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Home » Blog » An Era of Artificial Intelligence & Coaching Webinar By Brian- T. Lenahan, Digital Coach – 7th May 2020, ICW2020

It is only just, that we tend to evolve, with the evolution of technology. With the major corporate houses going online with their businesses, it has become just more than mandatory, to stay abreast with the technological advancements happening across the globe. One such development that has taken the world by storm, is the introduction of Artificial Intelligence. Not only has AI changed the way we the world has been conducting its business proceedings, but it has also affected, the way we feel and respond towards the ecosystem around us. Brian. T. Lenahan, has been one such individual, who has been able to ascertain the evolution of AI, from close quarters. We are fortunate privileged, to have him with us on our panel, for the ICW 2020.

The role of AI in the coaching industry, is one that cannot be undermined. If trained properly, the AI assistant can be as effective as a traditional coach, create learning lessons, set compelling goals and support the human coach, in ways more than one. However, all of it mostly depends on the how immaculately are we able to train the AI assistant to do, what it has been designed for! While many out there are still questioning the authority of the human coach, it is to be understood, that an AI is just a machine made to follow instructions, that are set by the human coach. An AI assistant without a human coach, is as good as a defunct robot. To know more about more about the role of AI in the coaching industry, you can visit our blog role of AI in coaching and leadership development.

To help you understand better, we can further divide the role of AI into rule-based AI and machine learning AI. The rule-based system can be used as a calibrated assessment tool. This means that AI assistant is just made to follows rules that have been written down by an expert coach. For instance, the client or the user shall be able to schedule their online learning session, depending upon their occupancy. The function merely tends to work like push-notifications that we have on our mobile phones.

On the flipside, the machine learning AI is tailor-made to provide 360-degree solutions to the clients, based on their developments and learnings in coaching. Each client gets a different solution; thereby helping him/her to achieve desirable results. According to reports, the AI industry is currently working on the third kind of e-learning, where, through a set of improvised algorithms, the individual will be able to rehearse, their newly acquired skills, before showcasing them on a public platform. The effectiveness of this kind of automated learning in the coaching fraternity, still remains to be gauged.

Brian T. Lenahan, who has been an expert digital coach and a technical lead for maintenance programs for more than two decades now, shall be discussing about ways and measures to generate a unique learning experience for the coaching industry. In addition, at the ICW 2020, we shall be witnessing the practical applications of the AI, that are already being deployed by the coaching industry. Least to say, the ICW 2020, isn’t just going to be another free webinar, inundated with long and tedious orations. In fact, this will be a one-off webinar, for all those who wish to sharpen their finesse, by learning about ways to do so. Come, be a part of one of the most-awaited webinars of 2020, the International Coaching Week, from the 5th May-10th May.

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