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Home » Blog » Redefining the Notion of Humanity

Recently, humans have become the master of the whole planet and some of their behavioral patterns have become a risk to the environment of the world.

Human innovation has caused insurmountable harms to the Earth, some of which are reparable and some are not. People have learned about the world around them over time and created better options. Such as increased food production, established empires, and vast business areas. But, was all this work able to relieve the misery of human beings and the world

While people have the potential to do extraordinary things, they do not know exactly what their ambitions are, and the explanation for this isolation. Today, people are more influential than at any other time, but the terrifying truth is that now people are even more ignorant as humans than ever before.

Quoting Jim Garrison here, let’s come to the main question. “Earth is intelligent. The earth is compassionate. The earth regulates itself with extraordinary dexterity. And so if we think of humanity, as not separate from the earth, but as an expression of Earth, we then ask ourselves, what is the purpose of humanity at this moment, if it’s not to save the Earth? 

Embracing Diversity is Core of Humanity 

Earth, for a cause, created mankind. Jim unfolds and extends the need to embrace diversity in relation to humanity. 

The dominance of the human race over the non-human universe is considerable. This is largely because of our intellect. It has continually developed and deployed instruments and technologies, implying that we have come to rule the world. Our creativity has formed religious and political meanings around which we develop competing interests and social movements.

In this context, morality is human behaviour that cares for other people out of a strong and widely held belief that life is better than death, and that living well requires being humanely handled in relationships of mutual respect. To explain a certain moral principle that we can see operating in society as kindness and compassion for one another, another definition of humanity is used.

Individuals have multiple distinctions, making them diverse as a whole. It has been said that no two people are exactly alike and that what makes us individuals is this individuality. Although the differences are intrinsic, there are extrinsic differences that further distinguish our different natures. Diversity involves many human attributes, individual beliefs, opportunities, and acceptance that influence our views of ourselves and others. Age, disability, economic status, education, race, family status, first language, gender, geographical location, lifestyle, organisational level, physical characteristics, political affiliation, religious preference, sexual orientation, style of work or ethics, and many others are some of the most prevalent features.

Everybody has at least one personal prejudice. Such biases are true, whether based on reason or simply perceptions of human features. Personal perceptions play a significant role in how people view others, often without conscious thought. The influence of certain prejudices can obviously be lessened by knowledge. Educating ourselves and knowing what humanity stands for is the only cutting axe.

Keeping the need of education Jim mentions the great philosopher Plato. Plato, in the Republic, says that ‘the true revolution is not replacing one system of government, by another, but in shaping the minds of the new generation, because if you can shape the minds of the children, you help shape their lives.’

To counteract this influence, instead of blaming each other for this issue, everyone needs to understand the situation. In today’s vain and consumerist society, it is important to lift the voice of the need for kind people. There should not be forgotten positions of responsibility. With a little motivation, we can do much better when we get used to it. Many huge challenges can be conquered with compassion.

Being born as a human being, everyone has certain duties. This duty is towards humanity, country and family. We need to have a sense of humanity if we want to live as human beings. There is nothing left when humanity ends. Being kind, being compassionate to the individual next to us, is not hard. Kindness is a symbol of greatness. We have known this for a long time, and we know that in keeping this world sustainable, there is no substitute for compassion. The contribution we can bring to mankind is greater than anything else.

About the Speaker: Jim Garrison

Dr. James Garrison is founder and president of Ubiquity University. He came to this having served as president of Wisdom University, based in California, which he led from 2005 – 2012, after which he led its transition into Ubiquity University, established in 2012. He has spent his entire professional life in executive leadership, including as co-founder and president of the Gorbachev Foundation/USA (1992 – 1995) and State of the World Forum (1995 – 2004) with Mikhail Gorbachev serving as convening chairman. 

He received his B.A in History from the University of Santa Clara, an MA in History of Religion from Harvard, and a PhD in Philosophical Theology from Cambridge. He has written numerous books, including The Plutonium Culture, America as Empire, The Darkness of God: Theology after Hiroshima, and Civilization and the Transformation of Power. He lectures regularly on comparative philosophy and religion, world history and politics, and the philosophical implications of global warming.

Listen to the candid conversation with Jim on what being human means to him at our podcast The xMonks Drive