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The Power of Visualisation in Coaching

“Winners in life visualize their success and look forward to reaping and enjoying the rewards of their accomplishments. They revel in their hard-earned victory, and that reinforces their superior level of self-confidence.”

― Lorii Myers, No Excuses

Visualisation : Daydreaming with Purpose

Nothing can be accomplished without vision. Consider someone who is unaware of what he wants in life, someone who is confused and perplexed. It’s self-evident that he’ll never be able to do whatever it is he wants. Isn’t it obvious?

Visualization can be used in coaching to help clients identify, envision, and accomplish their goals. Visualization is a strong tool in a coach’s toolbox, whether it’s through the development of a vision board or making the client write a concise outline of their ideal life.

Visualisation isn’t just for accomplished celebrities and elite athletes. According to a TD Bank study cited by Forbes, people who visualise their financial and company goals are more likely to achieve them than those who don’t. 76 percent of business owners who used visualisation in the development of their company said their company is now where they imagined it would be.

The brain can’t tell the difference between what you’ve actually done and what you’ve thought long and hard about or imagined yourself doing. You are the only one who knows that hasn’t happened yet. However, visualising yourself achieving your goal and doing what you want to do is equivalent to preparing the brain to actually do it, which would most definitely contribute to the desired outcome.

Visualisation in Coaching

Visualization is concerned with the relationship between mind and matter. It claims that one’s mind would triumph over one’s physicality. It’s all about putting the mind and body together to accomplish one’s objectives. It’s all about educating the body to act naturally and unconsciously in the way your mind has learned it to act over time via several visualisation sessions. It takes more than one session to achieve good visualisation. It’s only possible after a lot of work.

With visualisation, the client chooses the target on which to concentrate. The client can concentrate all of their efforts on achieving one target by choosing one to focus on. The method of visualisation that works best for each client will be different. Vision boards and written visualisation are two of the most common visualisation techniques that a coach can employ.

Here are three reasons as to why visualisation is a powerful tool.

1) It trains your mind’s reticular triggering mechanism to start accepting something that can help you accomplish your objectives into your consciousness.

2) It encourages your subconscious mind to produce ideas for achieving your objectives.

3) It boosts morale to new heights. You’ll begin to note that you’re doing things that are unintentionally leading you to your objectives.

When someone repeats thoughts over and over, those thoughts become imprinted in their subconscious. Following that, their brain is taught to transmit signals to the body to behave in accordance with their thoughts. Visualization takes certain reflections out of the subconscious and into the world of consciousness.