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Home » Blog » How Purpose-Driven Coaches Will Create a Better World

“Our Purpose is inspiring everyday actions to make the world a better place.”

What keeps you up at night?…. That doesn’t let you sleep, that questions all your decisions?

Is it your dream? Is it your goal? Or is it your purpose?

The world has changed. It has seen its setbacks. The COVID19, climate changes, social injustices, the Russian invasion of Ukraine…these inconceivable conditions made it much harder yet plain to see there is no going back. 

We thought we had survived a VUCA world – Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous – only to discover we’ve entered a BANI state – Brittle, Anxious, Non-linear, and Incomprehensible. So, the role of a coach has become more prominent in today’s world. But not only a coach, but a purpose-driven coach. They are no longer the ones who pull the gold out of you but give you the space to know your untapped potential. So, now the question is how purpose-driven coaches can create a better world. Let’s find out.

Purpose-Driven Coaching

Everyone has the ability to make a positive difference. Purpose brings meaning to life. It gives you the kick to go the extra mile. People and organisations both benefit from having a sense of purpose. People and organisations with a strong sense of purpose can make a positive difference in the world.

Purpose-driven coaching allows you to wake up every day with a sense of purpose, knowing that your contribution is greater than what you accomplish. Not simply beating the clock or quitting an organisation, but your legacy takes priority over anything. It not only stays with you but transcends down to other people like the employees and colleagues in the sphere of influence. 

Being purpose-driven indicates that you have an internal purpose for which you are aware of what you are doing, where you are heading, and who you are leading. This is where a coach helps you, they fill the gap from where you stand to where you want to be.

Principles To Achieve What We Value

This year in the International Coaching Week, Meryl Moritz will join us to explain how can we create a better world. These are a few principles according to her that can help us achieve what we value… 

  • We should promote a purpose-oriented mindset to create a positive impact in the world. 
  • We can imagine a better world and we solve the challenges to achieve it. 
  • We can measure, incentivize and verify to ensure a lasting positive impact on people and the planet. 
  • We can increase profitability by maximizing positive lasting impact. 
  • We can increase the total wealth of the ecosystem through reciprocity. 
  • We should adopt and promote an abundance mindset. 
  • We should increase access to new and existing opportunities by embracing technology.
  • We should take purpose-driven decisions while being conscious that we are accountable to the global ecosystem.
  • We can execute concrete actions to improve our environment.
  • We should foster and encourage others to make them act to improve the world

Remember, problems must be handled by implementing one or more solutions in order to attain purpose-driven goals. You can achieve everything you set your mind to. Just follow a  goal-oriented mindset in order to make a positive difference in the world. Being conscious of and connecting our actions with the motivation that motivates us to behave is what a purpose-driven mentality entails. This encourages us to recognise issues and develop solutions that have a beneficial impact. 

We can definitely visualise a better world and work to overcome the obstacles that stand in our way. Starting with our goals allows us to identify and comprehend the obstacles that must be overcome along the road. We seek out new approaches and welcome change in order to progress.

Coaches must hold the belief that post-traumatic growth is possible for our clients. How can we be catalysts for a reimagined future? By embodying a coaching mindset WHILE evoking awareness in our clients. A scenario, break-out rooms, and a written commitment to act will crystalize is the intent of this session. Register now.

“I believe the values, beliefs and principles articulated in the Purpose Manifesto, if subscribed to, will help make the world a place worth living in, into the future. Coaches can facilitate this like no one else can.  We are ON PURPOSE with whatever we do.” If you like the Manifesto, you can register here.

About The Speaker

Meryl Moritz, MCC is an organizational sociologist, whose coaching draws on her international consulting and management experience. Since 1995, she has served as a global leadership coach and a mentor to purpose-driven startups. Her clients credit her with helping them develop their leadership capacity; build engagement with peers, teams, and stakeholders; and become agile in response to disruption in the marketplace, society, and the world. In 2019, Meryl earned ICF’s Circle of Distinction award and EMCC accredited her as a coach-supervisor. In 2020, Purpose Alliance qualified Meryl as an Exponential Innovator and in 2021, as a Purpose Launchpad Mentor. 

Come, join us for a free webinar experience with Meryl Moritz as an intense master in introducing purpose in our lives. Discover Meryl’s purposeful side during powerful coaching sessions. Register Now.

We thought we had survived a VUCA world – Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous – only to discover we’ve entered a BANI state – Brittle, Anxious, Non-linear, and Incomprehensible. So, the role of a coach has become more prominent in today’s world. But not only a coach, but a purpose-driven coach. They are no longer the ones who pull the gold out of you but give you the space to know your untapped potential. So, now the question is how purpose-driven coaches can create a better world. Let’s find out.