning-making process, we can catch ourselves before we reach a conclusion.

When people attain a higher level of human consciousness, they may break free from the reaction trap and begin focusing on what is genuinely essential — generating outcomes. It entails making deliberate choices, establishing limits, and slowing down sufficiently to manage one’s priorities and consider options.

What is Conscious Leadership?

What prevents the majority of leaders from accomplishing their mission? Primarily, the inability to think and act strategically is referred to as the reaction trap. It is a normal reaction that the majority of us experience in the form of a fight or flight response. Rather of concentrating on the big picture, people react to a variety of ‘distractions,’ including phone calls, emails, meetings, the daily to-do list, and a variety of other such disruptions. 

Coaches and Leaders are guided by competencies. Adams and Anderson define superb leadership as Conscious Competence in their book, Mastering Leadership. This entails cultivating our awareness of our inner game – mind, body, heart, and soul – which is the driving force behind our outer game of competence. They argue in their book’s primary claim that “more conscious leadership catalyses collective leadership effectiveness, transforming business performance.”

A vital component of creating a healthy and prosperous organisation is conscious leadership. Conscious direction leadership, in its purest form, refers to the capacity to bring one’s complete self into a leading position. It entails complete self-awareness, as well as the ability to be yourself authentically. Another benefit of proper consciousness and self-awareness is the ability to understand your intuition. And when it comes to leadership, it is an incredibly valuable skill to possess.

Conscious leaders do not focus exclusively on themselves, but on the organisation as a whole. Their vision stretches much beyond their daily to-do lists. When conscientious leaders address issues in this manner, they naturally establish a reliable and resilient culture of trust inside the organisation, which has a profound effect on morale and, by extension, productivity. Though rare, this elevated state of consciousness and self-awareness is attainable through practise.

Developing conscious leadership requires us to practise being aware of ourselves, our thoughts, and our worldview. It is a way of being attentive of our interior experiences, of being a witness to our default patterns of responding, and of being able to generate the possibility of taking an alternative path.

Conscious leadership requires reflection and research into one’s own leadership. Conscious leaders are those that are always developing themselves in order to stay current with the external influences affecting themselves and their organisation. A conscientious leader is aware of how they present themselves in the world and the impact they have on their organisation, their boss and senior executives, their colleagues and direct reports. Conscious leaders are adept in self-awareness and self-management, particularly as it pertains to their emotions.

Coaching Human Conscious as a “High-Touch” Competence in TCC 2021

In this “anthropocene” area of human consciousness it is awareness that allows our leaders to be choicefully responsive to the disruptive issues of change. Executive presence and adaptability have emerged as important leadership competencies that are fueled by awareness. As coaches look to support executive leadership, we use the power of awareness, to attend to current challenges as well as new possibilities. Awareness is the “high-touch competency” of consciousness and transformation. This talk will offer a view into the power of awareness and the choices we can illuminate that result in greater expansion and leadership stewardship.

The Coaching Conclave 2021 is dedicated to Raising Consciousness Through Coaching. Dorothy Siminovitch is speaking at TCC 2021 on Coaching Human Conscious as a “High-Touch” Competence.

About Dorothy Siminovitch

Dorothy’s specialties are coaching for signature presence, leadership presence and peak performance, overcoming derailment, and working with high performance groups and teams. She presents additional training and development opportunities at the International Coach Federation conferences. She believes Coaches need to meet these disruptive challenges with competencies that allow: 1. Ability to utilize awareness as a focus and as an indicator for coaching intervention 2. Embracing fluidity in “use of self” as coach and 3. Recognizing three core areas for coaching focus: moving through fear, supporting learning and harnessing vision as an evolutionary force.

Dorothy E. Siminovitch, PhD, MCC, a Master Certified Coach, is founder and principal of Gestalt Coaching Works, LLC and an international coach, consultant, group facilitator, presenter/speaker, and author. She provides world‐class training in and transformative human development through Gestalt-based coaching and holistic approaches, leading to outstanding results for individuals, groups, and organizations.