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Home » Blog » The Nomadic Mindset for Masterful Coaching

Every now and then, someone comes along and alters our perception of something that appears to be universal. Who would have guessed that someone would desire a nomadic lifestyle? Is nomadic living more than a way of life? In lieu of responding to that, Kevin Cottam is here to offer a different perspective. He is on a mission to educate every man out here about The Nomadic Mindset.

The parallel between a nomad and rebirth is the release of one’s previous self. A nomad moves on, abandoning old ties and establishing new ones. As a nomad, a rebirth occurs when you leave your former self behind and make way for a new you.

The Common Ground Between Shunya and Nomadic Mindset

Being a nomad is a spiritual choice. A nomad goes to a new place and begins with new. He starts from Shunya. The shift is from a state of nothingness to expansion. 

The nomadic lifestyle is unique in that, unlike the majority of people in today’s world, nomads constantly relocate. However, a nomadic lifestyle gives you the freedom to choose from a diverse array of modes and modes of travel.

In the words of Kevin Cottam, “Nomadic cultures exist all around the world in different countries. Most of them are not nomadic anymore. Most of them are semi nomadic, because they spend part of their year settled in a location. And they don’t move just to move. They move only for survival. Generally speaking, and nomads, there is a definition for Nomad in a dictionary. And that usually is somewhere around it’s a, it’s a culture, it’s a tribe, it’s a group of people that move from place to place to find new pastures, so that they can survive.

The nomadic mindset came to be really was, that it is the movement of the mind.” 

The Nomadic Mindset for Masterful Coaching (NMMC) purest essence is the Movement of the Mind, Batgerel Bat, Mongolia – mirroring the natural dynamic flow and movement of nature.

As a coach, when you go nomading in the space of your inner nomad, you invite your clients to also go nomading with you on a flowing dynamic journey which inspires and welcomes curiosity and wonderment leading them to their destination. The underlying purpose is to help, guide and coach your client(s) to freely flow towards expansion leading to transformative evolution.

This coaching path, NMMC, is based on the ancient nomadic wisdom meeting contemporary ways found in Cottom’s leadership book, The Nomadic Mindset: Never Settle…for Too Long. It embraces a variety of behaviours, values and beliefs (ICF competencies) the client may have forgotten which is stopping them from becoming the whole interconnected being they wish to be.

Into Expansion feat. Nomadic Mindset

Let’s reflect upon these questions before going forward.

  1. What does it mean to you to become more agile, adaptable, and expansive?
  2. What kind of inclusive, diverse culture are you attempting to establish?
  3. How do you overcome the loneliness associated with leadership?
  4. What are the values that are most important to you or your team?
  5. What changes are required to improve your team’s harmony and collaboration?
  6. How can you be a more effective leader in today’s remote, hybrid workplace?
  7. What do you need to do to make an impact and leave a lasting impression?
  8. How can you improve the effectiveness of your relationships?
  9. What steps can you take to boost your courage and strength?

Once you begin to look for these answers. You will be introduced to Nomadic Mindset. This new knowledge and shift provides an opportunity to develop and evolve from a more liberated, lighter, and imaginative perspective, allowing you to see a variety of previously elusive possibilities more deeply. However, leadership coaching is not for the weak-hearted. You must desire to lead, succeed, and be the best version of yourself in order to contribute to the team’s cohesion. This requires the appropriate mindset. 

Combining nomadic cultures and executives demonstrates that today’s leaders and managers require greater access to their Nomadic Mindset than ever before in this VUCA (volatile, unpredictable, complex, ambiguous) world where the only constant is change from within.


Because the behaviours and characteristics necessary for navigating and overcoming obstacles in this new world are embodied in The Nomadic Mindset.

Executive coaching, whether for an individual or a team, is one of the most transformative evolutionary journeys you can take to investigate, grow, emerge, experience, and evolve your mentality and way of being. Individual or group executive leadership coaching is a unique personal experience that enables you to freely explore a broad new perspective or way of thinking. While it might be disruptive, it can also be an extremely transforming and evolutionary journey. 

Developing a Nomadic Mindset in Coaching-

  • Inspires you to be active, inquisitive, and bold.
  • Invites you to Go Nomading and cultivate agility and adaptability in order to discover new ideas.
  • Inspires you to maintain a state of stillness and alertness, to listen and observe
  • Inspires you to be open, strategic, and willing to take risks
  • Encourages you to make healthy behavioural changes
  • Enables you to dismantle borders
  • Strengthens your presence and influence

The Coaching Conclave 2021

At The Coaching Conclave 2021, you will be introduced to the Nomadic Mindset; discover your dominant mindset; the flowing process you can take your client on leading towards Expansion and Evolution. Plus you will enjoy the colourful image filled journey of imagination you want your clients to also experience.

“You are migrating. Where you were is not where you are. You are Evolving.”

Bensen Muntere, Maasai Warrior, Kenya

About Kevin Cottam

Kevin Cottam, Canadian, Global Nomad dares, inspires and guides dynamic leaders and organisations to expand, evolve and MoveON towards their winning edge. He is a Professional Speaker, Executive Coach, Author and the originator of the Nomadic Mindset Podcast. A former elite choreographer to World and Olympic Figure Skating Champions and director of multi-million dollar productions including the 1988 Olympic Closing Ceremonies. Kevin believes we have become too narrow in our thinking and behaviours and we need to expand our innate global thinking to create a new now and future that brings humanity, and economic practices.