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International Coaching Week 2021

Ongoing Learning and Development as a Coach by Nadezhda Mihaylova

The updated Core Coaching Competencies Model of the International Coaching Federation includes a new and profoundly important competency – Embodies a Coaching Mindset. It focuses the attention and responsibility of the coach not only at mastering the skills and toolkits of coaching but also at developing genuine self awareness, and openness, and curiosity to learn about oneself first. It sets the journey of personal growth and development among the highest and utmost important standards of professionalism that guarantees sustainable impact and success of the entire coaching process for each coaching client.

Here’s what to look forward to:

  1. Gain understanding why immersing and fully engaging in personal self-development is one of the most important assets of a coach;
  2. Attain best practices shared by successful coaches on how to mentally and emotionally prepare for sessions to be able to maintain presence no matter what;
  3. Hear insights on how you can use your deep self-awareness and your intuition to benefit clients growth and breakthroughs during sessions;
  4. Experience a self-reflective practice that enhances the coach’s authenticity and personal coaching style in alignment with the professional standards.

Prepare for an honest conversation about ourselves, why we do what we do as coaches and how we may enhance the impact we create by committing to evolve as human beings.

About Nadezhda Mihaylova

Nadezhda is a professional certified coach with the International Coach Federation (ICF PCC) and has more than 20 years of experience in enhancing personal growth and leadership potential. She is a member of the elite international faculty of Erickson Coaching and is a lead facilitator of the renowned programs “The Art & Science of Coaching” and the innovative training series “Parent as Coach”.

Nadezhda’s experience includes 10 years of leading and empowering high performing teams in a highly competitive and benchmark-establishing business. She is adept with various approaches in enabling peak achievements and optimal performance in all areas of life. She attributes her success and happiness to her constant willingness to learn and grow both professionally and as a person.

In 2012, Nadezhda initiated and launched The Art & Science of Coaching Program of Erickson International for the first time in Bulgaria and acted as local organizer of the training for three years. Nadezhda started her coaching journey in Belgrade, Serbia with Erickson Coaching International’s The Art & Science of Coaching.

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