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Peer Coaching for
Erickson Community

Did you know Peer Coaching is counted as paid hours of
With xMonks, add the necessary value to your
Coach practice and extend your ICF certification.

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    Peer Coaching
    Unlocks the power of Network

    The magic and mystery that reveals how coaching can make a difference!


    Using the private invite, partner with the assigned certified coach, connected at the session. You get to interact for 50 minutes with another certified coach from the Erickson certified coaching community


    Join the Zoom meeting via the link you shall receive once you register, and immediately, enter the meeting room, to collect those coaching hours. Coach each other.


    In co-coaching, you will also get to be the client. You get to learn from your peers how they apply coaching techniques and collaborate further on resonating practices.

    Get Started with
    Peer Coaching

      what are the next steps?
    • Register for the peer coaching session.

    • Check your inbox. You will receive an email with zoom login meeting details.

    • Login to the session. Get paired with another coach.

    • Coach each other over a 50-minute session with 25 minutes for each.

    • Hit the stopwatch in 50 minutes. Get back to the main room. And say bye to everyone.

    Peer Coaching with xMonks
    What’s in it for you? Explore the benefits of Peer Coaching. It is more than just adding hours.

    Build and deepen self-

    Get coached while

    Increase confidence
    and resilience

    Strengthen critical
    leadership skills

    Identify gaps and
    blind spots

    Learn and experience new
    styles of coaching

    Build and deepen self-

    Get coached while

    Increase confidence
    and resilience

    Rise to the challenge of
    coaching another coach

    Have a safe space to try
    coaching techniques

    Apply this tool to
    retain top talent

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What is Peer Coaching?

    Peer Coaching is a practice of co-teaching within a network of practicing coaches. This would involve real coaching conversations set within the client’s context, but here, the client would also be a coach in practice. Peer-to-peer coaching can also be adopted among organizations or by individual coaches who have set on their own independent practice. 

    These peer coaching hours are counted as paid coaching practice hours. These can be used to add to your kitty of completed hours as an ICF-certified coach.

    Are hours spent in a peer coaching session added to my ICF hours?

    Yes. ICF allows for you to add peer coaching session hours to your ICF hours as paid coaching hours.

    How long is each peer coaching session?

    Each peer coaching session at xMonks is set for a duration of 90 minutes. Each participant in the peer coaching session will get 25 minutes each.

    How many participants will be there in a peer coaching session?

    Just like a normal coaching conversation, there will be only TWO people in each peer coaching session.

    Should I be a certified coach?

    That’s right. Peer coaching sessions are open only for ICF accredited and certified coaches.

    How are the sessions held?

    Peer coaching sessions will be held via Zoom.We will be sending a meeting link. You will be sorted randomly as a part of the process.

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