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Home » Blog » Coaching for Trauma Recovery: Focusing on the Lows to get High

Survivors have the ability to create the same beautiful life experiences, accomplishments and fulfilled dreams as others. But sometimes during the journey, they get stuck in a traumatic world. They struggle to find the freedom that all of us so desperately seek.

There are parts of us that are afraid to let go of old familiar patterns even though the results are painful.  It’s all we know. But it is possible to release the hold these patterns have on our life today and to become more than we expected or thought was possible.

But it’s almost impossible to do on your own. It takes a fresh pair of eyes to uncover what you’ve spent a lifetime trying to forget. Not just memories, although you may uncover some of those, but the thought patterns, messages and beliefs that are driving your choices today. 

Because it’s what’s left over after the abuse, neglect and trauma has ended that is causing you so much pain today. And not only causing you pain but keeping you in a cycle of behaviour that keeps delivering the very results you’re trying so hard to escape.

It’s not your fault.

Emotional Trauma in Adults

Many of us reach moments in our lives where we are like that dresser—sitting by, feeling cast off or abandoned, beat up by losses and cruelties and shame, worn down by the effort it takes just to keep going, feeling ugly, past your prime, worthless, and unwanted.

Maybe it’s the effects of a traumatic past, maybe it’s the dark pull of depression, maybe it’s the endless oppression of addiction, anger, or anxiety, but you feel too heavy and weighed down to move yourself into the life you want.

This is what emotional trauma feels like. You feel like life has given you some things that are too much to handle. You may not know if there’s really any hope of letting go of your depression, anger, or anxiety.

The good news is that there is hope! Recovering from trauma is possible.

  • Discover how your past trauma is impacting your current life
  • Identify the traumatic patterns in your life
  • A conversation with your separated inner parts to discover the messages and defence mechanisms that are running your life
  • Building a process that allows your inner parts to express their emotions and share information
  • Develop a series of actions for building awareness and releasing your trauma

The Process of healing through Trauma Sessions 

The process of recovering from trauma—the process of healing—is a lot like my furniture project. There is no quick fix. There is no shortcut.

There is no magic pill; an antidepressant can help, but it cannot heal on its own. Whether you’re facing a mental health struggle, an emotional wound or a harmful pattern of behavior, it takes work to heal from trauma, hard work and diligent commitment to the process.

Healing an emotional wound takes:

  • daily self-care
  • challenging your negative thoughts
  • conscious choices to speak truth and compassion to yourself
  • eyes that look for the small changes to encourage yourself to keep going
  • practicing breathing or relaxation techniques

It’s important to remember that healing from emotional trauma is a process. It’s not an overnight change, but with the right help and support it’s possible to move past the pain that feels stuck. In your pain, shame, or feelings of worthlessness, the temptation is often to pull away, to isolate from others. But this will only make the road to wellness longer, darker, and harder.

Sometimes, it can help to spend time with someone who knows a bit more about the process of healing from trauma—such as a therapist, coach, or mentor. You can check out another article on why feeling safe is important during trauma therapy.

There’s nothing wrong with admitting you don’t know the way forward. Talk to a Coach today.

Frequently Asked Questions

Define emotional trauma in adults?

The effect of exceptionally traumatic experiences that shatter one’s sense of safety is emotional trauma and psychological distress, causing one to feel vulnerable in a harsh world.

What is the process for trauma recovery?

The trauma recovery process is commonly called the healing process. It is indeed a long road. No fast fix is possible. No shortcut is available. No magic pill is available. An antidepressant can assist, but it can’t cure on its own.It takes work to recover from trauma.

What is Trauma meaning and definition?

Trauma meaning: Trauma is a response to a truly heartbreaking or disturbing event that overcomes an individual’s ability to cope, tends to cause feelings of hopelessness, weakens his sense of identity and his ability to feel a wide range of emotions and feelings.

Define Emotional Healing?

Emotional healing is the ability to understand events and circumstances in our lives that may prevent us from moving forward.

How can one recover from trauma?

To recover from trauma, one has to:

  • Daily self-care
  • Challenge your negative thoughts
  • Conscious choices about speaking truth and compassion to oneself
  • Eyes that look for slight tweaks to encourage you to keep going
  • Trying to practice breathing or relaxing techniques

What symptoms of childhood trauma in adults can be seen?

Various symptoms of childhood trauma can be seen in adults as they experience feelings of shame and remorse, feeling alienated and unable to connect to everyone else, difficulty regulating emotions, increased anxiety and depression and rage.