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Home » Blog » The Power Map for Prioritising Your Purpose

Like any usual weekday, I opened my laptop today.

I looked at the list of tasks for the day.

I am not a perfect person. I will admit I had few pending ones too. 

So I sat down to decide what I should do first. Everything seemed top priority. 

I tended to my senior on how to sort my day. 

The only thing that I still remember from the conversation were the words Prioritise Your Purpose! It is not the daily increase, but it is about the daily decrease. 

Hour by hour, day by day, week by week, month by month and year by year, we are always stacking up our tasks based on how urgently they require our attention. This exercise is called to prioritise. Let’s proceed with more elaboration.

There is a light at the end of the tunnel, but you may need help finding it before you can see it. Learning the how, what, when, and why of prioritisation is the first step to helping you find your way.

What is the definition of Prioritising?

As a notion, it entails sorting; as a procedure, it involves analysing a group of objects and prioritising them according to their value or urgency.

The trick is to determine which tasks are critical to complete and which are urgent. Often, we assume we accomplish things simply by being busy. The reality is that being busy tends to amass an increasing amount of labour, most of which may be completely irrelevant to the results on which we should be concentrating our efforts. Worse, without a well-thought-out strategy, we can procrastinate on actually critical activities until they escalate into a crisis, causing us to abandon everything else and ‘put out the fire’ in panic mode. This is not only an unpleasant way to conduct business; it is also untidy and unprofessional.

What Did We Learn Wrong About Prioritising

There has been a misconception about understanding the priorities. 

Numerous pieces of advise on how to prioritise work recommend categorising all your chores as A, B, or C or using some other number/letter system.


Why? Because it’s difficult to push yourself to complete C activities — they simply don’t seem important. In any case, if left unattended for an extended period of time, those C tasks have a nasty habit of becoming urgent issues.

If anything is on your list, it is there for a reason.

Rather of that, begin by prioritising those tasks that have a deadline, especially if item on your list is due today or tomorrow.

When it comes to attaining goals, nothing beats prioritising. Here are five strategies for mastering prioritising and maximising your productivity.

Prioritisation Is an Art – Here Are 5 Ways to Master It

1. Establish a timeline and adhere to it

Generally, prioritising entails organising distinct items according to their importance. For instance, tasks must be structured. The more significant ones gradually piled on top of the weaker ones. As a result, a hierarchy of duties is created. That is the concept of prioritisation.

By including a timeline, you add complexity and functionality. You can utilise this framework to ensure that you complete tasks on time. That is an excellent method for meeting and exceeding deadlines.

Prioritisation, on the other hand, can also entail organising items according to their causal consequences. Certain objects are more critical since they enable you to progress. While you may have a hectic day at work, you must first address the issue of getting there. Certain tasks, no matter how little, laborious, or easy, have inherent priority. As a result, you have this entire situation to ponder. Where should you begin? And finally, what should come last.

2. Maintain your to-do lists

Priorities are not always the place to begin. Quite frequently, the most critical item on your list will be near the bottom. As a result, you create lists. After all, we’ve all heard the term “priorities list.” This is because many believe that prioritising is all about creating lists. Even though to-do lists will never function independently.

Indeed, some argue that to-do lists are an excellent tool for procrastination. At the very least when you don’t back them up with action. They can be an excellent method to strategically plan your day. However, there is more to this. Lists assist you in comprehending all aspects of your situation. Additionally, they, like mind maps, provide an unrehearsed freedom. One that translates into your creativity and problem-solving abilities.

It’s critical to understand that lists are not the foundation of prioritising. Neither are mind maps or similar technologies. True prioritisation is a method of accomplishing tasks. Additionally, you can implement proper prioritising by adhering to a few fundamental rules.

3. Make a reverse plan

You could believe that beforehand preparation entails starting with the most important task first. Generally, however, you should prioritise what comes last. For instance, if you’re on a journey, the destination is the end-game. You should take your initial step with a clear picture of your eventual destination in mind. Nonetheless, you may occasionally deviate from your “A to B” course. There may be a reason why you should proceed to another point. After all, deviating from the established path can frequently pay off.

Consider it another way. You cannot reasonably expect the same behaviours to produce different consequences. However, you can anticipate various consequences if you take a different path. Or, alternatively, better outcomes by deviating from the usual path. Prioritisation is not about arriving at a specific destination in a specific time frame.

Rather than specifying where you should go, it is necessary to define where you should arrive. The distinction, however imperceptible, is in the attitude. As a result, you should begin with an ultimate goal in mind. It has become very stereotyped in recent years. Let’s spend some time reverse engineering it.

In reverse, planning entails considering your objectives. And that always entails considering the next step. Indeed, this is another method of being productive and avoiding burnout. If your strategy is to accomplish goal X, you should consider what follows next. Simply so you can address the subsequent logical progression. Because if you fail to consider the following step, your plan will fall short of expectations. This enables you to manage your work time effectively. Finally, prioritising ensures that you understand what you need to accomplish and where to focus your efforts. However, you cannot accomplish this without first creating goals.

4. Define your objectives

You’re quite clear about your objectives. And you’ve decided what you’re going to do next. By this point, you’ve determined your next move and are in the proper gear. It’s past time to accomplish that goal.

Now, break down that monumental achievement into strategic phases. That, my friends, is goal setting 101. Determine the highest-priority elements that support your primary objective. It is what you must complete, in the proper sequence. It now makes sense as well.

Prioritisation is all about establishing objectives. That is because goal setting is effective. It aids in the fight against workplace weariness. Knowing what you’re attempting to accomplish enables you to focus your efforts more effectively. In practise, this also enables you to avoid distractions and do more work. Prioritisation, in the end, is a matter of capability.

5. Implement an engagement strategy

Prioritisation is automation of self-motivated work. You can stack tasks, establish objectives, and then fragment them. Each little is doable, and you can persevere and complete them all. Why? Because the appropriate level of motivation enables it.

Nothing is impossible. Simply as long as you have the proper motivation and understand how to prioritise. However, motivation is difficult to come by. The majority of people believe that prioritising is sufficient in and of itself. It is rarely the case. Indeed, having the motivation to persevere involves inner motivation. Additionally, this extends to and can be applied to.

Consider using micro-goals to gamify labour focused on specific objectives. These are self-contained while remaining functioning. They’re the upper limit on what you can do in a single session while still adding value to the project. For instance, completing a report. Or by sending an email. Anything is possible in a relatively short period of time. Now, reward yourself with a tiny token.

Personalization in its simplest form entails the existence of tasks and rewards. Additionally, completing sets of chores unlocks additional difficulties. After all, this is reverse prioritisation. Additionally, you may construct layers upon layers of amazing complexity.

Finally, examine the facts. Prioritisation entails being pragmatic with your time. And being astute with your work is a good notion in today’s world. With automating your priorities on the way, understanding what to concentrate on is more critical than knowing how to concentrate.

Quotes About Priorities

At xMonks, we like quoting now and then. It keeps up a good morale. Here are some ready to copy quotes about priorities for you. 

  1. “To change your life, you need to change your priorities.” Mark Twain
  2. “Think of your priorities not in terms of what activities you do, but when you do them. Timing is everything.” Dan Millman
  3. “I’m starting to judge success by the time I have for myself, the time I spend with family and friends. My priorities aren’t amending – they’re shifting.” Brendan Fraser
  4. “Priorities over conveniences.” Jatain Neha
  5. “Good things happen when you set your priorities straight.” Scott Caan
  6. “Your decisions reveal your priorities.” Jeff Van Gundy
  7. “Schedule your priorities.” Stephen Covey
  8. “Your priorities are your character.” Anonymous
  9. “The first step to success is knowing your priorities.” Aspesh
  10. “Wise are those who learn that the bottom line doesn’t always have to be their top priority.” William Arthur Ward

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the definition of priorities?

Sorting is involved; as a method, it comprises analysing a group of things and prioritising them based on their value or urgency. The difficulty is to figure out which activities are essential and which are urgent. We frequently believe that simply being busy allows us to accomplish things

What is meant by priorities in an actual sense?

In its most basic form, personalization includes the existence of tasks and rewards. Completing certain sets of chores also unlocks new challenges. This is, after all, reverse prioritisation. You can also build layers upon layers of incredible complexity. Finally, have a look at the facts. Prioritization means using your time wisely. In today’s world, being observant with your work is a good idea. Understanding what to concentrate on is more important than learning how to concentrate when you’re automating your priorities along the way.

How to prioritise your goals and purpose?

Here are the 5 ways to master the art of prioritisation:

  • Establish a timeline and adhere to it
  • Maintain your to-do lists
  • Make a reverse plan
  • Define your objectives
  • Implement an engagement strategy

What are some of the popular quotes about priorities?

“Priorities over conveniences.” Jatain Neha

“Good things happen when you set your priorities straight.” Scott Caan

“Your decisions reveal your priorities.” Jeff Van Gundy

“Schedule your priorities.” Stephen Covey

“Your priorities are your character.” Anonymous

“The first step to success is knowing your priorities.” Aspesh

What have we learned wrong about prioritising?

Several pieces of advice on how to prioritise work include categorising all of your responsibilities as A, B, or C, or utilising another number/letter system. Don’t. Because it’s difficult to motivate yourself to do C activities because they don’t appear to be vital. In any case, those C activities have a horrible knack of becoming urgent issues if left neglected for an extended period of time.