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Home » Blog » The Future of Business Transformation

We live in a world where change is on the horizon, affecting our entire enterprise landscape. Not only technology and society is changing, but the whole economic DNA is undergoing a change. Who will thrive and who will perish remains an open question.

We live in a world where everyone agrees that change is hard. Just as we all agree that there is not enough time or money, we all agree that change is hard. 

Notice how this idea pervades your life and work. How has this limited your success in your career? 

Stop and take a moment to challenge your assumptions. 

Change is easy. A true coach lives in a world where change is inevitable, natural, and effortless.

Come, let’s discuss the future of business transformation in today’s world.

Coaching Transforms Business

Business leaders live in a world of limited resources, and everyone agrees that learning and development are slow and hard. On the giant list of “things to do”, growth often ends up at the bottom. We keep competing to complete our list but in reality, we are just making our ends meet.

But this is not permanent. Change is not permanent and so is our take on it. Change is a positive force that should be welcomed rather than feared. Change must be guided by positive, empathetic leaders who understand the opportunities it can bring to employees. Leaders need to step up, coaches need to step up, managers need to step up and we need to adapt to the changes. We need to move to new ways and techniques and be familiar with the upcoming ways.

Change is not only creating a better environment but the combination of new technologies and the opportunities they create is changing the way we work and how industries function. These technologies will not only make doing business more efficient, but they will also enable entirely new business models.

Welcome people transformation, where your entire workforce sees a dramatic increase in performance in a short time. This is not some fantasy but is rather the “rule of the jungle” where agile companies will always displace old dinosaurs. This is what Peter Drucker means when he says, “Culture eats strategy for breakfast.”

But Why?

Most business leaders are obsessed with the What and How of strategy and resources, but the Master Coach listens for the Why. When you ask, “Why is this important?” and listen with an empty mind, the path of transformation will always emerge. The Why gives people the strength and motivation to face any challenge. Ask any great coach how transformation happens and listen carefully to what they say. 

When you flow with the momentum of the Why, people transform themselves. This is what Lao Tzu means when he says, When the best leader’s work is done the people say, ‘We did it ourselves.’

Mastery is Calling?

We have all experienced moments of transformation in life. Mastery is the ability to scale. Just as executive coaching is more challenging than personal coaching or team coaching is more complex than one-on-one coaching, a master coach can scale transformation. What if you could transform an entire company by asking one question? Consider that there is no other way; every company transformation will always hinge upon a single question. 

Now, the real question is… Are you the one who will ask that question?

Seek above all else a game worth playing.

When asked “Why did you want to climb Mount Everest?” Mallory said, “Because it’s there.” If you wish to transform your life, simply learn to enjoy the challenge. This is the one thing that will make you unstoppable. Coaching Mastery is the game that brings meaning and purpose to life. Always remember if you want to enter the arena of future transformation, you need to become a master. Not just a coach but a master coach. Not an MCC, but a master coach.

The future has never been easily accessible. All that is required is ingenuity and imagination, technology, — and coaches, which is the foundation for tomorrow’s enterprise.

Come join us this International Coaching week, 2022 and get ready to step into the future of business transformation with Paul Gossen. Register now.

Be the Master. The mastery is calling you. Register Now.

About The Speaker

Paul Gossen (PCC), is a Senior trainer with Erickson Coaching International with 20+ years in the field. He has conducted more than 100 business transformation projects worldwide from small early-stage companies to enterprise-scale organizations. He provides strategic transformation, executive coaching, strategic growth facilitation, and leadership training services.

Paul has rolled-out projects with large enterprises like SAP, Alibaba, GSK, Blue Focus, Amex. He is also renowned for running successful projects in USA, China, Europe, and the Middle East. His clients have claimed broad success in multidisciplinary sectors including technology, finance, engineering, marketing, and science-based organizations.

He is also the author of the books: Q Model, Velocity Fluency, and 17 Questions. He has developed many programs successfully such as Team Coaching, Leader as Coach, and Q Model. Come, Reimagine the Future at the International Coaching week, 2022.