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To maintain the ICF’s high standards of coaching excellence, credentialed coaches must pursue and fulfil demanding education and practise requirements.

The ICF’s CCE (Continued Coach Education) curriculum is more of a road than a coaching programme. It aids in the renewal of an ICF certificate for a professional coach. Every three years, the ICF requires coaches to renew their credentials. They must complete 40 hours of advanced and supplemental coaching instruction via an ICF CCE recognised institute.

In this article, we will go step by step and understand the concept of Continuing Coach Education Units (CCEUs).

What are CCE credits?

A coach can earn CCE credits after successfully completing Continuing Coach Education. Two types of CCE units are available for coaches to explore: 

  • Core Competencies: Advanced coach education that is directly related to or supplements the ICF Core Competencies
  • Development of Resources: Instruction on the skills necessary for a coach’s professional growth (e.g., personal development, coaching tools or assessments, business building, or other material that falls outside the ICF Core Competencies).

Why does ICF Continuing Coach Education matter?

Continuing Coach Education (CCE) is meant for third-party training providers who are interested in having their training programme approved by the International Coaching Federation (ICF) (ICF). CCE is considered supplemental and advanced education for people desiring to acquire new learning and/or those who are renewing their ICF Credential.

How are CCE Units Calculated?

Now this is a crucial step. How are CCE units calculated and awarded?

After completing the supplemental education, the coach gets CCE units in two  areas as discussed above in Core Competencies and in Development of resources that contribute to a coach’s professional development.

As a qualified professional coach, your ICF certification renewal is dependent upon the completion of CCE units.

You must complete 40 CCE units to earn the CCE certification.

  • You will receive ten CCE units as a result of the mentoring session.
  • 14 of the CCE units must be in the category of core competencies.
  • The remaining 16 CCE units should be developed by ICF.

The coaching professional must earn 14 CCE unit hours in the ICF core competency area. To accomplish this, the entity providing the extra training should supply ICF-authorized materials that adhere to ICF. Following completion, they should also provide you with the CCEU core competency certification, which verifies your earned units/credits.

The professional coach must complete a minimum of ten hours of mentor coaching, which equates to ten CCE unit hours. You should be supervised by a licenced professional.

Note:- Numerous professional certified coaches place a premium on developing core competency throughout all 30 CCE elements. Some are unaware that pursuing resource development training and units will provide them with increased exposure and an edge in the coaching profession.

Categories for CCE Units Tally

As indicated previously, 40 hours of continuing education are necessary for renewal. There are three types of continuing education hours available: Core Competency, Resource Development, and Mentor Coaching.

  • Core Competency Hours: Advanced coach education that links directly to or extends on the ICF Core Competencies.
  • Hours spent on resource development: training in areas that contribute to a coach’s professional growth (e.g., personal development, coaching tools or evaluations, business development, or other material that does not fit under the ICF Core Competencies).

[If you are delivering training that only qualifies as Resource Development CCE (personal development, coaching assessments or tools, business development, or other material that does not fall under the ICF Core Competencies), you are ineligible to participate in the CCE Program Accreditation Process.]

  • Mentor coaching is described as receiving coaching on your coaching, and it must be directly related to the ICF’s 8 Core Coaching Competencies. Mentor Coaches concentrate on candidates’ coaching abilities rather than on practise development, life balance, or other themes.

How to Apply for CCE Units?

To apply for CCE hours, the following steps must be taken: 

  • Submit documentation of acquired training hours.
  • Provide the credentials earned throughout mentoring hours.
  • For final review, submit facts about your coaching experience together with two audio recordings of the session.

Additionally, maintaining your ICF certificate requires you to earn continuing education credits.

BONUS: Some Valid Sources of Resource Development CCEUs approved by ICF

Many coaches are unaware that 16 CCEUs can be earned in a category called Resource Development CCEUs by the ICF. There are numerous opportunities to acquire these units. Indeed, if you are an avid learner, you may have already accrued a significant number of these hours without recognising it. It’s like discovering hidden treasure!

  1. Training that is not coach-specific- Courses in business development, communication, negotiation, and writing, as well as other subjects that have aided in the development of your coaching skills.
  2. Reading coaching books, white papers, research reports, and self-study materials that have aided in your professional development as a coach. If you’ve read any of the Competent Coach books, you’ll earn one Resource Development CCEU for each one.
  3. Workshops, presentations, articles, or other papers you’ve authored on coaching or coach development themes.
  4. Conduct formal academic study on coaching or coaching-related topics.
  5. Virtual Education that has been archived or live attendance at ICF Chapter and Global events. ICF events, talks, and webinars are recorded. ICF members have access to a wide inventory of high-quality educational resources via the ICF website. You can access a variety of recorded audio and video sessions that are eligible for ICF Resource Development CCEUs.
  6. ICF Self-study instruction that has been approved. Components of a formal and certified coaching training programme that you do not have to attend in real time but may do at your own leisure.

Each of these alternatives has unique paperwork needs, which you can get from the ICF website. It is suggested that you visit the ICF website for the most up-to-date and official information. 

The entire procedure of collecting CCE credits is not quantifiable. It is all about education. You have already invested much in your coach education. Collecting coach CCEUs is an excellent strategy to keep your skills current and to elevate your coaching.