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Imagine one of the worst workdays you’ve had in the last year. How was it? What went wrong?

Perhaps you deleted your workflow by mistake, smashed the printer, missed an important email, or simply arrived at work with a bad attitude, upsetting the entire workplace. Furthermore, you just received a call from your landlord, and a water pipe in your home has burst, soaking your bedroom. Finally, your cab is late and there’s a massive traffic jam, which means you won’t be able to get home for another three hours. 

“I’m having a bad day.”

It happens all the time. You decide to go for a walk outdoors to clear your mind when you come across a dog who is refusing to walk and is being dragged in the park by his irritated owner. Seeing the absurdity of the sight you just give in and start to laugh. Your mood immediately improves, and you take a snap and share it with your pals. That is where humor’s true power lies. It allows us to get through our daily lives in the worst of circumstances, and it allows us to be our best selves in front of other people in the greatest of circumstances. 

Power of Humor

Life is a sequence of trenches and peaks; a life that is flat is undoubtedly worse and more tedious. When you’re at your top, no one cares, but when you’re in a valley, you have to cope and roll with the punches. You also have to deal with your fears, failures, and hang-ups. 

A sense of humor, or the capacity to make others laugh, can help us cope with the obstacles we face and gain perspective. It enables us to unwind. Humor is a big part of our life, and it’s one of the main emotions that motivate us on a regular basis. It improves a variety of facets of our lives while also acting as a coping strategy to make others bearable.

Humor is a communication tool as well, with two main ingredients:

  • the ability to provoke laughter
  • the ability to feel/to experience/appreciate a funny or amusing message

Humor is an important tool. When people laugh, endorphins are released. Endorphins give a feeling of well-being and supports the client to think effectively. Humor also reduces stress since laughing reduces the cortisol level. So, not only does it act as a mental break but also helps in building relations. It can act as an important tool in building a relationship with clients. It can help with the client’s relaxation and rapport building. It can lighten a mood and bring a sense of companionship to the coach-client relationship. 

Humor in Coaching

Humor is not cracking jokes.

Humor does not have to be expressed through the telling of jokes; in fact, jokes may be ineffective in the coaching domain. Funny anecdotes, remarks, or metaphors are considerably more likely to provoke a positive response from clients.

Coaching with a sense of humor does not make one less professional, in fact, it can open up new possibilities and make a coach more relatable. Most productive humor cannot be planned on the coach’s part. It just comes out, surprises, and lightens the atmosphere. However, if it isn’t done appropriately, humor can be destructive in a coaching setting.

Some clients will not appreciate some level of humor (or any humor) as others. But the tone is critical too so that the other person understands when something is said in a lighthearted manner rather than a serious manner, especially if the conversation is veering serious. Humour can be perceived as undermining or alienating if it is delivered without reading individuals and employing suitable tones. Humour, on the other hand, can strengthen ties, confront delicate problems, and promote innovation and deeper dialogue. It’s not an easy skill, but an effective one. So, if you want to use humor in your coaching conversations join us this May at International Coaching Week (ICW).

In this ICW 2022, we connect you, with Pedja Jovanović, who has acted as a catalyst, to bring humor to your coaching game. In this webinar, you will learn tips and tricks on how to use humor effectively in coaching sessions. Here is a little about Pedja.

About The Speaker

Pedja Jovanović is an entrepreneur, consultant, professional trainer, and an ICF accredited coach (MCC) with corporate background and expertise in organizational and personal development. His academic background is in Electrical Engineering (MSc) and his corporate background is in B2B sales and sales management. Since 2011 he is a senior partner in Atria Group, an international consulting company that offers a wide portfolio of assessment tools, development programs, professional training, coaching, and mentoring in the fields of organizational and personal development.


As a consultant, Pedja had the opportunity to lead different organizational, management, and leadership development projects as well as a large number of different training and coaching programs.

His main areas of interest are organizational development, leadership coaching, personal transformation, and business application of different personal development methodologies (NLP, Solution-focused thinking, Process Communication Model).

Come, join us for a free webinar with Pedja Jovanović, as we open the floodgates to a pool of tips and tricks of coaching with humor, paving the way, to Reimagine the Future. From the 16th till the 22nd of May, 2022, the future’s calling! Register, for the ICW 2022, today!