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Leadership Circle

Effect change with an impactful 360° Leadership Assessment
Become a certified LCP practitioner

Session Details


Feb 05 - 10, 2024


6:00 PM - 9:30 PM



Add depth to your coaching conversations with LCP!

Leadership Circle Profile (LCP) is a true breakthrough among 360 degree profiles.
It is the first to connect a well-researched battery of competencies with the
underlying and motivating habits of thought.
It is the only instrument that measures the two primary leadership domains- Creative
Competencies and Reactive Tendencies- and integrates this information so that key
opportunities for leadership development immediately rise to the surface.

A powerful framework for enhancing leadership development and effectiveness, LCP is designed for

  • Leadership Consultants

  • Executive Coaches

  • HR/OD Professionals

  • Leadership Educators & Trainers

Benefits of Certification

  • Leadership Circle Profile Practitioner

  • Authorised to use The Leadership Circle Profile 360-Degree assessment
    tool in your coaching practice

  • Receive one complimentary 360-Degree assessment

  • Get your TLC profile debriefing from TLC lead facilitator and a Master
    Certified Coach (ICF).

  • Earn International Coaching Federation 29.25 CCE Units ( 8 Core
    Competencies; 21.25 Resource Development )

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Get Certified and Join the premier Leadership Circle community of Practitioners!

Success Stories: Hear from our clients

I discovered a little-known and highly valuable inner landscape of my leadership personality.  Experienced a transformative journey with excellent coaches.

Maj Gen Neeraj Bali (Retd.)

Ex- HR Leader & Army Officer and a certified TLC practitioner

Enriching experience among like-minded people which leads to learning from their experience and converges them into your life, culminating into a beautiful learning experience.

Sareena Singh

Coach, Mentor, Social Entrepreneur, ex-RBS Director & Certified TLC Practitioner

LCP is strongly recommended by other peer certified coaches. I agree with them that this is one of the finest leadership development programs. Enhanced my learning and leadership journey.

Megha Khatri

senior director at Bain & Company, Certified TLC Practitioner

Know Your Facilitator

Gaurav Arora, Master Certified Coach, has over fifteen years of rich experience in the professional services industry as a Facilitator, Coach and Speaker, with a strong track record of building high-performing leadership teams. As a facilitator, he has been recognized for creating stimulating and interactive learning environments, encouraging participation and individual creativity. A storyteller by heart, he leverages various methodologies and technique to put his point across and create the breakthrough.

Gaurav Arora

Lead TLCP Facilitator
Master Certified Coach (MCC) from International Coach Federation (ICF)

Get your questions answered, ahead?


I’m already a certified coach. Why should I get a The Leadership Circle (TLC) certification?

The TLC Certification is an advanced certification and is primarily for those who are already practicing coaches. It’s mandatory for you to be a practicing Coach before you show up for this workshop. The certification provides a deeper understanding of the reactive tendencies, creative competencies and their impact on Business performance. We see a direct correlation between the business performance and how a shift in any one creative competency can impact the leadership capabilities of an individual. The Certification will provide you an even deeper understanding of human behaviour and what supports leaders to be the best version of themselves by working on one or two competencies.

Why is the Universal Model important to leaders in making?

The Leadership Circle Profile (LCP) is a leadership assessment that measures and provides leaders feedback through the lens of the Universal Model. It is the only instrument that measures the two primary leadership domains – Creative Competencies and Reactive Tendencies – and integrates this information so that key opportunities for leadership development immediately rise to the surface.

Will I receive Coach Continuous Education units (CCE) from ICF?

Yes. You will be granted 29.25 CCE units upon completion of The Leadership Circle Profile.

Is the Leadership Circle Profile statistically valid?

Yes. Extensive psychometric analysis over a six-years period has gone into the development of the Leadership Circle Profile. It is statistically valid in every way that validity is measured.

Where did you come up with the particular leadership competencies you measure?

Extensive research of the major streams of leadership and psychology literature over the last century. There is broad agreement on the stance and the competencies that give rise to effective leadership.

Will you tell me who gave me which scores?

No. The feedback provided is completely confidential. We take this very seriously. So seriously, in fact, that we do not report-out scores from any breakout group if less than 3 people provide data. There is only one exception—your boss. Your boss’ job is to develop you and giving feedback is part of that responsibility. You will receive feedback directly from your boss and anyone you specify as your boss’s boss. All other scores will be reported as group averages and you will not know who said what.

If I’m going to have my entire management team complete Leadership Circle Profiles on each other, won’t we overload each of us with requests for feedback?

Each profile takes about 15 to 20 minutes to complete. If you have 10 members of your team requesting feedback, you will spend a little over three hours completing the profiles. For busy people, this is a lot of time. To help with this we have designed the survey taking process whereby, if you do not have time to finish at one sitting, you can come back and pick up where you left off. This allows maximum flexibility in completing profiles. Providing good feedback is one of a manager’s most important jobs. Leadership Circle Profile helps you do this well.

Can we use this profile as part of our performance appraisal process?

No. The Leadership Circle Profile is designed to catalyze developmental learning. Because this tool measures internal beliefs structures and therefore produces more powerful and vulnerable information, treating the results confidentially is of highest priority. Furthermore, the Leadership Circle Profile measures leadership abilities and is not designed to measure the kind of on-the-job performance that is tracked in a performance review process. We do recommend that the participating manager seek-out feedback about their results and that he/she include what they have been learning from the Profile in conversations with the boss.

How is The Leadership Circle Profile better than other leadership programs available in the market?

All good 360 tools use normative comparisons but do not use percentile scores. The other tools generally compare to the mean and may report a standard deviation. This gives the manager some sense of how they compare. TLC uses percentile scores because they facilitate a more accurate interpretation of the true meaning in the data.

None of the 360 tools are built around a developmental framework. They are behaviorally based and simply provide feedback on behavior. The LCP is theoretically dense and integrates many of the best frameworks from leadership, psychological, and spiritual development. It represents the first comprehensive and unifying theory of leadership development that exists in the field. The LCP can therefore meet the client on multiple layers of depth and allows the coach/consultant to draw on a multitude of frameworks to facilitate a breakthrough.

The LCP is designed to measure both behaviour and thinking. The LCP is the only 360 that measure both Creative (key) Competencies and Reactive Tendencies.

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