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“The purpose of life is a life of purpose.” 

Robert Byrne

How often do you wonder about life and the much greater aspect of the wonderful life we have? It’s true. We are born in this world (which is our only life as we are told) trying to understand our existence, our meaning, our purpose, often forgetting these are out beyond our comprehension. We ponder upon the several aspects of our existence thinking about what we actually are. Are we a cosmic miracle? And if we are, what is our mission?

We seek purpose and spend an eternity figuring out life. But in reality, even if you spend a million years trying to understand life or the meaning of life, you won’t be able to. Because life is so intricate that we will never be able to understand it entirely. It is only the pettiness of our thoughts that drives us to seek meaning since, without a sense of meaning and purpose in life, we feel disconnected from it. But there is no denying that many people believe the recipe of a perfect life is a life of purpose. So we seek a purpose to live a life of joy and meaning.

The fact that we are born is sufficient enough to understand that we have won some cosmic lottery that has landed us here on this blue marble called earth. But isn’t it funny that if there is no purpose, then we can just live our lives!

Many leaders, authors, coaches, and countless philosophers have tried to answer this question, “What is life’s purpose or the purpose of life?” 

Life purpose is the ultimate motivating factor of our life. It is the motivating factor that guides our life decisions, shapes our goals, and influences our behaviour. It gives us meaning and a sense of direction. It may vary from person to person, so it is unique to every individual.

Some say that life’s purpose is career, family or love. But your life’s purpose is not to be totally included in such positions as parent, spouse, writer, or leader, nor is it likely to be entirely contained in what you do for a career. Rather, life’s meaning weaves itself into the roles you play, the things you do, and the relationships that matter most to you.

In true sense, it answers the three questions: 

Who am I, exactly?

Where do I fit in?

When do I feel satisfied?

Life’s purpose is not constant. In instances where societal influences, necessities, or natural proclivities drive you in one direction while a core value pulls you in another, life purpose can appear to be a conflict. Alternatively, your life purpose may emerge in periods of calmness, when you are able to see your options clearly and distinguish between your desires and the things that truly matter — between what you do and what your true mission is.

The obvious aspects of life — our interactions, everyday work, and recreational activities — don’t necessarily reveal the truth about why we’re here. However, how we respond to each thread of our life’s tapestry, how we traverse each option and potential, gives us clues about our ultimate goal.

So now the question is, if our life is a cosmic lottery, then how are we supposed to spend and find our earnings/life?

4 Ways to Find your Life Purpose


Ikigai is ‘a reason to live’ or having a purpose in life. Ikigai is defined as realising your life’s meaning and value. What is your purpose for being on this planet? How can you feel fulfilled and joyful if you don’t have a feeling of self-worth and purpose? All of these questions, and more, can be answered using the Japanese concept of ikigai. 

By identifying what happiness means to you as an individual and being willing to reflect on your life and take action, you can begin to become happier and more fulfilled. Finding your ikigai is a multi-faceted process that involves the mind, body, and spirit. Jobs, family, hobbies, and community are all part of it. It’s about finding both significance and balance. It’s not about wanting to “have it all,” but rather about getting the most out of life as you go through it. So use the technique of ikigai and answer these four questions: What do you love? What are you good at? What does the world need? What can you get paid for?

2.Life Review

Another great way that can help you find your life purpose is to do this exercise of life review. The concept of this exercise is to look back at the segments of your life and to identify -self-defining memories that stand out because they said something about your identity.

You can start this exercise by taking a piece of paper and dividing your personal history into eras. Divide your life into four parts and review each era. In each para, note down at least five memories that made you feel good about yourself and five memories that were disappointing where you noticed something odd about yourself.

Don’t panic if you can’t recall more than a few recollections, especially from your childhood. Because each era of your life contributes new information about what is genuinely important to you, this method will continue to work. Simply try to recall a few defining recollections from each period of your life. After you’ve written several memories for each stage of your life, group them together into themes. Examine all of the happy memories you have and consider what links them together.

3.Mindfulness Journalling 

Another way to finding life’s purpose is true mindfulness-based journalling. Mindfulness is a practice that tells us to be present in the moment without judgement. It is a technique that entails paying attention to how our life unfolds and keeping a journal about what we notice. The idea is to be aware and alert to our experiences that lead us to feel happy, sad, significant or non-existent. Once you have a few weeks of journalling done, review your entries to see if there is a point to a problem or an issue that is pulling you away from your resolution.

4.Life Lessons

Life lessons are another way to figure out how to find your purpose. This technique is specifically designed to explore your personal strength and the qualities that you are trying to develop. Begin the process by noting down the word used for the personal qualities that you are trying to develop. These qualities will be the ones that you already possess but would like to strengthen. For example, your ability to express that you are trying to develop.

The next step is to imagine that you already have this quality in abundance. Note down how your life would be if this was true. This will help you understand your life purpose statement and will also help you achieve it.

The Truth about Life Purpose: Why do People Search for Meaning?

Knowing Your Life Purpose Gives Meaning to Your Life.

Human brain seeks meaning. Without meaning we become aimless. This is the reason why people often indulge in astrology and try to discover what life brings to them. Knowing your life purpose gives meaning to your life.

Knowing Your Life Purpose Simplifies Your Life.

Having a purpose in life helps us to define what we do and what we don’t. It becomes our standard of evaluation for our activities that are essential to us. With a clear purpose, you allocate your time better and make decisions on the foundation of your purpose.

Knowing Your Life Purpose Focuses Your life.

Having a purpose in life helps us concentrate our efforts and our energy are on what is important. We achieve high effectiveness by being more selective. Without a clear purpose, you become aimless and keep changing directions, job, and relationships and you feel emptiness in your heart.

Knowing Your Life Purpose Motivates Your life.

It is widely known that purpose produces passion. Nothing can energize a human more than having a clear purpose. If we even locate the other way round, having no purpose in life means no passion.

Knowing Your Life Purpose Prepares You for Eternity.

People often spend their life trying to create a lasting legacy on earth. We want to be remembered not only when we are there but also when we are gone. We seek a life of purpose where we want our names to be remembered. Does purpose prepare us for a life of eternity which we are trying to create on earth.

Quotes on Life Purpose

Here are a few quotes on life purpose that will keep you motivated and help you achieve a purpose-driven life.

“The man without a purpose is like a ship without a rudder-a waif, a nothing, a no-man.” -Thomas Carlyle 

“The purpose of life is a life of purpose.” -Robert Byrne

“The way you get meaning into your life is to devote yourself to loving others, devote yourself to your community around you, and devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning.” -Mitch Albom 

“I think the purpose of life is, above all, to matter; to count, to stand for something, to have made some difference that you lived at all.” -Leo Rosten

“The greatest tragedy in a human life is not death, but life without purpose.” -Myles Munroe 

 “Your work is to discover your world and then with all your heart give yourself to it.” -The Buddha

“Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction.” -John F. Kennedy

Frequently Asked Questions

What is life purpose?

The ultimate motivating force in our lives is our life purpose. It is the driving force behind our life decisions, shaping our objectives and influencing our behaviour. It provides us a sense of direction and meaning. It varies from person to person, making each individual’s experience unique.

What are the popular quotes on life purpose?

“The man without a purpose is like a ship without a rudder-a waif, a nothing, a no-man.” -Thomas Carlyle 

“The purpose of life is a life of purpose.” -Robert Byrne

“The way you get meaning into your life is to devote yourself to loving others, devote yourself to your community around you, and devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning.” -Mitch Albom

How do we find life purpose?

Ikigai – Ikigai means ‘to have a reason to live’ or ‘to have a goal in life.’

Life Review – The goal of this exercise is to look back over your life segments and discover self-defining memories that stick out because they speak to your identity.

Mindfulness Journaling is a strategy that involves paying attention to how our lives and folds are unfolding and maintaining a log of what we notice.

Life Lessons – Another technique to figure out how to find your purpose is to take life lessons. This strategy is aimed to help you discover your personal strengths and attributes that you want to improve.

What are the three questions that help us find purpose in life?

The three questions that help us find purpose in life are as follows:

Who am I, exactly?

Where do I fit in?

When do I feel satisfied?

What is Ikigai?

Ikigai means “to have a reason to live” or “to have a purpose in life.” Ikigai is defined as “realising the purpose and value of one’s life.” You can start to become happier and more content by recognising what happiness means to you as an individual and being willing to reflect on your life and take action. Finding your ikigai is a multi-dimensional process including the mind, body, and spirit.