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Home » Blog » The Conscious Act of Loving: What Is Unconditional Love in Coaching

To paraphrase Bible, 

“But I say to you who hear, love your enemies, do good to those who hate you.”

It is simple to love when your ego is stroked, you feel fulfilled, and you’re immersed in delightful “loving” sentiments, it’s simple to love. But, at the heart of every great religion, we are taught that our goal here is to love even when it is difficult to love. Are we, however, capable of doing so?

The unconditional love, the truest of all forms. 

Every coach realises that coaching is an unconditional relationship.  This means that you, as a coach, unconditionally accept and believe in your client, regardless of their performance.

To be the one who portrays unconditional love in your relationships, you must first grasp the various types of love and how each one shapes the relationship.


Conscious Love Is Beyond Relationships

“When you love consciously, your rise in love. Conscious love in another way is inner transformation in the service of love.”

The only love that validates, alters, and changes us at the deepest levels of consciousness is free and gratuitous love. It’s what we all want, and it’s what we were made for.

Unconditional love is a sense of natural joy and fulfilment, as well as a perception of a vibrating frequency of truth, which exists within the conscious boundless light of creation.

Unconditional love exists beyond a relationship. Unconditional love can and does exist, regardless of whether or not a relationship is built on it. Relationships may and do exist both with and without unconditional love present. Love is not defined by emotions or behaviours. They’re part of a relationship. They may appear to be in love, but they are not in love. They frequently indicate the type of relationship we have with others.

They are created by the imagination and are frequently misconstrued with love.

Unconditional love is a spiritual phenomenon that cannot be formed or destroyed by our thoughts, feelings, words, or actions, yet relationships can. Everything in our lives, including our relationships, will benefit if we focus on cultivating love consciousness. It’s also possible that doing so will lead to the end of shallow, unfulfilling relationships, allowing us to make room for something deeper.

The most natural thing we can ever feel is conscious love, or our inner consciousness of joy and fulfilment, the essence of unconditional love that dwells within all creatures. It expands when we fully embrace ourselves and live fully in the present now. 

Mindfulness can help you reach unconditional love, which is a must for human evolution. We’ve given enough thought to the past, and we’ll have plenty for the future when it arrives, so why not dwell on what we have right now?

Unconditional Love Defined in Philosophy

For ages, popular writers and distinguished academics have written about and discussed the phenomena of love, never exhausting its possibilities in modern debate.

When stated to a spouse, a parent, or a friend, the words “I love you” have quite distinct connotations. While the English language only has one word to describe the multidimensional concept of “love,” the Greeks came up with three: “eros,” “philia,” and “agape.” It’s no wonder that philosophers have disputed which is the highest form of love throughout history. To answer this issue, one needs to think about the nature of each type of love, what it entails, and what it accomplishes for the lover and receiver.

A person’s virtues are merely external accessories that hang on his “essence,” similar to how clothes are external accessories that hang on a person’s body.

Consider what might happen if our professional musician were replaced with a similarly musically skilled humanoid robot.  Someone who had philically loved the musician for his “essence” would not love the robot in the same way, because the robot lacks the artist’s distinctive awareness. 

Philia is the highest form of love since it entails a relationship between the lover’s awareness and the consciousness of the beloved.

There is no single characteristic that constitutes “true love,” contrary to popular belief. 

All three types of love, eros, agape, and philia, are present in our relationships. 

  • Agape, according to authors like Peck, is the highest type of love because it produces permanent spiritual progress. 
  • Philosophers such as Plato, on the other hand, believe that eros is the highest type of love since it allows one to appreciate beauty. Both forms of love, however, fall short since they are one-sided and regard the beloved as an objectified “It.” 
  • Philia, is the finest form of love since it considers the beloved as a “You,” necessitates mutuality, and acknowledges consciousness.

Friends, relatives, spouses, strangers, and even themselves were all sources of love for the ancient Greeks. This is in contrast to our traditional concentration on a single romantic connection, in which we seek to find all of our various loves wrapped up in a single person or soul mate. The Greeks’ teaching is to cultivate the different forms of love and to tap into its diverse sources. Not only should you seek eros, but you should also grow philia by spending more time with old friends and developing ludus by dancing the night away.

Likewise, we must let go of our obsession with perfection.

Unconditional Love In Client-Coach Relationships

Simple, unconditional love has the potential to transform people’s lives. Listening to people without passing judgement is a powerful approach to love them. Coaching relationships have unique boundaries that allow the coach to provide this level of unwavering belief and support. The first of these boundaries in the coaching relationship is completely focused on the client’s difficulties, not the coach’s. It’s all about the client, not about coach, as we like to say.

The client and the client’s progress are the exclusive emphasis of the coaching session. Everything a coach does and says in his or her role as a coach is aimed at achieving that goal.

Outside of the coaching relationship, a coach deals with his or her personal agenda so that when they meet, they may function in the most effective way for the client’s advancement. This method is a practical technique to show the customer agape love—love that provides without asking anything in return. Clients get a very personal picture of unconditional love through the coaching connection.

Being client-centred does not imply being a doormat. A coaching relationship with a client who is frustrated cannot continue unless they discuss the reasons that are generating the problem and come up with a viable solution.

When coaching relationships that have broken down, it’s sometimes best to address the client directly about not achieving agreed-upon expectations, and other times it’s best to use a more indirect approach. But, in both cases, the underlying idea is that coaches take care of their own difficulties outside of the coaching relationship, so what happens within is about the client, not the coach.

How Unconditional Love Translates In A Relationship

It takes more than flowers, kisses, and promises to love someone unconditionally. Instead, it’s a deep commitment to yourself and the other person to continue to grow, expand, and align with Life force in order to become a better version of yourself – all while supporting your partner in unconditional love as they process and progress as well.

Faith, kindness, understanding, patience, respect, and communication are the keys to this journey, which are much easier said than done.

How does loving someone unconditionally transform people who are involved in a conscious relationship?

1.Everyone Takes Responsibility in A Conscious Relationship

In a conscious relationship, both partners are fully responsible for their words, actions, ideas, and feelings.

When feelings of sadness or unfulfillment emerge, conscious partners don’t blame each other. Instead, each partner recognises that they are responsible for their own happiness, and they convey their requirements to their partner if the relationship needs to change.

Conscious lovers understand that they are the architects of their lives. As a result, they will never make their partner feel horrible about their prior pain, nor will they continue to project their problems onto the other.

Of course, there may be times when you feel compelled to point the finger at the other person, but a conscientious lover is aware of these dynamics and will take a step back to promptly assume responsibility, sincerely apologise, and seek resolutions to avoid repeating the same issue. Both sides are equally present in the relationship and lean into their commitment both when things are going well and when things are going badly.

2.Unconditional Love Nourishes Relationships

Conscious partners recognise that their connection is an energy they are in charge of, and they will make it a priority to nurture, co-create, and look after it at all times. It will be fed with love, care, time, and energy in whatever form it requires–much like a real child, but without the diapers, crying, and rattles.

A conscious partnership can only thrive if its needs and wants, as well as the partners’ individual aspirations, are met. Every relationship’s desire to be expressed and fostered is unique. While one person may require more time and attention, another longed for fun, games, in-depth conversations, or quality time.

3.All Feelings Are Acknowledged 

Conscious partnerships are a method of increasing each partner’s capacity to love and be loved, as well as to contribute to their own and their partner’s growth and welfare.

To make a relationship last, we need to add more depth, intimacy, vulnerability, and shadow work to our romantic ideals. This entails allowing your heart and mind to accept a wide range of feelings that you may have previously suppressed in order to escape uncomfortable situations.

A conscious connection accepts all of your feelings and provides a safe environment for any necessary processes. There is no censorship because both couples are permitted to be completely themselves. This pool of compassion is created by both loves.

It isn’t always easy, and there’s a good likelihood that both partners will set off each other at some point.

If these triggers are particularly strong, it may be necessary to seek outside assistance, such as from a professional expert. A commitment to finding solutions together is an important part of being in a conscious relationship, and sometimes that includes asking for help.

4.Love Serves A Higher Purpose

Relationships expressing unconditional love are difficult to maintain. They demand persistence and dedication, but the benefits of treading this hallowed road are plentiful. One of the most amazing feelings is to love and be loved unconditionally and consciously. Miracles will remind you why it is so crucial to continue this sacred task in cooperation, even if it is a rough route to traverse.

Unconditional love will not only make you feel fulfilled, seen, and completely adored for who you are, but it will also raise the collective awareness’ vibration in reaction to yours.

Unconditional love isn’t a catchphrase you can use to make yourself feel better about yourself. It is discovered in deeds rather than words. It can be discovered through silent listening, absolute presence, and assisting people without any hidden agenda. It requires confronting your ego: admitting that it exists while deciding to transcend it and unite with your conscience.

The great link between unconditional love and coaching is that it helps us actively co-create our objectives and dreams by opening doors to awareness, filling us with joy and fulfilment. Coaching with unconditional love is a gift offered only to those who desire to change from the inside out.

We understand that fear and uncertainty thinking stymies our progress. Trust and unconditional love on the other hand, expands our capacity to love from the highest version of ourselves. Are you willing to give up fear and uncertainty in order to experience a greater level of living that is built on trust and unconditional love?

Frequently Asked Questions

Does unconditional love exist beyond relationships?

Beyond a relationship, unconditional love exists. Whether or not a relationship is built on unconditional love, it can and does exist. Relationships may and do exist in the presence of unconditional love. Emotions and behaviours do not define love. They’re in a relationship with each other.

How is Unconditional Love defined?

Unconditional love is a feeling of natural fulfillment and delight, as well as a perception of a vibrating frequency of truth that dwells inside the aware unbounded light of creation. It exists outside of a romantic connection. Whether or not a relationship is built on unconditional love, it can and does exist.

What is Conscious love?

Mindfulness is well worth the effort when it comes to conscious loving. You can have more ease, joy, and harmony in your relationships by being more purposeful about the kind of love you want to develop inside yourself and with someone else.

How is unconditional Love In a Client-Coach relationship?

Coaching partnerships have certain boundaries that enable the coach to offer this level of unshakable belief and support. The first of these coaching relationship limits is entirely focused on the client’s problems, not the coach’s. As we like to say, it’s all about the customer, not the coach.

Is it true that when you love someone unconditionally it transforms people?

When you love someone unconditionally it transforms people. Both parties are entirely responsible for their words, actions, thoughts, and feelings in a conscious relationship. Conscious partners understand that their connection is the energy they control, and they will make it a top priority to nurture, co-create, and protect it at all times. Conscious partnerships are a way of enhancing each partner’s ability to love and be loved, as well as contributing to their own and their partner’s growth and well-being.