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Home » Blog » Top 5 NLP techniques that benefit your Coaching Journey

During a coaching conversation, the client leaves subtle cues. These cues together become the subliminal language. Nothing is made explicit, yet something is communicated. It is the language of the brain.

One of the biggest challenges faced by Coaches is not being able to explore the client’s skill gap. The lack of which eventually leads to a state of ‘self doubt.’

During these moments of self doubt, many questions cloud your mind.

“Have I built up the needed amount of trust with my client? Is my client expecting me to solve their problem instead of coaching them? Is it that the employee is resisting coaching and not overcoming the emotional blocks during the sessions?”

Sounds familiar?

The good news is that NLP has helped Coaches tackle change efficiently and achieve excellence during coaching conversations.

What is NLP & how can it help you in coaching?

Neuro-linguistic programming is an approach that learns from multiple disciplines to decipher the relationship between neurological processes (neuro-), language (linguistic) and behavioral patterns learned through experience (programming). It includes patterns that involve language to bring up a change at the neurological(subconscious) level is the task of NLP techniques.

NLP techniques give you a new perspective toward the past experiences of your client. This helps in coaching, you can further polish the clients’ potential. You can help them reach their inner voice by taking sessions and building up a perspective of, ‘ALL YOU HAVE IS NOW’.

NLP tools aid the Coach and the clients to deliver ‘the growth model’, a very popular coaching model.


1. Anchoring

A coach using this NLP technique can help clients connect with their emotions that have been blocked in the past by creating an anchor to the stimulus.

For example, your client may have undergone some emotional distress in the past and is lacking joy which is affecting their overall growth. You can ask the client to remember and explain the moment when they felt the most joy and satisfaction.These moments could be around their first job, or childbirth. Once they identify the moment, have them anchor to that feeling, the emotion, just like the touch of a fingernail.

A strong anchor is made by adding multiple memories to the same stimulus.

2. Changing the Limiting Beliefs

With time humans arrive at conclusions based on their life experiences. These conclusions are tagged one over another to form a strong belief. Many of us without cognizant thought form many such beliefs.

During a coaching conversation, these beliefs emerge and you may hear something like this, “I have been betrayed before, I’m never gonna trust again.”, “I’m not gonna experiment at work, I might fail.”

These are limiting beliefs. Your clients may be influenced by ‘limiting beliefs’. Transcending across beliefs is a part of Coaching. Changing limiting beliefs begins by changing the way the situation is perceived. This begins by suggesting a few words in a statement. Help them understand the triggers that made them who they are. Ask questions that will lead them in a direction to change those words.

Try these. “I’m going to trust my colleagues to have a smooth work environment.” “I’m about to try this new strategy at work, being positive to explore.”

NLP Meta Model helps you explore the limiting beliefs of a client while Coaching.

3. Rapport Information

As a coach, you want your clients to trust you. NLP serves as a perfect ingredient to create a sacred and trusted space with mirroring and rapport.

Cross your legs when your client crosses their legs. Smile when they do. Mirror neurons are pleasure centres of our brain. Mirroring as an NLP technique is perfect for breaking the ice.

Subtly mirror your client’s body language and expressions to help them understand their journey. Start mimicking your client in a way that one feels that you are one among their own.

This further helps them bond well with you. It helps them turn vulnerable without feeling threatened.

4. Reframing their phrases (eventually the mind)

Reframing can change the mindset of clients from ‘I CAN’T’ to ‘I CAN’.  This technique gets a client into a positive light towards life.

For example, I DON’T WANT TO FAIL can be changed into I WANT TO SUCCEED.

Reframing can help one to think positive and work towards it instead of constant procrastination.

5. Visualization

Visualization is a powerful technique used for life-changing scenarios. A positive feeling can be inculcated in the clients’ minds by making them get into a state of meditation. Ask them to visualise their goals, thoughts and feelings through mindfulness.

NLP can help you and your clients understand the language of the mind in-depth. These techniques together help your clients move away from limiting beliefs that stop them from achieving the goal. NLP is designed to connect your inner voice and achieve desired goals.

We at xMonks help you in your personal growth. NLP tools are an integral part of our curriculum.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is nlp coaching technique?

One method that is particularly effective for one’s coaching practice is neuro-linguistic programming. NLPcoaching technique  is all about understanding the brain’s language. This is why, in their coaching practice, coaches who master NLP strategies are much more likely to build success stories. The role of NLP techniques entails patterns involving language to bring about a shift at the neurological(subconscious) level.

What is nlp techniques?

5 NLP Techniques  that can assist you in coaching:

  • Anchoring
  • Changing the Limiting Beliefs
  • Rapport Information
  • Reframing their phrases (eventually the mind)
  • Visualization

What role does nlp coach play?

NLP Coach plays an important role by observing what works in creating change and excellence, NLP was created. In coaching, the NLP body is so successful because it offers coaches with templates, strategies and procedures to implement that can bring change and help individuals get what they want from life and achieve excellence.

How does nlp coach certification help in life?

The performance methods used by highly successful and happy individuals are simplified by NLP coach certification. In short, using nlp techniques makes you and other around you feel differently.

Who is an nlp practitioner?

NLP Practitioners are often referred to as Magicians of Transformation. The NLP Practitioner is an incredibly valuable and resourceful mentor who uses the NLP technique in a skilled manner to support people.