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Contributions of A Leader

We sometimes confuse leaders by asking them to do a plethora of tasks, including setting the vision, clarifying strategy, defining valued practices, setting priorities, meeting one-on-one, listening, embracing followers’ great ideas, redirecting when necessary, holding staff accountable, managing various personalities, and so on. And the list is very long.

Let’s discuss the contributions of a Leader in various aspects- 

Smooth Flow of Team Dynamics

As part of a project to build, improve, or study a particular feature, technique, or solution, team dynamics is essential. Team dynamics will become more prevalent in all environments. The fact that the outcomes of a cohesive learning team as a whole outweigh the individual results of team members just adds to the importance of the team dynamics principle. Only under the guidance of an outstanding team leader will a good team dynamics completion be achieved.

Resolving unhealthy habits and intervening to promote problem solving and teamwork can be part of coaching and improving team members at times. Problem solving is complex, and not everyone on the team would be pleased. Maintaining healthy team dynamics necessitates seeking a win-win situation with conjugation. (Crow, 1999).

Encourage Employees towards Goals

Leaders, the second important contribution you can make to the company is to motivate employees to work for common goals.

Employees must be able to use their experience and expertise in pursuit of the company’s stated policy and priorities at their own discretion. Positive enthusiasm for one’s job, one’s team and its members, and one’s customers will help an organisation succeed.

Employee motivation can often be about innovation and imagination, but it’s most often about jumping in before being asked and going above and beyond to satisfy a need or solve a problem.

A leader is responsible for dozens, if not hundreds, of different events. We do assume, however, that a leader’s primary contribution – one that requires continuous focus and supervision – is the frequency in which employees apply discretionary resources in the leader’s workplace.

Taking Responsibility 

Since good leadership entails taking responsibility for the group’s well-being, some people will be enraged by your actions and decisions. It’s unavoidable if you’re a good person. Trying to make everybody like you is a sign of mediocrity: you’ll avoid making difficult choices, confronting people who need to be challenged, and giving differential incentives based on differential results because some people may get upset. Ironically, procrastinating on tough decisions, trying not to irritate others, and treating others “nicely” regardless of their efforts would guarantee that the only people you irritate are the organization’s most imaginative and efficient employees.

A two-step barrier environment is fostered by corporate culture. For one thing, they erect so many obstacles to upward contact that the notion of someone lower in the hierarchy seeking assistance from the leader is absurd. Second, asking for support is often viewed as a sign of weakness or failure, so people hide their flaws, and the company suffers as a result.

True leaders make themselves visible and open to their followers. Even as they demand high expectations, they show concern for the efforts and difficulties faced by their subordinates. As a result, they are more likely to foster an atmosphere in which problem analysis takes precedence over blame.

Help Your Team to Attain Work-Life Balance

As a result of the ever-increasing job demands that have come with technological advancements, work-life sustainability is a major concern for of your employees.

Make it clear that the company’s progress is built on a marathon, not a sprint. Although there will always be high-stakes, time-sensitive problems, such as beating a rival to market with a new product, recognise that stamina is the target and that pace is not the best or only measure of long-term success. You should explain this to your team orally, set an example for them, and develop organisational operating principles based on it. It’s important to maintain consistency between what you say and what you do.

According to a study conducted by the University of York and the University of Florida, more than 40% of our creative ideas come when we take breaks or encourage our minds to wander. Tell the team to take breaks when they need to, and remind them that they won’t be able to perform at their best if they don’t decompress.

Take advantage of the opportunity to set a good example. This will have a long lasting effect. Setting and maintaining your own rational boundaries will enable others to do the same. 


Let’s hear it from our founder Gaurav Arora on Contributions of the Leader

Effective leadership necessitates a diverse set of behaviours as well as a strong perspective on a range of issues. Although we all have unique leadership qualities, the ability to adapt our approach is essential for maximum effectiveness. Many who are unable to do all of the above – and more – will undoubtedly struggle in the leadership arena.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the Contributions of a leader?

A leader’s contributions to an organization  are inevitable, they range from coaching to improving the capacity of others. Identifying future needs and opportunities for others.

What is the role of a team leader?

Team leaders play a critical role in inspiring and ensuring the performance of a corporation’s teams. Communication of company goals, safety practises, and expectations with assigned teams is among many of  their responsibilities.

How can a leader help a team attain work-life balance?

Good leaders motivate those around them to strive for excellence. They lead by example for their team, by keeping a healthy work-life balance. Maintaining a direct line between productivity and pressure shows the workers that they are valued and increases  overall job satisfaction.

Define team dynamics?

Team dynamics are the psychological factors that influence the success and actions of your team.

What does a leadership coach do?

An leadership coach is a trained professional who assists individuals  in developing self-awareness, clarifying priorities, achieving growth objectives, unlocking potential, and acting as a sounding board.