[wpseo_breadcrumb][sc name=”cracking-the-code-to-the-coach-knowledge-assessment-at-the-icw-2020-live-webinar-by-surbhee-singh-10th-may-2020-breadcrumblist”]

Coaching has turned into a $2 billion a year industry. The International Coach Federation (ICF) is the largest coaching association in the world with more than 34,000 members in 145 countries. A study by the ICF shows that over 52 percent of all clients will not hire a coach with no relevant credentials.

For anyone currently participating in an accredited coach training program (ACTP), the Coach Knowledge Assessment (CKA) is the final milestone before achieving your ICF coaching credential. The Coach Knowledge Assessment (CKA) assesses coaches on their understanding of the body of knowledge that includes the ICF definition of coaching, the ICF Core Competencies, and ICF Code of Ethics.

Several of my friends who are coaches are also taking the exam, and a frequently asked question is “How do I prepare for this? How do I ace it?” The ICW 2020 will be your one-stop online platform, for everything you need to know about coaching and leadership development. One such experience offered by the coaching fraternity is the Coach Knowledge Assessment. The CKA shall shatter all your misnomers and perceptions about examinations.

To walk you through the journey of CKA, we’d be having with us, none other than Surbhee Singh, who has tons of experience under her belt, when it comes to coaching individuals for the Coach Knowledge Assessment. Join us for a LIVE webinar with Surbhee Singh, ACC, a professional with close to two decades of corporate experience as a Business Leader, Facilitator, Coach and Speaker. In this webinar, she will share a few best practices to prepare for and pass the ICF Coach Knowledge Assessment. She will cover the background of the need for the exam.  She will clearly lay out what you need to do to prepare for the exam when it comes time for you to write it.

More than just another test or an examination, the CKA is a three-hour journey of a coach, where he or she cuts back to his/her days of sharpening the core competencies, attending live sessions on transformation and development, webinars on ways to apply the acquired skills and much more. To add to the tally, the journey to CKA also deals with sharing feedback of the live demonstrations, experiencing challenges, talking about the outcome often encountered with the clientele and then finally taking the CKA, to give direction to all those hopes and aspirations, you’ve been harboring, until date.

THE ICW 2020 session on CKA will be a one-off free webinar, where, within a span of 90 minutes, we help you understand all that is required to clear the Coaching Knowledge Assessment. Thus, if you’ve been waiting all this while for that one final pep-talk, before you can finally take the test, then the ICW 2020, is where you should be!

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